
Chapter Four: Ana's Dreams; What The Hell Woman

Ezra left the room and went straight to his office. Peter had been doing most of his paperwork and running the Pack while he was gone. He needed to catch up on the pack business and the schedules for the workers. He hadn't lied at the worthless pack, their were no Omegas in his pack he had no use for them. So he never had any in his pack. The blackhearted whore who had killed his father was an Omega. They were decitful little creatures. He was not tying himself to one of those disgusting bitches.

Ana was sitting on her bed listening to Damon while he was telling her goodbye. He was going to join another pack. He said he found his mate there. He had gone to ask the Alpha for permissin to leave but he said no. He told her that she was the Beta female so he had to be the one to change packs. She was crying so Damon hugged her to calm her. Just as he rapped his arms around her back the room door burst open, Darien stormed in, raging mad.

Darien gabbed Damon's arm snaching him away from Ana.

" She is mine!" He yelled in Damon's face.

There was a knife on her side table where she had eaten her dinner alone as she did every year on her birthday. Aaliyah had taken control after Darien had burst into the room, quickly knocking Ana out. Making sure she retained the memory of Damon hugging her and telling her goodbye. He was like a brother to them, and they loved him as such. She would not however remember anything else that happened. Darien grabbed the knife plunging it into Damon over and over yelling at him.

" She is mine. She is mine...." He kept yelling it. The man was crazy Aaliyah thought to herself.

" See Ana see what you make me do? You make me crazy, Lyle too. You can't go around flirting with the pack warriors." He said to her. He would be 18 tomorrow night and he was going to claim his mate, he was going to claim Ana.

" You are not allowed to speak of this. He left the pack on his own if anyone asked. Do you understand?" He commanded her.

" Yes Darien. I will say nothing?" Aaliyah told him.

Darien left the room with Damon over his shoulder. Whisleing a tune. Aaliyah layed on the bed and started to cry, then giving Ana control back.

Ana got out of the bed in the room she was giving at the Silver Creasent Moon Pack still sleeping she walked into the bathroom. She grabbed the razor from the shower busting it so she could get to the blade inside. Dragging it down her arms and legs she began to scream. Blood pouring from her.

Ezra was in his office going over the bills and ledgers for his pack when he smelled the sent of blood, and heard the most broken scream he had ever heard in his life. The sent of blood was strong and familier, it was Ana's blood. He stood running from his office to her room. Slaming open the door he saw Charlotte rapping Ana's arms, while she fought to be let go.

" I can't feel the wounds, I need to know why they do not hurt. I see the blood but I can't feel the wounds." She kept saying. Her eyes glassed over.

Ezra knew she was sleeping, the woman was mutilating herself in her sleep.

" Alpha I heard her scream and ran in. I found her sitting on the floor cutting herself. I am trying to get her treated but she is fighting me." Charlotte said almost frantic.

Ezra went over and held Ana down for the Doctor to bandage her bleeding flesh.

" I am going to sedate her Alpha. It will hurt her because it contains like 10% Wolfs Ban. It won't hurt her, hurt her but it will sting going in though, But she will stop fighting and hopefully come out of this dream state she is trapped in." Charlotte explained.

" Okay, I will continue to hold her down." Ezra commited.

Charlotte loaded the needle and injected it in the IV she had managed to start. Ana didn't even flinch, she should be screaming. Well that just proves that she is wolfless then. Ana fell silent looking off into no where. Charlotte finished wrapping her wounds with a concerned look on her face as she looked up at Ezra.

" Alpha what has this child been through?" She asked worriedly.

" I don't know. I have spoken to her very little since I pulled her from that lake. She tried to drown herself. I mean at first I thought she just wanted a swim. But when she didn't surface, I knew she couldn't swim. Then I thought she fell in being she was running so fast she wasn't paying attention, she didn't know I was following her. She just ran right off the dock into the water. I know now she was trying to drown herself, I also know if she knew I was following her she didn't care if I was a threat or not. She was probably hoping I was a threat to her." Ezra said angerly.

" Ezra she will have to be put on suicide watch. She is activly tring to hurt herself, even in a dream like state. She will succeed if not watched closely." Charlotte told him all doctor now, no trace of the aunt he loved. She was Dr. Charlotte Black and no one argues with her.

" I will see that she is put under guard. I promise she will not be left alone." Ezra told her.

" I think I should put her in the hospital, maybe restrain her?" She stated almost to herself.

" No, we do not know what she has been through, the restraints might worsen her condition." Ezra said. Agreeing Charlotte left the room.

" Ezra, she is not safe to be alone. We can not reject her and send her on her way once her body heals like we planned. She will leave our pack and kill herself. We will not be there to save her if we allow her to leave." Maddox told his fuming human.

" Yes I am aware of that fact Maddox, what are we going to do. The full moon comes in a week?" Ezra said.

" Peter and Alex can lock her away from us. They can't tell you where they take her, for obvious reasons." Maddox told Ezra.

" I know. But you will hurt them to get the information and you know it, and... so do they." Ezra said.

" Alex come to my mates room, and bring Peter please." Ezra told his Gamma through the mind link.

" Yes Alpha, just give us ten min..."

" No, now whatever you are doing can wait." Ezra said forcing the command.

Now both of those men could ignore it if they chose to but knew it would get their asses kicked. So they headed to the fourth floor, the Alpha floor.

Entering the room the two men took in the sight before them. Ana was laying on the bed seeming to be asleep, but covered in bandages.

" Alpha what has happened to her?" Peter asked shocked, but hoping his Alpha had not done this.

" Charlotte found her mutilating herself while sleep walking." He told them plainly.

" I want you two to pick five of the 13 and have them gaurd her at all times. She is not to be left alone. If they ask who she is, Peter you are to tell them she is your cousin. Explain that Alex and I found her wandering around one of the packs we went to visit last week, her parents had been killed in an attack on their pack but she excaped. Whatever you add to that is up to you." Ezra said.

" Alpha, seven of the 13 are in the Red Dawn Pack, that leaves six here sir. If we pull five of them that will leave only one to portect your family." Peter told him.

Shit he'd forgotten Alex sent seven of his fighters to that worthless ass pack.

" Fine, pull two of them, and three warriors off patrols. Peter explain she is a danger to herself and since she is your family she is family. This is the reason she is getting guarded by members of 13 as well and you have my permission to add them to her watch detail. Understood?" Ezra explained everything to them so there would be no mistakes or arguements.

" Also, no one is to know who she is to me. The only ones who know are you two. Aunt Charlotte doesn't even know." He told them.

" Yes Alpha. Are we to keep watch over her as well?" Alex asked.

" If need be then yes, you, Peter and I will watch when her guards need a rest of if something comes up where they are needed elsewhere." Ezra said.

" Also the full moon is in a week. I need the two of you to make arrangements for Ana. She is my mate as you both know. What you do not know is she is wolfless and an Omega. Maddox will distory her if he sees her while in that state of mind. Make sure you don't tell me where you have put her and make sure you take Charlotte with you. I will leave the arrangements up to you, just make sure I can't smell her." Ezra said. He knew both men would die for him, he also knew they would take a beating before they told Maddox where his Little Wolf was hidden. His little wolf, what the fuck was that about.

With that the two men left the room to put together a guard detail for Ana, and to make a plan for the full moon that was fast approching them.

Ezra sat on the bed looking at the woman sleeping there. He was going to have to talk to her about what the fuck happened to her in that shit hole he found her in.

" Anabella." Ezra whispered aloud. What was he going to do about her now. He couldn't just send her out into the world unprotected. He also couldn't keep her and run the risk of developing feelings between the two of them as the bond grew. He'd have to do something to force her hatrid.

She was beautiful even covered in bruises and bandages. Maddox had said he'd senced no wolf in her but that there was something else about her that day he couldn't place. Ezra's phone rang pulling him from his thoughts. Looking at the name displayed on the screen he answered immedeately.

" Hello Aaron. What is it?" Ezra asked.

" Alpha, I have a whole file in my position on the girl you found here. Alex called me and told me who I was looking for the information on. Alpha I think you really did find her." Aaron said.

" What do you mean you think I really did find her?" Ezra asked him.

" I am getting everyone togther to leave here soon. I also spoke to the Luna in waiting. I asked her if she knew the girl. She said that she did but before I could ask her anymore the woman disappeared." Aaron told him.

" Aaron is the attic window repaired." Ezra asked.

" Yes Alpha, they were working on it when we arrived at the pack yesterday. Alpha it is also barred." He told him. " I remember because I thought it starange." he added.

" Its not when you are locking people in it. Get my men and get home I want that file. Aaron I want you all on that plane tonight heavey one Luna in waiting. I don't care how you do it but get that woman out of that attic." Ezra told him hanging up the phone angry now.

What the fuck is going on in that pack. He had to find out. He also knew that is where his mate had been kept, being she jumped from that very fucking window. That had to be her only way out so she took her chances and jumped. With the window barred Cheyenne wouldn't have even that as an option. He was going kill that entire fucking pack, it was just a matter of when.

Ana awoke slowly, blinking her eyes against the light in the room. It wasn't sunlight tough so it must be dark outside. She didn't know what time it was, hell she didn't even know what day it was. Looking around the room she noticed Ezra laying on the couch. He was as before clad in nothing but pants. He was handsome and he was her mate, but he had told her that he wanted nothing to do with her. So why was he helping her? She saw him stir on the couch and closed her eyes back quickly.

" I don't think so Little Wolf. I know you are awake. I felt it the minute you regained conciousness." Ezra said chuckling.

Sighing Ana opened her eyes, looking at the God like man walking toward her.

" What is it you want Alpha?" Ana asked.

" I want to know what happened to you in that pack?" Ezra asked.

" Its my problem Alpha, not yours. I will be fine. I would like to get on with getting rejected, so I can be on my way Sir." Ana told him.

" You are not well enough. And you tryed to kill yourself last night. I have a feeling it wasn't the first time neither. Why Little Wolf, why would you?" He asked, his voice sounded broken a bit, like it cracked. He winced at her words of being rejected. He didn't know why it did. He was fully intending to reject her but her willingness to be rejected was painful to him.

Ana held her breath a minute then let it out deciding it wouldn't hurt her if she told him what he wanted to know. Well at least some of it. She should just close her eyes again and sleep ignoring him altogether. But what the hell, he'd asked for it.

" Alpha, I have not tried to kill myself before in my life. The first time was the day I jumped out of the window in my pack house." Ana said flatly.

" Yes well that was fucking stupid Little Wolf. Then you jumped into a lake refusing to surface." Ezra remarked.

" I was not refusing, I just couldn't." Ana snapped back at him.

" You jumped in on purpose didn't you? You wanted to kill yourself even then. You have not even lived and you want to die?" Ezra was talking to her like she was a piece of glass he could break with sound alone. His voice lower than a whisper.

" Alpha I have lived as long as I need to. I know what I am to everyone. My best friend imprisoned me and my mate is rejecting me. My life is worthless, why would I want to continue on if living is causing everyone such discomfort that they treat me as they have. You are rejecting me without even knowing me, instead you say " I don't want a mate" so where does that leave me Alpha. It leaves me to believe that my life is unimportant to anyone including my own mate. Why do you care anyway, its not like you want me to live." Ana said looking him right in eyes.

Ezra flinched a little at her words. She was right he didn't want a mate, couldn't have one even if he did. He was not a good person, he had a hell of a lot blood on his hands. He knew what he was, she on the other hand had no idea.

" Little Wolf, just because I don't want a mate doesn't mean I want you dead. I will allow no harm to come to you if I can help it. Even after we reject each other I will know if you are hurt. I will know because I will watch. You are my mate and I am not going to allow another to harm you." Ezra said.

" I am going to get you some food. You will need to walk with me. I still want to know what happened to you in that pack." Ezra said

" I am not hungry, but what you wanted to know is not going to help eathier of us." Ana said.

" I won't push you, but you will tell me eventually Little Wolf. For now maybe you should rest some more." Ezra said. Getting up and heading back to her couch.

Ana rolled over closing her eyes. Aaliyah had been silent in her head the whole time Ezra was talking to them.

" Aaliyah, are you alright?" Ana asked her wolf.

" Yes, I am fine my sweet. I needed a little rest." she said.

" Where you present for the dream I had? What was that? Damon left the pack to be with his mate, didn't he? Did I block out part of that memory?" Ana asked.

" No Ana, I did, Damon was murdered right before our eyes. Darien thought he loved us and that we loved him too. So he killed him because he was jellous. I am sorry I was trying to protect you. You must understand Ana I am here to keep you safe." Aaliyah explained.

" So he is dead?" Ana asked sobbing now.

" Ana what is the matter are you in pain?" Ezra asked. He had smelled the saltiness of her tears. Thinking her wounds were hurting he decided to see if she would answer him. She didn't.

Ezra watched over his mate the rest of the night trading with Charlotte when she came in to check on her.

Ezra rubbed his eyes, he'd been taking the night shift watching over Ana for the last five days. It was exhausting working all day and staring at the beauty that was his mate all night, just to keep her from doing something stupid.

" Alpha, I am going to pack the Little Wolf and take her away today. I just wanted you to be aware that she will be leaving and I am not going to say when. You will need to explain to her very soon that she is to leave with me. I don't want to scare her by just taking her." Peter said.

" Why are you taking my mate away today Peter?" Ezra asked his eyes flashing from brown to black.

" Its the full moon tomorrow Alpha." Peter said.

" Yes of course, Sorry I have lost all track of time. I will go and speak to her now." Ezra said.

" Alpha please be careful." Peter said. He didn't have to say what for. He knew his Beta was telling him not to hurt anyone when the moon took him.

Ezra nodded and left the office. Aaron and the others had gotten back yesterday but where picked up at the airport by the kings jet. They will be back in a week. It pisses me off when that asshole just shanghis my men like that. Well he is the king after all, what was he to do? Oh well, I'll flip him off later he decided as he entered Anas' room.

Ana was sitting in the floor with a piece of glass about to lay herself open once more. She looked up at Ezra when he entrered the room.

" What the Hell woman?" What the the fuck do you think your doing?" Ezra exclaimed.

" Well Alpha I am trying To Ki...." Ana stopped talking as soon as she heard him growl.

Ezra growled at her noticing she was awake and fully allert. She was intentionally trying to hurt herself, again. To top that she was about to tell him she was going to kill herself. He couldn't hear her say it so he growled at her.

" Where is charlotte?" He asked.

" I told her that I was thirsty. She went to the kitchen." Ana replied.

" So you lied to get her outta the room?" he asked her.

" Well aren't you a genius?" Ana smarted back at him.

" Why won't you just let me go, that way you won't have to watch?" Ana asked.

" I am not going to have to watch Little Wolf." You are going with Peter and Charlotte today." He told her now pissed off.

" Awesome. Now you won't be around to stop me next time." Ana stated.

Ezra had already fixed that little problem. He had mind linked Charlotte and told her to bring the straight jacket back with her.

" I will see that you do not harm yourself Little Wolf." Ezra said. Smirking as he heard the bedroom door open.

" Alpha I have what you asked for. May I ask way you needed it?" Charlotte ask.

" No hand it here and don't watch." Ezra said allowing Maddox to come forward.

Eyes Black as soot Maddox approched his little mate, holding the jacket in his hands.

" What do you think you are doing?" Ana asked she wasn't looking at his eyes though she was looking at his hands.

" Are you going to behave Little Wolf Or is this going to be hard for me?" Maddox asked in a voice that was gruffer and deeper than Ezras' that is when she realized it wasn't Ezra but the Alpha Wolf of this pack.

" Who are you?" Ana asked her voice trembling a little.

" I am Maddox, Ezra is my human though you know this already, you should also know that he is a pup compaired to me. I will force you to behave. Hurting you is not an issue for me. Do you understand?" Maddox said.

" Yes Alpha. I understand. I am not one to make life easier for others." Ana said.

" Very well then." Maddox was on her in half a second, pinning her down and tieing her up in that straight jacket.

Well she'd give him one thing he was fast and strong, well that was two things, who cares. Ana was pissed, Maddox got off her, stood glaring at Charlotte.

" That is to stay on her until you return here and I remove it myself. Do you understand Dr. Black?" Maddox said pushing his aura over her.

Charlotte dropping to her knees struggled to say ," Yes, Alpha."

Charlotte knew he didn't mean to hurt her, he was angry about the girl. So she let it go until next time, she knew there would be a next time, there always was.

Ana staired at the Alpha as he commanded his pack doctor to leave her tressed up until they all return from where ever the hell they were going. He couldn't do that. She'd never excape like this. What about bathing she can't wash like this neither.

" Hey Fuck you buddy, I am not staying in this thing for goddess only knows how long. You can't command that doctor to leave it on me. You are not my Alpha nor my Mate." Ana yelled at him.

" I can and I did." Maddox said leaving the room.

It had hurt him when she said those last words at him. Why though, she is nothing to him.