
Chapter Eleven: Maddoxs' Mate

It had been three days of the Luna's guard. Ana was cleaning the pack house, scrubbing the floor in the fourier and bathrooms tailed by seven people at all times.

" How many bathrooms and bedrooms does one house really need." Ana said aloud to no one in particular.

" Well Luna the large pack house is to accommodate visiting packs and such." Sabri said, smiling at her new charge and Luna.

" Sabri I have been here for half a year and there have been no visitors. Not one." Ana said.

" Yes, well wait until we have the Luna ceremony that will change." Sabri said smiling.

" Oooh." Ana said glad that she was scrubbing everything.

" Luna, have you packed for later this afternoon ma'am." Sabri asked her.

" Are we going on a trip?" Ana asked.

" Yes, Luna the full moon is tomorrow and we are charged with your safety. The Alpha wants you, Doc. Charlotte and Ms. Kerrieanne off this island." Sabri said plainly as if it was obvious, looking at the Luna like she might be a bit dense.

" I am not leaving my mate Sab." Ana stated.

" Luna you must. Maddox will be crazed. Ezra has mated with you. He will want you dead now more than ever. You have been told these things by the Alpha himself." Sabri told her.

" Yes, I am aware." Ana said rolling her eyes.

" I am still not going." Ana said with force in her tone.

" Yes Luna." Sabri said bowing her head in submission.

" I'm sorry Sab. I didn't mean to put my force in my tone. Please forgive me." Ana said to her guard.

" It's ok Luna. I am going to talk to Aaron about what we can do to protect you here." Sabri said smiling so Ana would know there were no hard feelings between them.

" Aaron!" Sabri yell linked him.

" What is it Sabri!" Aaron shouted back through the link.

" We need to talk about the Luna's safety plan for tomorrow. Meet me at the Alpha's office please." Sabri said.

Sabrianna waited outside the Alpha's office as Aaron rounded the end of the hall. Ezra pulled the door open looking at Sab with accusing eyes.

" Sab, you are suppose to be with the Luna keeping her from doing anything harmful to herself. She is still regaining her memories and some of them are hard and painful." Ezra said. Looking in the direction Sab was just as he opened the door. He saw Aaron approaching them then.

" What the fuck is going on here. Why is my Luna's guard not guarding my Luna?" Ezra shouted.

" Alpha we need to talk about the Luna and her decisions." Sabri said.

" She is making her own decisions Sab not me so what is there to talk about?" Ezra asked.

" She is refusing to comply with her safety plan for the full moon Alpha?" Sabri said.

Sighing Ezra fully opened the door to his office, letting in the two Guard members.

" What is it she is refusing. No wait let me guess. She isn't willing to leave the island. Right?" Ezra said.

" Yes Alpha." Sabri confirmed.

" What!" Aaron shouted.

" I figured she would. She is leaving this Island make mistake about it. I have a plan for that, don't worry I am not going to hurt her but don't freak out when I ask you to take a knocked out Ana to the boats and get her the fuck out of here, Alright?" Ezra said.

" Sab, please go to our room and pack her a bag. Link Aaron when that is done. Aaron go and send Ana in here to me as soon as she does." Ezra said.

" Yes Alpha." They both replied. Leaving Ezra's office they went to do as asked.

Ezra was pacing around the office waiting on Ana. He didn't know how he would put his plan into action but he had to do it. He didn't like misleading her but it was for her own good. He'd known she would put up a fight about leaving this time. She had said as much in the shower the day he'd mated her. Ana was going with her team to the main lands and if he had to trick her into it, then so be it. Alex was staying behind to keep Maddox busy. One day it was going to get the old man killed too. He'd hate himself when it did though, but he'd hate himself so much more if he killed Ana. A knock drew him out of his thoughts knowing it was Ana, now that he was paying attention he told her to enter.

" Ezra I am not going and you aren't going to talk me into it" Ana said as she entered my office.

" Ana, I just wanted to see you. I figured you'd stay behind so I am leaving instead, and No you can not go with me. I just needed to talk to Aaliyah before I go, that is all." I said.

" Aaliyah?" Ana questioned warily.

" Yes, I need to talk to her about your Luna ceremony. I have a surprise for you and I wanted her opinion. But Ana my sweet, she is going to have to block you, so that you can't see or hear our conversation. I can't surprise you, if you can hear what the surprise is ok." I said. Smiling, kissing her softly.

" Aaliyah, Ezra wants you to come forward and talk with him alone. Are you ok with that?" Ana asked her wolf.

" Yes Ana, but don't you find this a bit fishy?" Aaliyah said.

" Yes, and I know you will do what his is going to ask you to do. I bet there isn't even an actual surprise involved. I just bet the jokes on me this time. It will fine we are going to come back to our island. Don't let him know that I am not as stupid as he thinks I am." Ana said chuckling.

" Ana, he is only trying to protect us. He doesn't think we are stupid. He is scared for us. Listen to his heart rate. He hates deceiving us." Aaliyah said.

" Well he isn't, because I'm not stupid." Ana said as she melted into the dark recesses of her mind allowing Aaliyah to block her once more.

Ezra watched as Ana talked to her inner wolf, then just like magic he saw her eyes turn that beautiful violet gold he loved.

" Hello my Little Wolf." Ezra said smiling.

" Hello Alpha." Aaliyah said.

" Aaliyah. I am your mate, not your Alpha my love. I need your help with Ana please." Ezra said.

" She doesn't want to leave Alpha." Aaliyah said making it look good for her human.

" I know, that is why I want you to put her to sleep like you did when the abuse with her other pack became to much. You can wake her when you get to the main lands in your room." Ezra said pleading with his mates. Both his mates, his human had refused him he hoped her wolf would not.

" I will do as you ask but Ana is going to be pissed when the surprise is not waking up from this conversation." Aaliyah said laughing now.

" I am going to surprise her Aaliyah. You need to take control and act like Ana until the guard gets you to the rooms I have arranged for you all." Ezra said.

" I can't. I can put her under but I can't conceal my presence. I am not strong enough yet from the last memory that came back. It was a hard one and I had to help with the physical pain it caused my human Alpha. I will have to sleep with my human, someone will have to carry us." Aaliyah explained. Purposely making shit hard for him.

" I was afraid of that. Alright, go to our room and rest love. I will walk with you and we will say our goodbyes." Ezra said sighing deeply with both relief and sadness. Ezra took her hand and they walked out of his office and up to their room. Ezra laid on the bed pulling Ana down with him holding her in his arms.

" I am sorry, I had to ask you to do this to Ana. She is so damn stubborn and wants to get herself killed I think." Ezra said sadly, kissing the top of her head.

" Go to sleep and rest yourself Little Wolf. I will see you in a few days. I love you. Tell Ana I love her to and that I am sorry."

" We love you too Mate." Aaliyah said closing her eyes and falling asleep in her mates arms.

" Aaron, get your guard and come to my room please, and Aaron don't let any of those bastards attack me when you come in." Ezra said laughing in his own mind at the irony of being attacked by what use to be his own guard.

" Yes Alpha, I have explained the situation to them already." Aaron said.

Aaron, Peter and Sabrianna were the only officers to enter the Alpha's quarters. Looking at him they all bowed in respect. Peter walked to the bedside and picked Ana up handing her to Sabri figuring it would be the best way seeing as his Alpha was now growling at him.

" Sabri, please take the Luna down to the cars. Do not let anyone know she is incapacitated. With things being like they are it would be the perfect time to try and take her from us, if someone were so inclined." Peter said sternly.

" Yes, Sir." Sabri said, taking her Luna in her arms shocked at how small and light she still felt, Sabri, and six guards left the pack house bidding the Alpha farewell and asking him to be safe. Peter looked at his Alpha one last time bowed and left his friend to watch them carry his Mate away.

Ana was feeling hot and sweaty, slowly waking up from the mickey her wolf had slipped her, she felt sluggish. She had known that Ezra (the bastard) was going to get her to do it. She had hoped he wouldn't because now she had to rent a damn boat and go back after she slipped the guard detail that now followed her everywhere. She needed to get the hell out of this room and back to her mate.

" Aaliyah?" Ana called out to her wolf.

" I know Ana. But I think we are getting sick." Aaliyah said.

" I feel like I have a fever." Ana agreed.

" I need to get back to Ezra before it gets any worse." Ana said. Getting up she walked into the bathroom turning the shower on without the hot water. She was going to get out of here and run right back to the mate she felt she needed more than her next breath.

Ana was showered and ready to leave. Looking down the hall she didn't see anyone, not one of her guards were anywhere in sight. They must have thought Ezra had drugged her and they had time to go off and look around, good this was perfect. Running down the hall towards the stairs she lit out to her freedom. Well this was easier than jumping out the window she thought smiling as the cold Alaskan air hit her face. When she had first come to this place she thought she would freeze to death before the week was out but she really liked the cold air and the snowy ground. She felt like she belonged here, maybe she had always belonged in these climates. Going to the rental docks she rented a speed boat and headed back to her pack territory and to her mate.

Ezra was laying in bed waiting for the moon to fully rise knowing Maddox was pacing around waiting to lose his shit. He didn't like the full moon because he wasn't ever in control. He wasn't a bad wolf he was just crazed on the full moon being it was a full moon when his father was killed. It was like all those bad memories came rushing in and he would go mad. He felt the change in himself, then he knew nothing. Ezra was in the darkest parts of himself praying that he wouldn't kill anyone he loved.

" Alex I know you know where she is." Maddox yelled at the Gamma.

" Alpha, I do not. I know she was removed yesterday by her protection detail but no one knows where they are except the eight of them. I'm sorry Alpha I can not help you this time even if I wanted to Sir." Alex said.

Maddox punched him in the face breaking his jaw, he then kicked him in the ribs causing the man to collapse on the floor of his house. Maddox kicked and punched the man he thought of as a second father until he was unconscious. Maddox had known he was telling the truth but his need to cause something pain was stronger than it had been in a long time. The Omega bitch that the goddess had given him as a mate was working on Ezra. He had fucking mated the bitch, he even genuinely loved her. She would take his heart rip it right from his chest just as their mother and done to their father. He would kill her, he would hunt her down and kill her. Leaving the pack bourders he headed for the sound aiming to go to the main lands, knowing he would have sent her far enough away he couldn't get to her in a matter of minuets, giving Alex time to warn them. He looked around not seeing any boats or means to transport himself to the main land. Cussing he headed back inland raging the whole way. Going into Alexs' house once more planning to beat the location of the boats out of him he noticed the man was still out cold. Going into the pack house he went to his room destroying anything that had Ana's scent on it. The bed, dresser, the closet he even turned the shower to rubble. Heading out of the house he went back to the sound noticing a speed boat that had not been there before. He walked over to it inhaling the scent that filled the air around it.

" No, she could not be that stupid." He thought to himself.

Ana landed on the shore of the island in record time she jumped from the boat and headed for the pack lands. She went to check on Alex first. Seeing him struggling to get up from the floor she freaked out.

" Alex!" She shrieked, running to his side she looked him over.

" Luna, you must leave. Maddox is crazed ma'am, he is looking for you. He wants you dead because you made his human love you. He can't be reasoned with at this point. He almost killed me this time. Please Ana, run get the hell out of here." Alex begged his Luna and friend. She was to good hearted and to delicate to face that monster. He would kill her for sure. She can't protect herself from him and he would be no help to her in the condition his Alpha had left him in.

" I will do no such thing. I will not leave you like this. Alex you are badly wounded. What kind of Luna would I be to leave our Gamma broken and half dead." She told him.

" A smart one. Now run Luna, Please." He begged. Tears running down his face knowing he had failed his Alpha because he didn't even try to fight him off. Had he known his Luna was on this island he would have at least tried to incapacitate the Alpha. Not that he could have, but at least he would have tried.

" Alex, listen to me. I need you to close your eyes. Do not watch me, its important that you don't." Ana commanded. He had done as she said and closed his eyes. Though it was hard for him.

Ana called on her wolf. Aaliyah coming forward healing the Gamma, she then knocked him out, putting him to sleep with her powers. Standing she left the house and ran for the North side of the pack lands and waited.

Maddox had caught her scent from the boat and followed it to Alexs' house seeing he was still out he followed her scent to the north until he realized where he would find her, and he was right. Ana was sitting on the ground looking over the cliff to bottom below trying to gauge how far down it was.

" It's two hundred feet." A gravelly voice said.

Ana jumped a bit at the sound of Maddoxs' voice. She turned and stood facing the beast that was also her mate.

" You should have stayed away. I am going to kill for what you have done to my pack." He said with so much hate dripping from his voice.

" I have not done anything to this pack mate. Is my death really what you want?" Ana asked. Her voice calm without a hint of fear.

" Yes, and you will not ever be my mate. You should have accepted that shit head Alpha's advances." Maddox said coldly. Ana had flinched at his words. She would not have thought he would use those memories against her. He knew what her memories were because he had heard her tell Ezra.

" I wanted my own fated mate, so no, I would not have accepted such an awful mate as him." Ana said.

" Thats to bad because now you will die by the hands of that very fated mate then." Maddox said walking toward her.

" Maddox, would it really make you happy to see me dead so that you know I am dead?" She shot back at him.

" Yes, then I will know that my human, myself and my pack is safe. Safe from the carnage that I know you will bring to this place." Maddox said hatefully.

" Ok. Then I will die for you Maddox. I will die for our pack. I will die so you will feel safe. I am so sorry. I am sorry I caused you pain and worry Maddox. I would rather be dead then cause you an ounce of pain my beautiful beastie. I love you." Ana said, with that she turned and jumped to her death.

Maddox had not thought she would actually do it. Sure she had tried once already, but Ezra had thought she was over all the suicidal shit . She did it though. She had jumped to make him happy and also she had done it so he wouldn't worry about the safety of his pack. She really was a selfless woman. She was stupid he thought.

" Ana!" Maddox yelled running the distance to the edge of the cliff hoping she had done some trick and turned grabbing ahold of the edge some how. Looking over the edge, his blood froze. His Ana, his Mate, was laying in a mangled mess at the bottom of the ravine. It was two-hundred feet to the bottom, she had to be dead. Tears began to run down his misshapen face. He was crying, he had never shed a single tear in his whole life and he was fucking crying over the act of an Omega she-wolf, that had no wolf. What is wrong with him. Maddox looked up as two things hit him simultaneously.

" Oh my goddess. Ezra isn't the only one of us that loves her. I loved her, and I was to blinded with my fear and hatred to see or feel it. She is dead. My angel jumped to her death all the while saying she loved me. Me a monstrous beast hell bent on killing her. I will not lose her body to the wild animals as I did my sisters." Maddox said to himself but he was speaking out loud. His voice barely a whisper. Maddox ran as fast as he could through the woods and to the place where he could run along the bottom of the ravine. He ran until he reached her body dropping to his knees beside her.

" I'm so sorry Ana. I'm a horrid monster that never should have been granted a mate." He whispered over her bloodied body. Laying on his side beside her, he put his head on her chest for the first and last time as his tears fell like rain on her skin mixing with her blood. He closed his eyes and wished for his own death. He wanted to be with her even if it was in the after life. Maddox didn't know how long he lay like that, praying and hoping for death it could have been minuets or even days he wouldn't have known, his head was such a mess now. He lay there listening to the light thump under his ear, though it was a sound he thought he was imagining. Thump, thump, thump, thump. It was slow and faint he started counting the imaginary beats. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9..... just then it hit him like a train wreak in his chest.

Maddox shot up from the laying position he was in and listened with a clearer head. He was hearing a faint beating sound from her chest, she was beating and breathing. He could hear the blood moving in her throat has she struggled to breath.

" Hold on Ana." Maddox pleaded. He stood on his feet then he crouched down and lifted her delicate broken body in his arms and ran for his cottage that was deep in these woods. He was in love with an Omega, a wolfless, powerless, basically human, tiny ass woman, that was somehow breathing in his arms as he ran to try and save her. He somehow figured out in his manic state of mind that he was in love with this woman. He was a beast, one that had not felt his heart beat in many years. He could feel it now. It was pounding in his chest. It beat so hard and fast that it felt like it would beat right out of his body and take off on its own.

Maddox kicked the door to the cottage in, it slammed into the wall then bounced back hitting him in the arm. He put his elbow in the way to protect her head. He was protecting her now he realized. Going in the bedroom he laid her down and checked the water in the tub. It was warm, it was always warm but he had to make sure. Going into the bedroom he picked the tiny bundle up and walked into the tub clothes, shoes and all.

Maddox washed the blood from her body and as he did he removed her clothes washing them while he held her. He was pleading with the moon goddess to help him save her. Opening his own vain bitting into his wrist slowing the healing so his blood flowed into her mouth, rubbing her throat making her swallow. He was still pleading with his great creator to save her promising to love and protect her if she would only send her back to him. He begged the Moon Goddess to allow her soul to stay here with him.

Ana was floating again then falling. She landed in a familiar pool of water. Walking out of the water she sat on the edge of the pool, waiting for the beautiful woman that had greeted her the last time she came here. Then in the distance she saw her walking toward her.

" Hello Salene." Ana said, smiling at her.

" Hello Ana." Salene said.

" I see you have tried to take your own life once again. You do know you can't take your own life, Right?" Salene said.

" Yes, I know that is why I jumped, instead of allowing Maddox to kill me himself. I didn't want that on his conscience. If I had allowed him to take my life he would hate himself. That I could not allow." Ana said tears in her eyes.

" Yes, and he regrets what you have done to yourself. He is right now begging me to save the body he is bathing and trying to repair. He has promised to love you and protect you for the rest of his life if I would only send you back so he can prove it. You have your beast Ana. If you still want him." Salene said.

" Yes, Yes of course I do." Ana said.

" Then it is time you tell him what and who you are. Open your eyes child of the moon and heal yourself." Salene said.

Maddox was washing the blood from Ana's hair still pleading with the Goddess to save her when her eyes open. He was now looking into the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. They were Violet with Gold in them.

" Goddess?" Maddox gasped. Thinking the Moon Goddess was using Ana's body to communicate with him. Maybe she wanted to tell him what a gigantic monstrous bastard he was for murdering his mate and that she had come to strike his hideous ass down for it.

" No, my beastie. It is just me. I am Aaliyah, Ana's wolf. I am trying to heal our body. The pain of our injuries is to much for my human. Ana is in a comma of sorts. I will wake her soon as we have much to talk about. Maddox you owe her an apology for the things you said on that ridge. I am confident one is forthcoming as soon as she regains consciousness." Aaliyah said.

" Hello Aaliyah I am.."

" My mate Maddox, I know. I have been waiting on you to love me as I have loved you since the night Ana climbed that ridiculous tree and hid from that stupid bear." Aaliyah said.

Maddox watched as the bones in Ana's body snapped into place with perfect placement. She wasn't bleeding internally any longer neither. He was shocked at what this Omega wolf was doing and with the speed it was happening. Even he couldn't heal himself that fast.

" How is this possible? How are you healing yourself? Omegas do not have this kind of power. I didn't think my blood would heal you, but I had to try. Maybe it is helping you heal yourself somehow?" Maddox said.

" I will not be able to heal completely, but I will live and I will heal but it will be a long process considering the damage Ana has done in order to prove ourself to you Mate. Your blood slowed the rate in which I was bleeding both internally and externally allowing me to be able to heal the bones and internal wounds. Thank you for that. She has hurt us a lot in the past and we have survived it. She has not done the damage all on her own though. We have been through hell in our lives and yet we are stronger for it." Aaliyah told him.

" I'm sorry Aaliyah. I have not been kind to you. I have treated a gift like a burden and I am sorry." Maddox told her lifting her he stood and got out of the pool size bathing tub in the floor of his rather large bathroom. He carried her to the bed his clothes soaking the floor as he walked.

" Maddox?" Aaliyah called to him from the warmth of his arms.

Maddox looked down at her and though they have talked since those beautiful eyes opened her voice was no more than a barely heard whisper to his ears.

" I need to tell you about me and the things I have kept hidden from everyone including you and Ezra. I have been in affect dishonest with everyone I know. So you can decide now if you really want to accept me as your mate. Knowing I have not been honest with you. Because you must accept me if I am to be truly happy in this life." Aaliyah told him.

" I do not need to know about you. I have fully accepted you. I was ready to accept you as an Omega so I will accept whatever, whoever you truly are. I will protect you and love you for the rest of my life. You Aaliyah and most especially Ana belong to me. You are my mate." Maddox said lowering his beastly head to softly kiss her unbruised lips.