
Taming A Priest: My bodyguard is a sly Demon

[Warning: Mature Content] What will arise when a young lady discovers that the soul inside her belongs to a female tens of centuries ago? ______ Alexandra Bernard had been facing obstacles since little, but that all seemed to intensify when she left her home in midst of chaos to another town for protection. The guard assigned to her? Worst than the devil. He's a priest in training but looks like the devil himself. Or maybe he was. What will she do when everything that happened centuries ago begins to fall back into place? And how will she save the earth from different creatures after she unknowingly unlocked them with an aim of ending humanity. A naive brown-eyed girl swiveled into a red-eyes villain with a circle (system)

Mei_Knights · Fantasy
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138 Chs

4- falling down... too silent

"Open the door, Lexi, hurry....!" The heavy bang on the door left Lexi startled as her body jerked at each slam. She wasn't supposed to open the door, not after she had guaranteed her Butler.

"It's me, uncle Jones, Now open the door," She shifts to the further part of the room, she was scared and confused. But that was her Butler's voice.

She stepped nearer to the door and positioned her ear on it, no screaming was heard which implies she was safe to open it.

"Arghhhhh!!!" She yanked back instantly, removing her hand from the door's handle. That was a scream she heard.

"Y-you're not him. He never calls me Lexi, y-you're someone else," She stated with her trembling voice.

"I'm him, sweetheart, just open the door and see. Hurry, they are COMING!" Her Butler might be cold but he never yells at her. This was not her cold yet warm Butler, No, not him. And sweetheart? So not her Butler.

She hears heavy footsteps moving toward her room's location. She settle her ear softly on the door again and heard grunts along with something whacking an item furiously. This wasn't good.

After a few minutes and a loud anguish howl, a voice came through her door.

"It's me now, Young Miss, The mistress wants you out of here," His voice was soft yet hard at the end, definitely her Butler.

Without wasting time she unlocked it and saw the Butler's battered face along with a few minor cuts on his shoulder, his clothing was torn at the shoulder.

"W-what's h-h-happened?" Shivering, her lips moved as she stuttered.

"We have to go now." His voice was desperate. She nodded at him and walked out of her room. He quickly swept her off her feet onto his other not-bruised shoulder and walked away hastily.

His legs hurried towards a narrow path with stairs that leads to the basement on the ground floor. She only got to know about the route four days ago by accident. They reached the ground base and ran through the back door, then towards a carriage that seemed to be waiting for them.

"Get in," She obeyed and leaped into the carriage. Her Butler didn't enter through the side door she entered but through the door at the left. She heard a 'click' noise at the door she entered through before he left to the other side.

"Move quickly!" The butler urges the coachmen. And the coachman began moving by whipping the horses with the rein.

She caught her Butler peeking through the small window at the backside of the carriage, so she whirled her head and took a glance. Which was a blunder since what she saw wasn't suitable for a girl her age.

Her mother had her back on the ground and a man with a dark cloak had his face close to hers. Blood sprinted down her face as the man ran a knife unhurriedly across, painfully slow. He mumbled some words at her and she wiggled her head in response, then the man smirked before shoving the knife into her, mercilessly.

"MOTHER.....!" She screamed out and the dark cloak man looks up in her direction, he smiles at her mother and kisses her cheek as he closes her eyes. She studied his face and saw two long scars that ran across his face. The carriage had entered a pothole which appeared to be deep as the carriage stopped moving. She then remembered the man behind her earlier with a cloak on and his shoes were golden brown. She quickly drifted her eyes down to his shoe and it was black, this wasn't the man behind her earlier, it was a different man.

The man nodded his head at another man lurking at a side with his head down, he also had a cloak on and his shoes were..... golden brown? This was him.

Her eyes locked with his and his dark eyes were cold and emotionless. Cold and mysterious like the aura around him. He walked slowly and tiredly towards their carriage and she became alarmed. She quickly turned her eyes to meet her Butler who was trying along with the coachman to get the carriage's wheel off the pothole.

"They are coming...!" She whispered-yelled at them, propelling them to glance as their eyes widened when they saw the golden brown shoe man. As if using all their strength they pulled harder and the wheel departed the pothole.

Lexi nudged the carriage door but it didn't budge. She kicked and yet the same outcome, it seemed to be locked from the outside.

"Uncle.... open the door, he is slow and won't get here fast, come in, hurry!" She pushes the door again, this time harder with her tiny hands.

"I'm sorry Young Miss, but he is fast, really fast. I need to hold him off," Butler Jones apologies.

"No, uncle Jones it's-"

"Take this," He placed a bottle of powdered substance in her hand through the window.

"It will protect you from people, evil people," Holding her face, he caresses it and smiles at her. His eyes lit up as if he just remembered something and he dip in hand Into his pocket and brought out a sealed letter.

"Here, When you get to your destination, give this to the address written and tell them your name, they are friends and they'll help. NOW GO! " He then screamed at the coachman to begin trotting as he ran towards the golden-brown shoe man who had ceased walking and appeared very sleepy.

Butler Jones strike something on the ground and dark fog surrounded the golden brown shoe man, but the man wasn't panicking seeing he couldn't move as the fog enveloped him. He didn't seem like he wanted to get her now because if he wanted he could attain her easily.

But Butler Jones took this as an advantage, he passed through the smoke and he held the man tightly as if knowing he could walk out of the dark fog if he wanted to.

Lexi peeked through the back window as the carriage trotted away and saw the golden brown shoe man bringing out a knife and thrusting it into him with no emotion in his eyes. She froze and her eyes couldn't move away from the scene. The man locks his eyes on her as if promising to get her one day, and she's afraid the promise might come through. The carriage rode fast and she saw the pain in her Butler's face, he still held onto the man to prevent him from moving. He gave up his life for hers, even her mother.

Hot tears run down her face as she reminisces on everything she saw minutes ago. She could hear cries in her head, terrifying screams, and accusing voices. She was a bad child, people died and some were wounded because of her.

The carriage passed through a hilltop, Lexi didn't look at the mounds like she normally does, her mind was occupied. Her eyes became heavy and closed slowly as she lost herself in the Dreamland.


Everything was trembling.

Her head was wiggling, including her body, why?

Her eyes opened gradually and she noticed it was nighttime. The coachman had a lamp on to see where he was heading.

"HOLD TIGHT! Young Miss!" Lexi obeyed and grasped onto something, her body was still heaving as the carriage trembled. The carriage was moving abnormally fast.

"W-what's w-w-rong?" She asked softly as her voice trembled.

"The horses are losing control! They are acting like they are possessed or-or... something! This isn't good," He grumbled the last part. An unknown fear gripped Lexi.

"C-can you stop the carriage?" she inquired.

"It wouldn't stop. They've lost control and it's-" One of the horses had its leg extremely close to the edge of the highland, and suddenly it missed his footing, bringing them all down the hill with him along with the carriage. She was locked inside the carriage, so thankfully she didn't fall out.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Alexandra screams as her carriage rolls down the slope, breaking some parts away as it hits hard rock. She was going to die, she is sure of that.

The carriage kept rolling and rolling until it finally hit the ground, blood ran down her forehead, her body became weak, and everywhere became silent.

Too silent...

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