
Taming A Priest: My bodyguard is a sly Demon

[Warning: Mature Content] What will arise when a young lady discovers that the soul inside her belongs to a female tens of centuries ago? ______ Alexandra Bernard had been facing obstacles since little, but that all seemed to intensify when she left her home in midst of chaos to another town for protection. The guard assigned to her? Worst than the devil. He's a priest in training but looks like the devil himself. Or maybe he was. What will she do when everything that happened centuries ago begins to fall back into place? And how will she save the earth from different creatures after she unknowingly unlocked them with an aim of ending humanity. A naive brown-eyed girl swiveled into a red-eyes villain with a circle (system)

Mei_Knights · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs

3- "RUN!"


That was the only thing on her senses now. Her fragile feet got stiff and her heart began to beat hastily in her chest.

"Since you're a cute little creature, I'll give you just a chance to leave. Don't turn around, stroll backward and disappear. I don't have much patience," His rough voice spoke. The emotion she felt last night came back. She knows this feeling, and nothing good arises from the feeling. She needs to tell Butler Jones.

She followed the man's instructions and dragged her tiny feet backward unhurriedly, they were stiffened on the ground but thankfully they still moved. She twists her hands on her gown as the man's feet come Into view.

"Now run. Don't look at me, not even a glance." Lexi nodded rapidly. Getting a glimpse of the man's feet close to hers, she takes it as a cue to swivel and fled. And she did it successfully without taking a glimpse at him.


"Uncle Jones, Uncle Jones..." She cried softly as she ran toward him. Her body was trembling and with the look in the butler's eyes, she knew he knew she needed comfort.

Being hugged securely by the butler made her shaking body stop a little. The butler took her to her room since they needed seclusion.

"What is it? are you injured?" He asked with a caring tone. That's one thing she likes about her butler, he knows when to be strict and comfy. And she could confide in him since her parents were always out of town.

"The Man, he's here. I -I felt his presence behind me and his -his voice was very cold, colder than yours, even his body,"

The butler appeared to be lost in thought since he was quiet for a few minutes after what she told him. He gazed out of her window into the sky, he places his left hand on her head and ruffles her hair.

"What did he say, did you see his face?" She wasn't sure but she detected something in his tone. Helplessness? pity?

"No, I didn't. He-- He told me to run because he had no tolerance, his voice was really scary,"

"Did anyone see him when he was communicating with you?" Butler Jones implored again.

"No, no one saw him. Those who looked in my path acted like he wasn't behind me, like he was kind of invisible or something, even the guards. No one found it suspicious that a man in a cloak was here,"

Butler Jones smiled. His eyes were sad as if knowing what would happen. He stands up from her bed and walks towards the window. He shut the window and latched it with a bolt.

"No matter what happens don't open this window. When I leave here make sure to lock the door from inside, and don't open on anyone's account, not even your parents," She frowned at what he said. Why was he speaking like this?

"Do you understand me?"

"Uhmm..... No," She shook her head softly.

Butler Jones sighs and crouched beside her. Taking her into his embrace he combs her hair down with his fingers.

"You will hear screams, later on, perhaps frightening screams but don't come out of this room nor open the door, use the bolt to lock it-"

"Screams? Terrifying screams like my dream? Is something happening uncle Jones? Please do tell me, I'm strong enough to handle it," Her plea and sad eyes seemed to make the butler suffer even more. He cast his eyes down and didn't look into hers again.

"Whatever happens today, always know your parents love you, More than anything and they always will. Promise me not to open the door today, no matter who knocks at the door, even me, do not open it," She didn't understand his words but it was scaring her. Her chest felt heavy and her throat went dry.

"Here, some water," The butler passed her a cup of water. She drank it slowly to ease the burns she was feeling there. She gave him back the cup.

"Will Father and Mother be alright? It's their ceremony and I want them to be happy." Her timid voice echoed.

"Don't worry," He said, he looks at her and ponders on something in his mind and she knows because it shows on his face. "There's something I'd like to tell you. The ceremony today isn't about your parent's accomplishment, rather it is your 9th birthday," She looked at him dumbfounded, this wasn't true. She knows her age and it's 7, she's seven years old.

"You're lying," She pointed out, she tries to stand up and get away from his embrace but he holds her firmly.

"No, I'm not. I don't have much time to tell you in detail but believe me, I'm not lying," he pleaded. Where did her ever-cold butler go? This isn't the person she knew, the person she knew never begs.

"I'm seven, uncle Jones, the same age and date as Aimee. And my birthday is celebrated in March, not August, you must be mistaken," Aimee was her younger twin sister who was smaller than her.

"That's the problem, You and Aimee aren't-" The knock on the door paused his sentence.

"You are needed downstairs Butler Jones, The mistress wants to speak with you." A maid said from outside.

"I'll be right there," he replied to which the maid's footsteps were heard retreating.

"I have to go, lock the door after I leave... please," She nods her head. She hates how vulnerable the butler seemed right now. He has always been confident in everything, but today he seemed different.

The butler left and she locked the door with a bolt, she just hoped nothing would go wrong. And if it was indeed her birthday, shouldn't she be downstairs? why was she lied to before? She remembered being told she looked a year older than her age every time she tells her age to people, so it wasn't just a coincidence.



"Did you tell her?" The voice of a woman asked, her expression telling of how uneasy she felt.

"Not everything, My Lady, but the few necessary ones," The voice of a middle-aged Butler sounded.

"He is here, I can feel it, he is here," The woman spoke again, her voice sounding helpless.

"Have you spoken to your husband?" Butler Jones asked.

"I have, and he'd already appointed the guards to keep watch everywhere. He has come here to take her, I know it, he's here to take her," The woman burst Into tears.

"Everything will be alright, My lady, I'm sure he doesn't know her-"

"He's her Father, surely he'll know she's his blood the minute he sees her. He's planning on using her for his selfish purpose," Her tears didn't stop as they only increased.

"How about I take her with me, I can get her away from here, I knew of somewhere safe,"

"The only place safe now Jones is this Mansion, taking her out of here will only make him get to her fast. She's my baby girl, My sister's only child and I can't let the reason for her sacrifice go to waste, she'll be crying in her grave if I allow it,"

"I've secured her room with soda ash, I'm sure he won't be able to get to her," Butler Jones said.

"Thanks, Jones, for everything." the woman quickly wipe her tears as she heard someone chuckling and approaching.

"What a really sad scene. I feel like sobbing too..." A sharp voice came through the door. "I didn't know Mistress Bernard to be a very volatile person, sad to say but I thought you were tougher, like your sister,"

Mistress Bernard was shocked while butler Jones looked furiously at the man in front of them.

"Leave this instance, Xavier, or I won't be accountable for what happens to you," Mistress Bernard threatened despite shivering inside.

"Tsk...tsk...tsk, still as witty as ever. I wonder if your lips still taste as sweet as they did years ago, or maybe sweeter because they seem quite alluring right now." Xavier chuckled as he cups her chin looking directly at her lips, she reacted by pushing his hand away in disgust, Which made him laugh out loud.

"Still stubborn? hmm, I like that." he nods his head and looks around the room before whirling his gaze to her,

"I would have been the one to give you happiness not the shit of a man, you chose him over me and pushed me to your naive sister- pardon, step-sister. She was a rare gem I must say and I won the lottery by getting her thanks to you. So now, I want you to hand over my sweet daughter to me, and I'll leave and never return," He smirked deviously and shifted his gaze to the butler.

"Old man Jones, how has it been?" He said but Butler Jones remained silent.

"I'm giving you the last chance to leave," Mistress Bernard warned him.

"And if I don't?" he raised his eyebrows.


Soda Ash mixed with liquid was poured at him and he screams in irritation.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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