
Chapter Thirty Seven

Angeline POV

“Alpha, we need to leave, I hear the owner down the street, she’s on her way here.”

Ms. Randall’s alive?

Keenan gave me one last look, his hand twitching, ready to lunge at me. I backed myself all the way into the corner of the wall, arms raised in preparation of an attack.

He looked conflicted, almost offended by my actions.

“I’m not-” He began then cut himself off, shaking his head.

Instead he backed away and said, “do not, for one second, believe that he can save you from me. Nothing can save you from me. I won’t allow anyone to get in my way,” he promised.

And he was gone, not quietly either.

Instead of taking the time to open the latch of the window, he bulldozed right through it, sending glass everywhere.

“Don’t worry,” Shane said, watching this entire ordeal. “It’s not human.”

It took me a while to realize she was talking about the blood.

Then, she too, was gone.
