
Chapter Thirty Six

Angeline Pov





Do something!

My subconscious was shouting at me, but all that came out was a strained, “wuh-”

My heart and mind racing a million miles a minute, discombobulated.

This is it, this is the end.

After all my precautions, all my defenses, he still managed to catch me alone, defenseless and trapped. I may as well have served myself to him on a silver platter.

There’s no way I can escape him, his body blocked the entire entryway.

I can’t outrun him, he’s a werewolf.

I can’t fight him, he’d crush me in an instant, he’s a werewolf.

That made him all the more terrifying, knowing this wasn’t just a man but also someone half beast. How do you reason with a beast?

The pepper spray! My phone! They’re both in my bookbag, stored in Ms. Randall’s office. How could I be so stupid?

I truly am completely and utterly alone, no one but little Coco here to witness my murder.