
Talking to a killer

Disaster of a texting history in which murderer Matthew Shaw accidentally texts the wrong number about his evil deeds. Do they end up... surprisingly getting along? - updates on wednesdays

AnaCMB · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

A - Sammy

A - Sammy

A - Sammy get ur ass up

A - Sam u better answer the phone rn or I swear I'm gonna come over to ur house in the middle of the night

A - daniel will take me. daniel loves me


S - Andrew? It's John, I heard Sam' phone go off. Are you alright?

A -;I'm fine johnny

A - could u get Sammy on the phone

A - if he's sleeping can u pls kick him awake

S - Okay, one second. You're safe though, right, Andrew?

A - ya no worries

A - the only one in danger rn is Sammy cause I'm gonna fuck him up

S - Andrew?! what's wrong?? it's padfoot

A - what's wrong?? what's wrong??

A - maybe the fact that you gave an ASSASSIN my phone number??

S - aww Andrew you worried me. this is just about Matthew? isn't he cute? :^)

A - ??? he KILLS people for a living??

S - haha darling, welcome to the family

S - it's alright, he wouldn't kill you. he knows I have too much influence in the underground

S - besides, I paid him a lot of money!

A - … u *didn't* pay him, Sammy

A - christ sam u honestly just forgot? the man's been starving!

A - he had to cancel his netflix subscription because of u!

S - what? seriously? (haha Sammyusly) let me check the accounts

S - aww man, you're right

S - this is why I always have jhonny do the accounting for me, I'm so shite at money stuff

S - I had to do it alone this time because I knew he wouldn't approve of my plan

A - I still don't understand what ur 'plan' was…

A - getting me an assassin pen pal?

S - yeah! or more ;^) I don't know if you guys have exchanged photos yet, but he's quite the looker

S - just your type (you're welcome)

S - I just figured since you're all lonely in that big house of yours…

A - I have daniel! and sometimes Roxy and Georgie visit!

S - you can't blame me for caring about your love life, Andrew

S -when I was your age, I was getting dick for days!




A - and you were getting ONE dick

S - John's was more than enough for me ;^)

S - I don't get what the problem is? you don't like Matthew?

S - if he's bothering you, I can always just get rid of him :^(

A - it's not that I don't like him…

A - I just wish u would have told me what was going on

A - and that u paid him!

S - yes yes. I'll even give him some extra so he can pay for you during dates

A - Sammy! it's not like that!

S - you're just saying that because you haven't seen his ding dong yet

A - and you have?!

S - well, I had to screen him, didn't I?

A - ur the worst…

A - there's more to a man than his dong!

S - okayy. don't be such a party pooper, Andrew

A - … I'm telling John about this

S - no don't! he'll kill me. he's so stranger danger

S - just give it a try, yeah?

S - maybe he'll make you happy

A - … okay

A - yeah, okay

A - good night, Sammy

S - night sweetie. love you <3

A - …

A - love u too <3


A - ok I'm back

M - Andrew, listen, I looked up what brb means and I don't think you used it correctly given that you were not 'right back'

A - oh my god shut up

M - You don't have to be embarrassed, I know all this internet lingo can be quite complicated

A - I hate u

A - so much rn

A - I can't even tell if ur being sarcastic or if this is just what ur like

A - it's four am and I just wanna sleep but I can't bc my godfather is a meddling ass

A - listen Matthew

A - on a scale of one to ten, how much do you actually want to kill Sammy Donovan

M - Realistically speaking?

A - yes

M - One. I wouldn't put my life in jeopardy over one paycheck

M - I'm just, as the video said, 'salty'

M  - Like an ocean

A - I leave for one hour and u've already become a disaster

A - ok well look

A - ur getting ur paycheck

M - If I were getting my paycheck, I wouldn't be selling my pillows on Craigslist for spare change

A - christ ur like a kicked puppy

A -look, u remember how I said my godfather takes care of me? and wants me to take over his family business?

M - Yes?

A - yes well

A - my godfather is Sam Donovan and the family business is the mafia

A - surprise

M - oh my god hurry up and say something

A - Sorry, I'm just trying to comprehend what you told me

M - Is this you bullying me again?

A - omg no

A - basically, he gave you my number instead of his and then just forgot to pay you

A - I told him off about it don't worry

M -;Why did he give an assassin his godson's phone number?

A - that's what I said!

A - he said he thought I was lonely…

M - Your godfather is certainly… a unique character

M - That being said, I've never heard of Sammyus Black taking in a ward

A - yeah they kept it pretty under wraps

A - they didn't want me getting kidnapped or whatever

M - And yet he still let you talk to a professional killer?

A - to be fair, usually moony is there to stop him

A - Johnny is like… my other godfather, basically

M - I see…

A - u don't… hate me now, do u?

M - What? Of course not. Why would I ever hate you?

A - bc u were all mad at Sammy :(

M - The issues I have with your godfather in no way transfer over to you

M - I enjoy talking with you, Andrew. Nothing's going to change that

A -…wow

M -I'm getting all teary eyed

A - let's move on

A - u don't have to sell ur pillows anymore since ur getting paid

M - Brilliant. I'll finally be able to afford dinner

A - god I feel so bad

A - I'm sorry u didn't get ur money for so long, Matthew

A - if I knew I would have done something sooner

M - It's fine. In exchange, I got to talk to you, didn't I?

A - my heart can't handle this at four in the morning

A - let's go to sleep?

M - Sure. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Andrew

A - oh but real quick…

A - Sammy didn't actually see ur dick, did he?

M - What on earth were the two of you talking about?

A - just answer the question

M - Well, he had to do a screening, didn't he?

A - oh my god…