
Talking to a killer

Disaster of a texting history in which murderer Matthew Shaw accidentally texts the wrong number about his evil deeds. Do they end up... surprisingly getting along? - updates on wednesdays

AnaCMB · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 3

A - worst fear?

M - Andrew, it's three in the morning…

A -wow srry didn't mean to interrupt ur beauty sleep, princess

M - No, it's fine on my end, but won't your 'Daniel' get mad?

A - psh what's Daniel gonna do? spank me?

A - he knows I'd be into it

M - Andrew…

A - srry sometimes I forget ur not supposed to say some things

A - not before the first date at least

A - buy me coffee, Matthew?

M - You're asking me to buy you coffee when I can't even afford rent? If I wasn't an assassin who threatened the landlord, I'd be living on the streets, Andrew

A - geez fine guess I'll pay

A - how am I ever supposed to get a sugar daddy if I'm richer than everyone I know

A - #bougieproblems

M - Three am you is so frightening…

M - I don't understand what # is in this context? Tic tac toe?

A - three am me is LIVING

A - tic tac toe… I can't with u omg

A - answer the question

M - The worst fear one?

M - Death, I suppose. Yours?

A - losing the ones I care about :(

M - Hm. Favorite food?

A - I'm getting whiplash

A - I get all deep and ur gonna be all basic? ok

A - uhh spaghetti?

M - Spaghetti…

A - oi what's wrong with spaghetti?

M - Nothing, but having it as your favorite food is a bit…

M - Mine is dark chocolate. It was the first sweet I was able to have as an orphan child. I still remember the bittersweet taste coating my lips…

A - man choco doesn't count as a favorite food, it's candy

M - Excuse me? I share my tragic backstory and you're going to play semantics with me?

A - teehee srry

A - hm…

A - have u always been an assassin? I know u said u killed someone as a kid so

M - No, I only started professionally around seven years ago. My first kill was… spur of the moment

M - I was feeling a bit adventurous that night

A - that's what people say when they decide to get drunk off vodka, not when they decide to kill someone, Matthew

M - Funny of you to assume I wasn't also drunk off vodka that night

M - In any case, before I started my current occupation, I dabbled in the various odd jobs, whatever would pay the bills. Bartending, acquiring and selling illicit goods…

A - stripping?

M - Occasionally

A - seriously?!

A - wow…

M - Are you imagining it?

A - maybe a little bit…

M - I was quite good at it too. After I left, I had regulars begging me to come back

M - So I stabbed them

A - hot

M - Even the stabbing part?

A - especially the stabbing part

M - You know, I changed my mind. I quite like three am Andrew

M - I suppose it's my turn now. Do you work? Or are you perhaps still in school?

A - neither

A - I was homeschooled but it was never that enforced. my godfather kinda spoiled me

A - he wants me to take over his family business but idk, I don't rlly want to

M - Oh? What's the family business?

A - secret lol

M - I won't kill you, you know. I quite like you

A - that's what all the assassin boys say

A - mm yknow speaking of boys

A - I was gonna ask. ur gay?

A - since u get all thirsty for cumberbatch

M - Very.

M - Back in the orphanage, I used to have a crush on this kid named Billy. I killed his rabbit to try and impress him, but he just started bullying me. They called me a devil's child. Like, excuse me? Child? If anything, I *am* the devil. I'm that cool

M - Homophobia is so tough…

A - there's so many things wrong with what u just said I'm not even gonna try

M - Well, what about you? Any preferences?

A - bi. found out during my scene kid phase when I was 13 and this skater boy seduced me

A - he didn't even need to kill any rabbits to do it

A - he just did a flip and winked and I was like 'woah'

A - ah, my youth…

M - God, I hated the scene kids. Kept throwing eggs at me

A - lmaoo why were kids throwing eggs at u?? u probably deserved it smh

A - anyways I was a cool one. had neon blue hair

M - I think they didn't like me because I was poor and gay

A - well, if it makes you feel better, the gay scene kids wouldn't throw eggs at you

A - I'm jk they totally would lol

A - btw what are u gonna do since u didn't get paid for ur last job? do u have another murder planned

M - No, my last job was actually supposed to cover me for the next couple of months. I don't know what to do now. Starve, maybe? Well, I'll figure something out

M - I swear, if Sirius Black ever shows his face around me again….


A - srry what?

M - I'll stab him? I thought it was pretty implied

A - nonono I meant uh

A - sirius black?

M - Yes, he's the mob boss that organized the hit. Perhaps you've heard of him?

A - hahaha

A - haha

A - wow

A - brb

M - Andrew?

M - Andrew? Are you still there?

M - I don't know what brb mean

M - Hold on I found a YouTube video explaining it

M - That's what lol means? I thought it was a person with their hands up. Because they're excited

M - What an informative video """lol"""

M - Are you back yet?

M - I guess you've fallen asleep. Sweet dreams, Andrew