
Chapter 19

He then went Home and spent the next month getting ready for his next and greatest adventure. During the month he went to the armorer and got a new set of armor. After that he went to the weaponsmith and got better weaponry a steel Double bladed longsword whose hilt was made of fine leather and crested with the finest gems. The next week he went to the arena. He showed up in full armor and weapon drawn. He went into the center of the arena and waited for the Captain of the Glirak to arrive. Soaryn saw him Stride from his gate to the center with his head held high not once did he look Soaryn in the Eyes . The captain was a reaper with an ionic bladed scythe. The captain said his name was nydaloth and it was at that moment he looked soaryn in the eyes...His eyes seemed dead no life or emotion entered or left his eyes. At that moment soaryn was scared...the Captain was strong very strong.

SOARYN Slowly lifted his blade his hands shaking as if suddenly it felt heavier than before. He watched as Nydaloth slowly took the scythe off his back, tensing he waited for Nydaloth to charge but it never came hearing a hollow clang Soaryn watched as he dropped the scythe. "Come" he said as he waved soaryn to come forward with his right hand. Soaryn charged but it was to no avail every blow was either dodged or knocked a side. The Captain WAS stronger THAN SOARYN and he knew it deep down. they continued this Cycle for 3 minutes but soaryn soon slowed down and as he felt a Burning sensation in his lungs. then in a last ditch effort he dropped his armor and weapons. Soaryn's movement sped up and he began to match the speed of the captain. Until he finally had a fist collide with the captains stomach

As soaryn looked up he could still see the unfazed emotionless eyes of the captain."your Punches are pathetic" He bellowed before soaryn could blink a fist was embedded into his gut. Soaryn flew across the arena and Crashed through wall. The captain went over and Placed a foot on soaryn's chest.

"Don't move" Commanded the captain.

Soaryn kept struggling trying desperately to get his foot off his chest.

"I said Stay down!" YElled Nydaloth as he applied even more force.

Soaryn could feel his ribs threatening to crack as the pressure forced it's way onto his chest. "I concede" Said soaryn in a sad dejected tone ashamed he lost the match. His dream seemed so far away now. "Don't be ashamed Soaryn" said the captain in a soft and gentle tone. Looking up at at Nydaloth Soaryn could finally see some emotion in the deep blue eyes the captain held.

"Everybody loses and fails at one point" nydaloth stated as he got off and picked up soaryn.

" I liked the battle and was shocked when you dropped your armor, you just need to work on your power"

"It is there and you have potential just refine it, Come back again when you receive s rank then and only then will i face you again." With that the captain headed for the gate. Soaryn thought about what the captain said and with a new goal in mind he set off to the next town. If he was going to get to s rank he was going to need a team.

He went to his house after the fight and went to

sleep. In the morning he awoke to a gentle rapping on his door. He got up and answered it. Aerd was at his door scythe in hand. Soaryn let him in and asked him why he was there.

"Did you or did you not challenge the captain of the Glirak"? Inquired Aerd

."I did"Soaryn said quietly.

Aerd launched Across the room and punched soaryn.

"Why didn't you delay the match" Aerd yelled.

"I'm sorry, aerd I couldn't" stated soaryn still dodging the constant swings of aerd's Scythe.

"Did you at least get a few good throws in?"Asked aerd

"Yes, I got one " Soaryn said in a small almost whisper.

" WHat!"Aerd Screamed

"Did you atleast send him flying?" Aerd questioned

" Yeah, about 3 millimeters" Soaryn said as if it was the greatest achievement of his life. Aerd stared at soaryn unblinking and not moving.

" You idiot that's not an accomplishment" aerd yelled as he charged at soaryn and both of them crashed through the wall. They landed in soaryn's bathroom and stayed there for a bit lying on the ground laughing as they stared at the ceiling.

"You know you're paying for that" Soaryn said in a matter of fact tone

" Nope, We are leaving today remember" Aerd quipped back with his snarky remark.

"Oh yeah thats right, I still want compensation though." Soaryn laughed at the dead look on Aerd face when he calculated the numbers in his head. Getting up off the floor soaryn stepped through the newly created doorway.

"You know what i kinda like it brightens up the room" He chuckled at his small joke before gathering his stuff. "Come on aerd it's time to go and find the rest of our team."

Starting out the journey wasn't bad, jokes were told as they walked. Then When the jokes got old they played i-spy. But when you are crossing the Tasanmi deserts you see everything pretty quickly.

"I spy with my little Eye something black" Stated aerd with a dead tone. They had been walking for miles and the seemed to be going nowhere.

" Aerd I have said this a thousand times….sand…..Wait black?" Soaryn finished with a puzzled tone he hadn't seen anything black yet.

"Yeah look right there" Aerd pointed proudly. Right below them on the ground were two black rocks that seemed to glisten in the sun. suddenly the rocks quickly twitched.


"yeah "

"Did those rocks just blink?"

"yeah , so what?"

" Think about what I just asked"

"You asked if those rocks just....blinked."

"Those aren't rocks are they" Aerd asked freezing as he realized the truth.

"Nope"Soaryn said in a emotionless voice.

"We are going to run now aren't we"

"Yep" soaryn answered as the ground beneath them erupted and spewed sand into the air. When they turned around to see what happened they saw in the place of the sand was a giant Scorpion.

"That thing is massive!" aerd Stared at the scorpion his eyes widening comically.

"Thank you captain obvious" Soaryn yelled as he took out his sword.

" So I am a captain now?" Aerd joked as he swung his scythe off his back.

"Let's hide and ambush it" Soaryn offered

"We aren't Assassins We don't know the first thing of ambushing." Aerd Retorted as he watch the scorpion scuttle around still searching for the two.

"We are doing fine right now aren't we" Soaryn questioned.

"Point taken, ok so where do we hide? Ared finished with a questioning tone as far as he knew there wasn't anything to hide behind. The scorpion searched for the two as it scuttled it's way through the sand. It stopped at top of one of the many dunes that layered Tasanmi. As the scent of the two boys seemed to fade it was going to turn away when the ground just in front of it began to shift from the wind blowing the sand. As the sand blew away the boys were soon revealed. Opening there eyes careful not to get sand in them they found a rather pointy tail inches from there face as a man was holding the tail back with his knife.

"YOU boys alright?" he asked casually as if not holding a giant killer scorpion tail back from instant death.

"Yes" soaryn although scared answered in a calm shaky tone.

" good...Hold on a moment while I end this" and with that the man disappeared.

The two boys were shocked the man vanished. The scorpion must have been just as shocked because it didn't move it just stared at the blank spot where the man had been. Suddenly the man reappeared on the back of the scorpion with his knife drawn he lodged it into the back of it's neck effectively ending it's life.

"So….who wants tea?" the man asked cheerfully still covered in the scorpions blood. The last thought running through both the boy's head had been 'this man is insane.'