
The Death God

In the end the three concealed themselves and headed to the tomb doors. As they walked, Hong Yue Xian could not resist putting his hands on Xiao Yu's waist. She was furious and told him to let go, which he did before saying. "Has anyone told you that you are drop dead gorgeous?" Xiao Yu blushed a little as she rebuked angrily. "I am a guy. Aren't you engaged with Xiao Ning'er. Don't tell me you are actually into men?" "No way. 100% into girls. But I admire beauty in all its forms and shapes. And you are one." Answered Hong Yue Xian with a straight face, causing Xiao Yu to secretly smile in delight.

Soon they reached the door and Xiao Yu bent down to solve the inscriptions. Hong Yue Xian was not Nie Li and made sure to enjoy the view of Xiao Yu's perfect pert butt in front of him. He was tempted to cop a feel of it but resisted.

Eventually Nie Li could not take it anymore and broke the inscriptions in the several breaths time, dealing a heavy blow to her confidence, which she regained after using a 'common key' to open the tomb doors.

The trio entered inside and ran into the ghouls. Xiao Yu used a special shield of light to protect them from all kinds of monsters and traps. A few minutes later sounds of people were heard from behind them, forcing the trio to rush and inadvertently fall into a distorted space. Hong Yue Xian immediately embraced Xiao Yu's willow waist and reached to clasp hands with Nie Li, as they began to fall.

"We have to do something about the space!" Shouted Hong Yue Xian. "Hang on, I have an idea." Growled Nie Li, as he transformed into a panda and shot his Yin Yang Blast, thus breaking the distortion and making them fall into the water.

The three drenched tomb raiders sat on the ruins gasping for breath, as they observed the murals on the walls. "You know, it is said that the Nether Master belongs to a Divine Feathers Sect of the Draconic Ruins Realm. It is a higher realm than this one and for the people living there, the Spiritual Gods of this world are just ants. They call this world the Tiny World. Nie Li, would you like to become the Nether Master's disciple?" Said Xiao Yu slowly, before turning to look at Nie Li.

"Maybe, we will see." Replied Nie Li flatly. "Hey, Xiao Yu, are you not going to ask me?" Grumbled Hong Yue Xian unhappily. "Forget it, i will still say that I would like to become Nether Master's disciple but I would not follow someone evil." Stated Hong Yue Xian righteously, as he cautiously looked around, but fortunately no lighting fell on him. While Xiao Yu assured him that Nether Master was good and righteous.

After that Nie Li and Hong Yue Xian changed their clothes, with the prior being puzzled by Xiao Yu's reluctance to do the same. However, they were distracted by two giant bony hands trying to crush them. Xiao Yu protected them but she could not hold out for long so they started to flee. Both Nie Li and Hong Yue Xian transformed and began shooting Yin Yang Blasts and Wind Blades, before creating an opening in the wall and rushing inside.

What they saw in front was a large chamber filled with many vine like cages trapping all the Demigod experts inside. They all looked like dried up corpses, as if they were being sucked dry by something. The trio looked at the centre of the room and saw a black heart, when a voice of the Deth God resounded.

The Death God went on cursing the Nether Master and explaining his plans in great detail. "Free the Demigods, I will hold him off!" Shouted Nie Li. Hong Yue Xian and Xiao Yu immediately went to cut the cages. Unfortunately, Hong Yue Xian did not possess a sword filled with Heavenly Energy so he was 'powerless' to help.

The Death God tried to stop Xiao Yu but Nie Li blocked him. "The Death God completely absorbed this Demigod, Xiao Yu hurry!" Shouted Hong Yue Xian in panic as he secretly devoured one of the Demigod experts, bringing his rank to the peak. Soon Xiao Yu managed to free all cages with two unfortunate fellows perishing.

Once freed the Demigods thanked the trio profusely before attacking the Death God, causing the latter to retaliate and bury Nie Li in Death Energy, before once again capturing everyone. When the Death God saw the sword in Xiao Yu's hand, he was overjoyed and began to whip her.

Hong Yue Xian could no longer keep quiet and transformed. "Don't you dare hurt Xiao Yu!" He shouted exaggeratedly and channelled the Law of Life before crushing the vine like objects and freeing Xiao Yu. The Death God felt his nemesis's energy and tried to bury Hong Yue Xian in Death Energy as well.

The thin protective film of Life Energy was quickly overwhelmed and Death Energy invaded. Hong Yue Xian shielded Xiao Yu with his body. While everyone thought he was experiencing a tough battle, in truth he could not be more relaxed. The Life Energy was not defeated but retracted by Hong Yue Xian, who used the generous opportunity to devour as much Death Energy as he could.

Unfortunately, they were interrupted by Nie Li emerging and absorbing the rest of the Death Energy, causing the Broken Divine Spark to turn to ash. As the tomb began disappearing Nie Li talked to the Demigods about the Wugui Family and the Dark Guild. Once it was just the three of them, Xiao Yu also said good bye. She thanked them both for saving her and said they would see each other again at the Nether Master disciple selection.

With that both Nie Li and Hong Yue Xian left the tomb and met up with the girls. Afterwards, they spent several days searching for more Spirit Origin Fruits and the rest of the gang. Once all of them were reunited, the whole group returned to the Jade Seal Family camp, to Lu Xiao's great relief.