
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Wind caused by their attack would probably blow away a normal human. Shaking caused by their steps would disturb balance of anyone. Just their size would overwhelm others. But not me. I dodged their attacks. I withstood winds trying to blow me away. I used my tail to balance myself. For their size, it only gave me a bigger target. Looking at them I felt that my battle against Armor were far more difficult than this.

"Stop! Running! Away!"

"Stop being clumsy."

I pierced and burned their armpit. While my attacks didn't cut to deep, their body was covered with wounds. Death by thousand cuts. Even after Wrath's duration ended I still didn't had too much problem. I just minimized my aura use by focusing it in one area. I also used Lightning Clad when it was necessary to dodge.

(Lightning Clad became level 2.)

(Weapon Aura became level 8.)

(Fire Breath became level 5.)

My fruits of long battle were those level ups. I been fightning this beast for a day and a night straight. Finally they fell to their knees. My focusing my aura in tip of my spear I destroyed one of the heads. They fell to ground. I put an end to their miserable existence.


(Two-headed Mutant Ogre is being absorbed. Choose between passive skill Regeneration and passive skill Tough Hide.)

"Of course Regeneration."

(Passive skill Regeneration is acquired. Tough Hide is conventerd into 0.1 skill points. You currently have 3.4 skill points.)

(Clear 7th floor. Difficulty B. Cleared. 5 skill points and 10 stat points are given.)

(You can move to 6th floor. Do you want to proceed?)

I took a deep breath. This floor wasn't that hard.

"2 to intelligence, 2 to magic, 2 to vitality, 2 to strength, 2 to agility. Also 1 skill point to Regeneration."

(Regeneration became level 2.)

I looked at my status.

Name: Nocturnis Regius(Nox) Race: Demon(Bloodline can't be measured)

Strength: 42 Vitality:42

Intelligence:40 Magic:53

Agility:46 Charisma:27

Active Skills: Wrath Lv3, Contract LvMax, Arcane Magic LvMax, Never-Ending Gluttony: Devourer Lv0, Fire Breath Lv5, Corruptive Evolution Lv0, Demonic Beast's Outrage Lv 5, Weapon Aura Lv8, Lightning Clad Lv2, .

Passive Skills: Magic Circulation Lv7, Mental Barrier Lv7, Mind's Eye Lv1, Clairvoyance Lv2, Sonic Flight Lv4, Tough Scales Lv1, Regeneration Lv2.

Titles: One who overcomes Chaos(Legend), Defiant(Unique)

Some of my stats grown beyond the stat points I gave to them. Possibly because of fighting constantly. My skill also were same. This floor felt easy compered to other but…

(Clear 6th floor. Difficulty A.)

Difficulty changed from B to A. That meant that other floor would be much harder.

"Yeah, let's go."

Stronger monsters meant stronger abilities I can get my hands on. I felt being transported to a different plane. When I opened my eyes, scenery changed.

"What is this?"

I asked to myself as I touched the glowing gem. I hit it, easily shattering it. Even in small shards it kept giving light. There were a lot of them in this cave. I picked one of them to use a a light source. Despite the thick darkness surrounding cave I could see things clearly. Thanks to my demonic heritage and Clairvoyance. I started to explore the cave. At first I couldn't find nothing until something snapped at my leg. I quickly retreaded back and shined the creature using the glowing gem I held. It was a crab as big as a cat. I fired a magic missiles and cracked its shell, killing it. A blue liquid came out of its body. At the same time I heard several voices. Due they echoing I couldn't locate where they came from. They sounded like snapping…

"Ah, fuck."

I looked at several car size crabs coming towards me. Small crab must be a baby. Now adults came after me because I killed it.

"Well, I was getting bored just walking."

I dropped glowing gem I held without breaking. I grabbed Basat and engaged with crabs. After a short battle I stepped on last one alive and cracked its shell. Only their shell was tough. They didn't had any other special abilities. I grabbed the glowing gem and kept moving. I met with several huge centipedes, more crabs and bats. All of them were not a big deal. Only thing that crept me out were their appearance.

"Does monsters get uglier the deeper I go in this dungeon?"

I chuckled to myself. If it was the case only thing I needed to win was closing my eyes. Heh, if only it was that easy. I moved forward. While at first was quite simple now it got complicated. Sometimes roads branched off to several parts. I had to choose one randomly and move. Sometimes that road I picked led to a deadend. So I had to trace back. It was the same problem I had in Jasper's Castle. But unlike that place I couldn't force my way. I didn't know if destroying rock formation would lead to a correct road or even a road. Also I didn't want to collapse the cave and get stuck under several tons of rocks. It would be a really shitty way to end my journey. So I had to wonder around tunnels blind, fighting whatever I came across. None of them had any skills.

"Maybe that's better."

That Owl wouldn't be able to fly in this cave system like he wants. So even if he reaches to me I would be in advantage. But even with that I wouldn't want to fight against him. While I didn't knew how strong he really was, I didn't wanted this cave to collapse due our fight. It would be a lose-lose for both of us. Even if one were to win they would be stuck.

"But maybe that's not the case for him."

If he could teleport between floors he could get away like that.

"Best way to win is not to fight at all."

I kept moving. I was looking for middle boss. If I found them I would also have a hint about real boss. While I was thinking this ground beneath my feet started to slide. My first reaction was thinking it was an earthquake. However my thoughts changed when a claw reached from ground to slash me. I dodged and cut down the arm claw belonged to. Creature made loud shrieking noises. After a while I didn't felt it. Still on guard I examined the claw.

"A mole?"

While it was bigger than my own claw it looked like a mole's. I knocked to caves walls. It was solid rock. This creature was able to dig through solid rock rapidly?

"If it hit me that time…"

It would result in a deep wound. While I had natural healing powers due high vitality and demonic body of mine it still hurt. I looked at my missing arm.

"It doesn't grow back even with Regeneration."

Maybe skill level was too low. I just hoped that I would get it back. Being one armed sucked. While I got used to it and managed myself not having something you had one time felt like shit.

"Lucy probably knows a way."

She had power to resurrect me and give me this system. Probably growing an arm or two wasn't that hard compered to resurrecting someone.

"Though she probably wouldn't do it unless I beg her."

And that wasn't going to happen. Despite that I wondered how I had my system and received quest rewards. Did Chaos Shard inside me took complete control? Was it that strong?

"Or maybe Lucy allows it."

Despite knowing her from my past memories, she were a mystery. My impression of her was covered with snarky comments, sarcasm and jokes. It was almost like she hid away her personality behind those walls.

"Human me, why didn't you looked into it?"

Maybe I did and I don't remember. Maybe I thought she was a hallucination and I was mentally ill. Whatever. I jumped to a big hole. Transforming my wings and using them to glide I was able to reach the ground safely. As my foot touched the ground I felt the vibrations I felt back when mole creature attacked me. I jumped, using my already formed wings to fly. This opening had enough space for me to fly. Though small, it was better than be in enemies reach. I watched as entire ground shook and shifted visibly.

"Don't tell me."

This were more ruckus than one could manage. There must be a dozen of those things. One popped its head and I got a good look at it. It looked weirdly cute. Big as a horse it looked just like a oversized mole.

"Pretty boring and lazy design if you ask me."

I threw my spear to it and its head exploded.

"Not too tough for a creature that able to dig rocks."

As I called Basat back I heard countless loud shrieks. They were so high-pitched that I felt like going deaf.

Thinks a creature is a cute.

Kills it.

Nice going Nox.

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