
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Getting hit by a truck

"Are they trying to collapse this part to kill me?"

I said as I watched rocks break and fall. I flew where I came to this part from but entrance was covered with rocks. I didn't know if blasting away those rocks would cause even more big of a mess.

"This is just overkill."

I looked around for and escape route. Not one I can see. Very well, I have to do this. I pointed my spear to vibrations. Moles were under the ground. What I just need to do was reach and kill them. So I put everything I have to my strike, even Wrath and dived down with my spear. I rotated my aura, creating a drill. The moment my spear tip touched the ground entire floor cracked. While I wasn't able to see what was happening due rocks and dirt flying to everywhere, I felt falling down. Using my wings I tried to fly but rocks falling down prevented me. As I pushed myself up more and more rocks fell. I heard moles screech even more before abruptly cutting. When I finished falling and movement in the cave stopped, I dug myself out. The attack I did caused entire cave to collapse. Thankfully it stopped after a while and I didn't get buried in too deep. While rocks falling caused some bruises it wasn't a big of deal. I would heal up quickly.

(Kill 1000 monsters. Difficulty C. Cleared. Passive skill Predator was given.)

Just how many moles there were in cave walls? But then again I was killing non-stop since I got in this dungeon.

(Predator gives you an aura of superiority. Weaker beings who look or feel you presence will be overwhelmed and submit to you.)

Just a skill working on weaker beings than me? Useless. Why would I care about beings weaker than me? If I could defeat them with already why would I need a skill to overwhelm them? I could just kill them.

"Whatever. Having it is better than not having it."

I moved in rubble carefully. Last thing I needed now was another cave collapse. After carefully picking ups rocks I was able to clear a road for me. But now there wasn't any light.

"Hello, darkness my old friend."

(Clairvoyence became level 3.)

If I had some kind of wood with me I could burn it with Fire Breath. But then I would hold my spear in my mouth like I did when I was climbing. After a while your jaw starts hurting. While I was messing around a piece of rock flew straight to my chest. I was doubled over due pain.


Mind's Eye allowed me to predict attacks according to observation ,experience and anticipation. If I was attacked out of blue like this I had no way of responding to it. I gained my composure back and looked at front of me. Tunnel I was in had no one that I could see. I took a step forward. Another piece of rock flew towards me in lightspeed. I blocked it. Another step, another rock. I blocked it and smiled.

"Does its vision related to movement? Or it is sensing vibrations?"

All attacks came from front. Simple attacks. Every step I had to block one attack. While the speed they came towards me were great,it wasn't something I haven't seen before. After a hour of slow walking and blocking I met who was launching those rocks.

"A shrimp? No, a pistol shrimp?"

It was bigger than a car. One of its claws was shaped like a cannon. White, rather frail looking sheel covered its body.

"That explains a lot of things."

Cannon looking claws sucked rocks to itself. When I moved, it launched it to me.

"It is sad that I have to kill one of my favorite animals."

Using Lightning Clad I sped towards it. While it launched several rocks towards me I parried them. While I was just about to spear it to death, other claw flashed and I was blown away.


I coughed blood.

(Tough Scales became level 2.)

"Did you take the license plate of that truck?"

I saw shrimps flying around my head like old cartoons. I grunted as I felt my ribs crack. I felt my body healing with Regeneration. If it attacked me now it could kill me. But it just stood there. Menacingly.

"Looks like it can't see me if I don't move."

What it is, a ducking T-rex? I though pistol shrimps had better eyesight.

"Then again they also don't grow to size of a car."

Fantasy is weird. But now I need a way to deal with it. I had to get close to it while blocking flying rocks. Then I have to dodge that fist.

"It feels like a train kissed me in my chest."

And after doing all that I had to kill it. Healing enough I got up. I blocked another rocks while I was at it.


I also used Lightning Clad to sprint towards it. I covered 20 metres of distance in just 1 second. I feinted my spear strike and dodged the punch from other claw. Shock wave it created in air was enough to my bones vibrate. But I gritted my teeth. Wrath already blocked most of my sense of pain. My aura covered spear hit its frail looking shell. I expected it to just slice through like butter but I couldn't get through the shell. Since I gave all of my attention to attacking I was blown away with another punch.

"Cough! Cough!"

I couldn't breathe for a solid minute due the hit. While I couldn't feel the pain coming from my shattered ribs, not being able to breathe was another thing.

"Its shell is fucking tough!"

Looks can really be deceiving. It looked so weak yet I could only cut the surface. I looked at the wound I created on it. Green liquid dripped out.

"3 possible way."

One was throwing my spear to it. But I didn't thought it would even reach to it. Probably it could shoot it out of trajectory and while I called Basat back it could hit me. Second one was just doing what I did before. Reach it while blocking launched rocks, dodge the punch, attack and repeat until it is dead. I also didn't wanted to try it. While I could read one or two punches and avoid them if I kept it there was a change I would be caught.

"I guess that just leaves option 3."

Just hit harder. I am truly a genius. While it sounded a caveman like solution.

"An attack like I did against Armor."

If I could focus my energy like I did that day I would have more than enough firepower to kill it in one strike. But the question was whatever I could or could not.

"I have to."

I took a deep breath.

(Remaining duration of Wrath: 44 seconds.)

I had to end it before it. My ribs still not healed but I had no time for that. If you had one shot or one opportunity. In one moment.Would you capture it.Or just let it slip?

"We'll see about it."

I rushed forward. My body becoming a black-red flash of lightning. I parried the rocks and closed the distance. My body nearly touched to its. I ducked under the puch. Shockwaves travelled in my skeleton. I put all of my focus in my spear. Basat, a spear born from my magic power and mud of Chaos. My aura drew an arc in air.

(Black Abyss: Purgatory)

With one strike I severed its body to two pieces. Despite that a punch caught me in my side. I flew in air while coughing up blood.

(Weapon Aura became level 9.)

I tried to get up. How did that thing still attacked me with its lower half gone? While I felt nearly no pain my body was a mess. I looked at the creature. Its head was lowered to ground. Green fluid spilled to everywhere. I saw it crawling or trying to crawl away. I forced my body to stand up.

(Duration of Wrath ended.)


I screamed in pain.


I dragged myself. In every step my body made creaking noises. My mouth was filled with taste of my blood. Despite that I moved. I reached to it and stabbed its head.

(Clear 6th floor. Difficulty A. Cleared. You were given an Empty Blood Stone.)

(You cleared the 6th floor. Do you want to proceed to 5th floor?)

This thing was the floor boss? Holy shit. It felt different from other floor bosses. I also didn't found the middle-boss. But fuck it.


Corpse of it was vanished in the air.

(You devoured Giant Cannon Shrimp. Passive skill Crushing Impact or active skill Time Perception Alteration can be acquired.)

I sat down. I tried to get my breathing in order. Which proved quite the challenge with broken ribs.

My naming sense sucks.

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