



Golden Dragon HQ

"Sir, we have a problem" the secretary,Nora, of the Golden Dragons CEO burst into his office screaming;she was met with a cold stare.

"What is it Nora? Can't you see I'm busy "

"It's urgent sir,the Golden Dragon branch in Ogun has been destroyed"


"Yes sir..."

"Send the task force immediately "

"Sir,the task force we sent was cleared in seconds"

"Shit.."he stood up and paced around his office "who could have done this" he thought to himself; "Sir there was a message left at the scene" "what does it say ?" Nora turned her tablet to let the CEO see for himself, the message was written in blood on the floor it read 'Thanks for the warm up send more agents' . The CEO was dumbfounded those were some of the best agents the organization had and they were killed easily. "This is no ordinary threat.. is He available?"

"You mean Agent Cascade?"


"No sir; he's on his 'holiday'"

"Tell him it's urgent, tell him the organization needs Agent Cascade"