
Grocery Shootout

Ryan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing; it was Nora the CEOs secretary. He stared at the phone for sometime before answering the call.

"What is it ?"

"Agent you're to report to the-"

He quickly cut the call before she could say anything, after all the organization knew he was on vacation which he only gets once every year, they should get another agent to handle their problems.

Even though Ryan's idea of a vacation was staying at home doing nothing he took it very serious; that means no missions..no matter what. He got up to have a shower and headed to the kitchen for breakfast, he opened the fridge to see a single cucumber and a bottle of groundnut "Empty" he thought to himself. He got his keys and drove to the nearest supermarket to get some groceries.


He grabbed two loaves of bread off shelves and noticed three men in suits at the counter talking to the cashier when one of them suddenly pulled out a shotgun and blew her head off. The shoppers started screaming and running in different directions as the men scattered into aisles.

Ryan hid behind a shelve wondering what the heck was going on. He pulled out a pistol from his shorts and got into position

"Hey kid! Drop the gun" it was one of the men in suits with a double barrel gun aimed directly for Ryan's head ; "You agent cascade?"

"Depends on who's asking"

"Don't try anything stup-"

Before he could finish the sentence Ryan hit him in the face with a loaf of bread and knocked his gun off aim. The man clenched his face in confusion while Ryan aimed and shot at the mans shoulder

"Arghhhhh!! Damn kid"

"Who sent you?"

"Yeah like I'll ever tell yo-"

Ryan shot him in his right leg "ARGHHHHHHH"

"Let's try that again; who sent you ?"

"Shitttt!! Fine I'll talk, it was -"

Before he could say anything meaningful his head was blown off by the man with the shotgun; he fired another shot at Ryan but he got out of view in time, he looked around but there wasn't anyone else so he rolled over and shot through the mans head.

He got up just in time to see the last man drive off in a black Jeep, he picked up his phone and called Nora

"Hey Nora what the hell is going on ?"

"Unknown men are attacking the organization, I thought you were on vacation "

"I was..."

"So are you taking the job?"

"Of course I am....this just got personal "