
Tales of a Phony Trainer Red

A Young Pokemon Fan who Peaked in Elementary School and a Car Crash... What could go Wrong?

dat_boi_0360 · Video Games
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2 Chs

Start of a Dream

"Watch out!!!"

"Where are you going!!!"

"Pull over!!!"

And then the voices stopped. As I slowly return to a state of consciousness, I realize in horror what had just occurred. I had, at long last, become free of the grip my life has held over me. "So I died in a car crash..." I thought, with the vast void of emptiness ever increasing in my heart.

I have always wished to be dead, but it doesn't seem as good as I was told. My functions are now obsolete, and I now must wait for eternity.

I never had a good life. I was harassed and teased all throughout my Middle and High school years for being what they called a "Basement-Dwelling Fat Ass." At least I had Dad, he was always there for me, throughout all of my struggles, and he supported me in my life choices. He always seemed like the only person I could trust to fend off the others.

And now, I am alone, with myself, in the void of space. The only two outcomes of this situation are either staying here for eternity or landing in Dr. God's office for a moral exam. I guess I need to be positive, after all, I can be an Overpowered Isekai Protagonist and get awesome cheat powers! But that is only on fiction, that can never happ-.

Suddenly a deep voice interrupted my thoughts, "MORTAL, ahem, Connor, correct?"

"Yes. That is correct."

"Good, now let me explain to you how you died."

"No need, I already know."

"Oh really? Well, I am no Fitness Jockie, but I am feeling good and finally started exercising. And I don't wanna send you to heaven or hell because I am in a bit of a struggle with Lucifer... I know! I will give you three wishes to start a new life."

"Oh really, Hmm.." What should I do? Wait, this is my chance to be an Isekai protagonist!

"I wanna be reborn in the Pokemon World! With all my memories! And I also want to be good looking this time!" (Me too! Yeah! Woo Hoo!)

"Haha, how predictable." God says with what I'm guessing is a smug grin.

"Off you go! c:"

"AUUUAAHHHHAHAHHAHAHHHGHGHGHGH" I scream in my mind as I fall through space and time itself.


Good, I'm awake now, but I can't stop crying, I'm hungry and I'm...


Check In tomorrow for a much longer Chapter!

I hope it was good for the short length it was.

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