
Tales of a Phony Trainer Red

A Young Pokemon Fan who Peaked in Elementary School and a Car Crash... What could go Wrong?

dat_boi_0360 · Video Games
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2 Chs

Forest Fuming

Great, now I am in a damn forest as a newborn baby. That sneaky bastard didn't even give me a stable family! I am so upset at this situation I seem to be crying even louder now.

In the middle of my wailing comes forth the great hailing, as tiny Hail bullets rain down from the sky. I feel my body begin to fry. I call for help in this time of need, with nobody around to hear my plea. I am hurting so badly I might not last out.Hmm...

[Trainer Connor has blacked out!]


"Hello, little one."

I slowly regain life to see an old man's wrinkly face. He has small, blue eyes and a protruding chin. I start to gain hope that I might live for today, so I go to sleep.

I then wake up later to realize just what is going on here, I see small creatures playing around in this guy's house. The old man rocks in his chair with his back turned to me, and with a Caterpie on his shoulder. And now that I look at the walls, it is lined with nets and various gold trophies in the shape of his Caterpie. He sure loves his Caterpie and his bugs.

As I am recollecting my thoughts about my new situation the Man walks up and heads toward me. He is way taller than I imagined he would be just by seeing his face. From my point of view, I would say that he is around 6'4", but I am a baby, so I am likely wrong. He then plops Caterpie down onto my side. It seems he wants me and his Caterpie to be good friends. While I normally don't have friends, I am surely going to have Pokemon as my friends! While I can't do much to show it, I am trying to show my appreciation to the Old Man. But then, another figure walks in,that figure is a woman, about the same age as the Old Man.

"Eric, honey, have you brought home another baby Caterpie again?"

"No no Linda, it's not a pokemon."

"Then don't say 'it', that word is offensive to use for some people!"

"Alright alright, I just didn't know his or her Gender, Jesus."

"Then ask!"

Old man Eric and I both mentally facepalmed at that statement, but he asked anyway.

"What is your Gender?"

[Choose: Boy or Girl]

{I will choose Boy, thank you.}

"Oh wow, it's a boy!"

"How did you know Eric?"

"I don't know, I just had some gut feeling like he was a boy."

And so I went to sleep in Linda's arms.

I was up late so I decided to just make a new chapter, hope this solves your cliffhanger needs!

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