
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasy
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10 Chs


It was nightime, Dio was leaning on a tree, watching the group reunite outside the city.

Sun was already going to sleep, under his wing, Alex and Slime Boy were preparing a little campfire.

Zero sat next to Dio, she was the only one who could see him after all. Dio didn't turn to look at Zero, but he asked:

-How does it feel? To not be entirely yourself but a mix of two personalities-

-It feels... oddly natural. I have the memories of two completely different lifes that at the same time are so... Similar. Always in the darkness, never going out, just waiting for someone to come and pay attention to us...-

-I see-

Dio was paying an unusual attention to Sun, he had been looking at him for a while now.

Zero noticed that.

-What are you planning?- She asked

Dio kept silent, he was repeating in his head an argument he had with the assistant some hours ago. He tried to tell Zero about it, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he remained silent.

Zero was not forcing him to talk, so she said.

-It's okay-

Dio looked at her, confused.

-You and me used to be the same person, you know? I definitely can tell when you're faced with a hard decision. Right now, you do not know if you should prioritize your objectives or your morals.-

Now he was surprised, he was just read like a book.

-What should I choose...?- He asked

-I'm going for the morals, it's my first time in two lifes having good people by my side, I want to stay by theirs. I'm giving up on being strong, I'm giving up on...- She did a pause, she was about to say something she was not so sure about -... I'm giving up on finding Apollo-

Dio kept looking at her. What was she to him? Another half of himself? A sister?... It's hard to tell what their relationship exactly was.

But he was completely sure he understood how she felt too.

-There's nothing more to wonder then- He said

This time, it was Zero who looked at him. Dio smiled at her, without a ounce of doubt, he said:

-I'm going for the objectives. I will find a way to dive into the Dark Zones and bring Apollo back at you, so you don't worry, I'll find a way. And you know better than anyone that no challenge has ever been too big for me, right?-

Zero was worried about the implications of what he was saying. But she knew him, his resolve wouldn't be changed now, and in some way, she knew that part of that resolve was looking to make her happy.

So she spared him a smile... And a hug.

-I don't know what you're on about. But it seems you're about to pick a hard path, so remember I'll always pray for your health-

Dio was surprised by the hug, his heart felt unusually warm... This was... affection? How pathetic is it to this be his first time receiving it and it coming from himself?

Despite that, he liked how it felt and he hugged back. But this would just make his decision to be harder to take. This feeling... What he was about to do would distance him from this feeling forever.

But he was happy to have felt it at least once anyways.

Zero then stood up and started leaving.

-Sleep well- She said

And then she went with the group to the campfire. Dio had no words.

He looked back at Sun, the words from the assistant still resonated on his head

"[You can not go to the Dark Zones. I will not allow it]"

"Why not?"

"[You have no body. If you die like this your soul will disappear forever]"

"All right then, how do I get a new body?"


I wonder if there's another way.

There probably isn't.

What if I don't?

Then I would never find Apollo... I would never find out what's with System's preference with Alex... For some reason I think...

If I go to the Dark Zones I'll figure out what System actually is ...

I want to be stronger, I want to know what's wrong with this world and... I want to bring back Apollo for Zero.

"[You have to eat a dragon's heart... And there is only one outside the Dark Zones]"

My eyes were set on Sun.

Are my desires worth becoming a murderer?

"Sleep well" huh?

I wonder when will I sleep again


The hours passed. It was midnight and the group, as well as everyone, was sleeping.

Everyone but him.

Dio stood up, his golden eyes were glowing. He hadn't closed them, not for even a second.

He slowly walked at the group and lied a hand on the dragon.

A message popped.

[So you are actually going to do it.]

The assistant was paying close attention to the kid's actions.

Dio looked at the message, then looked at the group, sleeping below the dragon's wing...

Then he looked at his hand, touching the cold scales of the dragon.

He closed his fists.

-Yes, I am...-