
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The start of the adventure.

At dawn, when the first sun rays hit the group, they woke up, just to see a terrible scenario.

In front of them, their friend lied dead, the giant white dragon had his chest pierced and drippling blood, his eyes were blank, no sign of life.

How was it possible for a giant dragon to recieve such a huge wound without emmiting any sound, how did no one notice?

The group looked at each other in horror, with no explanation to what happened.

Alex touched Sun's face, he didn't know how to react. He of course wouldn't cry, he was just angry... Angry at his murderer.

-We need to find out who did it- He said

Zero looked away, she had a terrible feeling, a feeling of the guilty for such a crime being her other half. She searched for him all around the place.

There were no traces of Dio.




[Initializing Systems ...]

[Recopilating daily reports...]

[PK alert: One player has been already killed.]

[Processing Agent #005's report]

"{The Plan} is not going as excepted, the one who was supposed to be {Player: Zero} derailed his own fate and activated one of the quests intended for {Player: Alex}'s future growth, I myself had been activated way sooner than expected. Right now the player, who identifies himself as "Dio", is aiming for the Dark Zones. I'll be aiding him until I recieve further instruction"

In a dark room, various whispers could be heard, evaluating the situation that was presented to them.




I want to throw up.

I want to throw up so badly.

I knew murdering wouldn't be easy but also eating raw heart? I don't have that much stomach. That experience was horrible.

I was horribly scared when I saw his painful expression after taking a hit that literally opened his chest.

I'm still shaking... I regret doing it, I regret it so bad!... But I can't retract myself now, can I?

I looked at my body, a physical body, obtained after eating Sun's heart... That was a pretty scary experience too, the white fluid tried to take over me again...

Assistant told me I also evolved thanks to eating the heart and that I should get used to that fluid and... uh...

Potential voices in my head from now on.

Apparently [Devourer] is a kind of amalgam monster who feeds of the souls I consume... Apparently its not only the body what I'm eating.

[You're about to reach the Zone threshold, prepare yourself to enter the Dark Zones]

-Uh, yeah, thanks...-

At the distance I could say it, there was a literal line that divided White Zones and Dark Zones. The other side looked dead, dark, instead of grass, the ground looked made out of rocks and ashes, a red sky... They could call it hell and I would totally believe it.

I took a good breath while I still was on the White Zones. Assistant had already told me once I've crossed the threshold I would not be able to experience such clean air or nice weather again.

For a few seconds, I doubted again, I was scared. But as I convinced myself to do it, a message popped in.

[By leaving the {White Zones} you are leaving the protection shield area, you will no longer be safe from incoming threats. If you agree with this, continue.]

I did not stutter, I crossed the threshold... And yeah it was as bad as Assistant described it. It was hot, really hot.

They air felt toxic, my lungs were burning from just inhaling it, it was painful. My head started aching and I coughed a bit.

"This is definitely not gonna be easy..."

I thought while I kept walking and looked at some System screens.


[New Quest: Dragon Hunter]

Description: You have consumed the magical core from a dragon, why not aim bigger? There are 3 Dragon kings ruling over the surface of the Dark Zones. Hunt them down and eat their hearts

Rewards: [3 dragon king hearts]-[100k Pp]-[Race evolution]




[New Quest: The way to godship]

Description: As you fastly evolve, you must remember your origins as a being with tight blood relationship with Gods and goddesses. Grow and earn your own place as a God.

Rewards: [Title: Primordial God of Sun]-[Granted information access by Agent #005]


These two quests popped once I ate Sun's heart...

"[I specifically designed these quests for you. You're about to walk a path that was not predicted by System so I needed to improvise something]" That was what Assistant said

"Granted information access"... Does that mean she is willing to answer my questions if I complete the quests?

Well, there's only one way to find out.

Under a red sky and toxic air, I kept walking, leaving further behind with every step the commodity and safety that I had.

"Wonder where those dragons are" I asked to myself, while walking towards the unknown

A long way awaited me.