
The First

A world, sprouted from the very stars and planets. A being, The One, is grown from the World's ground. The One is life itself, it manifests itself in all that is and all that shall be. The first being of The One's creation is Yen. She is blessed with the power of Darkness. She walks among the World, enveloping it in eternal shadow. As the world is covered, another being catches her eye, Lucir, God of the Moon. He admires her dark and is fascinated by it. Though he is bright, Yen cannot take her eyes off him. Yen and Lucir are the first victims of Love. They create Yen's children: Locost, God of Knowledge; Draeya, Goddess of Water and Rain; Avity, Goddess of Cunning and Deception; and Candus, God of Battle and Bravery. With her children, Yen creates the next being: Elves. They are graceful and delicate, knowledgeable and clever, and loyal and brave. The One, angered by Yen's creation creates and new being, one to combat that of Darkness. So is born Photos, God of Sun and Light. Photos walks upon the land, bringing light to all of it. Because of Photos's light, Lucir is lost, with his light being belittled. Photos begins to fall in love with the earth. As he walks among she, she grows. Straight from the ground, sprout the kin of Photos. Seara, Goddess of Truth and Amity; Delos, God of Strength and War; Faeren, Goddess of Fire and Flame; and Toran, God of Anger and Strife. Yen is not pleased by The One's betrayal, she wages war upon Photos. For a Vek, Yen and Photos battle. Light and Dark. Neither can beat the other. In a move of preservation and peace, Locost and Saera create a treaty. It is stated that Yen and Photos will both have domain over the world, with Yen during Night, and Photos during Day. Because of the conflict, Toran, the vengeful, decides this conflict roots back to The One. He believes The One is directly responsible for the war. In and act of revenge, Toran kills The One. Toran and his brother, Delos, pour their might into a new being: Man. Man and Elf are not yet aware of one another, but they will be.