
We won't be safe for too long

" UUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPEFULLY I DON'T FORGET THIS CRAP TOMORROW " Gungun grunted as she threw her books across the room.

" That is going to happen. " Rasha closed her book, kept it on her nightstand and then removed the charger from her animating tablet and took it.

Khushi : What are we supposed to talk about now?

Gungun : Boys and girls!!

Khushi : Boys only, for us.

Kateyln : Did you m-mean li-ike crush?

Pari : Ya

Kateyln : So i-is Gu-

Gungun : Yes, I am a bi

Kateyln : Oka-ay

Gungun : You know I found a really cute girl in class, her name is Emma

Rasha : Okay... so did you start talking to her?

Gungun : Yea, she's a tomboy

Khushi : You literally will fall in love with a rock if it was pretty

Gungun : Hey!

* Everyone starts laughing *

Gungun : Then what about you Khushi? Huh?

Khushi : Not me, I don't have any

Gungun : Kateyln?

Kateyln : Me too... no one likes me

Rasha : Kateyln, don't worry, it's better to stay single. You don't want to be falling in love.

Gungun : Says the person who has so many drawings of them and a 2D fictional character.

Rasha : That's the point, you will never find such personalities in actual people. My standards are too high.

Khushi : Your " Tom " looks ugly.


Gungun : So Pari?

Pari : I didn't see any handsome boys in my class. I prefer Indian boys. Gungun, do you think that girl likes you back?

Gungun : I don't know * shrugs *

Khushi : There is nothing interesting here.

Gungun has an idea. " I know what you will like~ ", she smirks as she looks at Rasha.

" I don't have anything interesting " Rasha glances at Gungun and then went back animating.

" But your tablet has many things that are interesting~ " Gungun slowly crawls towards Rasha.

" Here you go. I will burn you, if you accidentally make it fall. " Rasha gently passed it to her.

Gungun : Let me go to her galleryyyy... then go here, and here. Yea here

Khushi : Bro what is this * laughing *

Pari : Why does he have black eyes?

Rasha : it's just a character

Kateyln : The drawings are p-pretty nice

Rasha : Thanks..

Khushi : e-eddsworld? What show is this?

Rasha : Are you done?

Khushi : He looks weird

Rasha : * facepalms *

Pari : You are really crazy for him

Khushi : The wallpaper is the funniest

Gungun : Rasha needs someone to love her, isn't it RM?

Rasha : Too bad, there aren't any guys that are like my fantasies

Gungun then gives it back to Rasha. " What will we do now? " Pari asks, fiddling with her jumpsuit strap. The group remained silent for few minutes.

" You know, I was thinking that if Luna and Stacie has to come beat us up, they have to do it where no one would see it right? " Rasha looked up at everyone.

Khushi : Yeah, you are right

Gungun : So what are we going to do now?

Rasha : Hmm.. Kateyln?

Kateyln : Yes?

Rasha : Do you know any where, where Luna usually beats up her victims?

Kateyln : uuh-

Pari : Rasha is a CID now

* Gungun and khushi giggles *

Kateyln : I don't know.... I c-can show yo-ou around though.

Rasha : See, now we have something to do

The group stopped whatever they were doing and went outside.

" Oh crap, we have to lock it! " Rasha panics as she runs back to the room. She got the key and locked the room and shoved it in her pocket.

" RM, it's fine. It's not like, someone's going to break in. " Gungun assured her.

" I'm not taking any risk. I have many important things in there. " Rasha said.

Kateyln led the group to an area behind the cafeteria.

" Hide! " Kateyln whispered. The group quickly hid behind the doorway

" What happened? " Pari whispered back. Kateyln hushed everyone and pointed to a direction.

" Luna and Stacie are over there... with Mary? " Kateyln said a little confused.

Khushi and Pari went a little closer to see who it was.

" It's definitely Mary " Khushi whispered.

" But why is she with her? " Pari was puzzled

" Listen to what they are saying! " Rasha called out to them

Mary : Luna please, just admit it. It was you who did it!

Luna : Why would I do that, huh?

Rasha slowly made her way a little closer to them with her phone in hands.

" There is no way I'm letting her go. "

" She was only stopp- " Luna punched Mary in the face and used her powers to blow her away and got hit against the wall.

" Hey! Stop that! " Khushi yelled, walking towards them. Pari and Kateyln runs to Mary to help her.

" Oh look, we have visitors " Luna said in an obvious sassy tone

" Luna, we don't need to fighting here, just ADMIT IT!!! " Rasha screamed the last two words. Luna launched herself at her and started hitting her. While this was happening. Stacie started to pull away Mary from Kateyln and Pari.

Gungun used her water powers and made a ball of water threw it onto Stacie's direction, startling her when it made contact. Stacie was dripping water from head to toe. Khushi, on the other hand had fire in her hands and ran to Luna to threaten her while Rasha was protecting herself with her plasma shield.

" YOU GUYS RUN!!! " Gungun yelled to Pari and Kateyln. They both grabbed Mary and ran back inside the entrance with Stacie following suite. Thankfully, Gungun generated water and onto the floor, where Stacie slipped and fell. Khushi had managed to get Luna back to the corner, held her hands to the other direction to prevent her from using her wind powers. Rasha slowly put her shield down. Luna was struggling in Khushi's grip and finally escaped. The three of them had already booked it and started

running across the football field where a few guys were playing.

" YOU GUYS ARE RUINING THE GAME!!! " One of the teammates yelled.

" YOU WOULDN'T BE SAYING THAT IF YOU HAVE A CRAZY PSYCHOPATH CHASING YOU!! " Rasha yelled back at them as trio ran around the track for a while before taking off to their dorm rooms.After they had entered their floor, they mustered up all the energy they had and ran to the dorm and locked it. They painted they lounged on the bunk beds.

" Now tha- * pants * t is one crazy * pants * person. " Khushi says through her huffs.

" Now we have probably made her angry, now the plan will go smoothly...

Or will it? "