
The masterplan, which is not really a masterplan

third person pov

after class..

" Wassup " Rasha said as she and Kateyln came into their dorm while Gungun was laying on her bed.

Gungun : Why did you come so late?

Rasha : I just went to get signed up for music club.

Kateyln : I just went with her to show directions

Rasha : Anyways, is Khushi and Pari in their room?

Gungun : I dunno, lemme ask

Gungun took her phone and started to type.

Gungun : Why do you ask?

Rasha : I've got a great plan!

Gungun : For what?

Kateyln : The Sarah issue

Gungun : Ohh so tell me

Rasha : Wait le-

BAM! khushi and Pari opened the door and shut it.

Rasha : Well you guys are very ea-

Khushi : TELL US NOW!!

Rasha : Okay, okay, patience. Sit here

Rasha and Gungun moved over so that Khushi and Pari could sit with them.

Rasha : Okay so does anyone have any sort of evidence?

Kateyln : I thought you already made a plan?

Rasha : I do... I just wanna know if we have any kind of solid evidence.

Gungun : I don't

Pari : Neither of us have

Rasha : So any plans?

Khushi : Didn't you make a plan?

Rasha : * Sighs * I just wanna know if anyone has a plan which doesn't have violence

Gungun : Violence?!

Kateyln : We could ask the students who usually got bullied by Luna to support us.

Pari : Err..

Rasha : Do you think anyone will be brave enough to stand up against her?

Kateyln : you're right..

Gungun : If I were them, i too wouldn't go against her

Rasha : Does anybody have any other suggestion?

Khushi : Nope

Gungun and Pari : non

Rasha : Alright, now I will tell you my plan.

Khushi : Uughh.. now is the time for you to reveal the masterplan

Rasha : * Laughs * Hahahhaha-mast-pppffff. Okay, so earlier Khushi said that we could blackmail her since we don't have evidence. The only way is to catch her in action.

Pari : Huh?

Rasha : Like we can take a video of her actually ragging a student.

Kateyln : Meaning of ragging?

Khushi : abuse and humiliation

Kateyln : You co-ould've used the wor-rd ' abuse ' rig-ght?

Rasha : No, no, no. Bullying and ragging are two different things. Bullying is just mere teasing, ragging is more.. um.. how do I explain.. eh

Pari : More physical fights

Rasha : Yea, mostly you would see ragging in south Asian countries..

Kateyln : Ohh ok

Rasha : Okay, back to topic. So maybe we could embarrass herself infront of everyone to the point where she would beat us u-

Khushi : And we could record her!!! That's an awesome plan!!! * high fives Rasha *

Gungun : You two love fighting too much

Kateyln : But whose going to do it? I can't... I'm weak..

Pari : Me too

Gungun : I take a pass

Rasha : We only need a few minutes of it.. we could make more bloody, so more blame goes to her.

Khushi : I could record the fight. I can't do the physical fight part.

Rasha : So I can do the fighting

Gungun and Pari : WHAT?!?

Kateyln : Lu-una is real-lly strong too..

Gungun : Are you crazy?!? And bloody too?!

Rasha : Like I said, only few minutes of footage we need. I'm an experienced fighter. And besides, after we got it, I can use my shield

Khushi : hmm... she's right

Rasha : And now I'll tell you the plan B

Meanwhile with Jeffrey and Travis...

" BRO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? " Travis yelled at Tristan. They were playing video games.

" TRYING TO KILL YOU!! THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING!! " Tristan screamed back at him.

" CAN YOU IDIOTS SHUT YOUR F@$KING MOUTHS FOR ONCE!!! I CAN'T HEAR MY ANIME!!! " Jeffrey screeched at the adult babies.

" Dang it!!! Next time, Cole you better be my partner next time!! " Travis said through his headset before throwing it away.

" I won the bet, give me my five bucks now. " Tristan grinned as he took his ps5 and kept it under the TV stand. Travis reluctantly reached into his drawer and passed him the money he owed Tristan.

" Why don't you get off that chair Jay? I thought you had some work to do? " Tristan tapped Jeffrey's shoulder. " That's some useless things. I'm not going to do that. " Both of them saw as Travis left the dorm in anger.

" Damn, you really made him lose. " Jeffrey remarked

" With the help of cheat codes! " Tristan smirked.

" No wonder, he lost. But if he got to know about this, he's not going to leave you. "

" Yea.. " Tristan said as he fell jumped onto his bed. He glanced at a guitar under Jeffrey's bed.

" Jay, why don't you ever play your guitar? You could go to music competitions too, if you start practicing. " Tristan exclaimed. Jeffrey only grunted back in response.

" It was years ago, why are your thoughts still hanging on her?! No one cares, she probably didn't care, why don't you use it? " Tristan said in a slight anger tone.

" You're right.. I should start using my guitar again. " Jeffrey removed his ear buds and went and bent down to take his guitar. He took it out and gently placed it on his bed. He opened the guitar case to see a beautiful pearl white guitar. He blew off the dust and slowly took it.

" So old " Tristan said. Jeffrey started to strumming a few chords. Tristan sat there, listening to the sweet music.

" Man, you still got your skills. Can you sing too? " Travis smiled.

" Probably.. " Jeffrey replied. He had never sung in front of anyone. Except his family, friends and to... her. Jeffrey started singing " La Da Dee " by Cody Simpson

Few minutes after singing..

Jeffrey stopped and looked at his guitar for a while.

" Bro, you've got great talent. I swear to god if you don't sign up for any competition, I will force you too. " Tristan glared at Jeffrey as he chuckled. Jeffrey weirdly started to stare onto the wall.

" Jay, buddy you're zoning out. " Tristan snapped at him

" Hmm right... Tristan, do you ever feel like you're not enough? " Jeffrey slowly turned his head to Tristan.

Tristan : You started asking those deep thinking questions again.

Jeffery : Just answer

Tristan : Well, no.

Jeffrey shook his head and stared onto his guitar.

" It was better that she left you, dude. You did everything you can to make her happy. I think you should be focusing on your music now, your mom and dad would be happy for you. " Jeffrey flinched at the last sentence.

" My real parents wouldn't even care... "