
Getting used to the students..

Gungun... right? "

" Yea, didn't expect you to remember my name Hehe.. "

She said as she grabbed her papers from my hand and from the floor.

Gungun : well, it was nice meeting you!

Travis : Same

She walked to her seat, putting all her stuff on the table. She was sitting just three seats behind me.

Gungun's pov

I watched Travis as he went to his place. He looks sooo handsome, just like my bias. Is he my crush? I guess... hopefully Kateyln doesn't mind me having a crush on her brother. But wait... he looks like typical k-pop star, I'm pretty sure every girl has a crush on him. Oh god... just help me get with him. Should I go sit behind him? Before I could decide whether I should go sit behind him, some random girls ran and sat there, giggling. I sighed and rested my head on my palms. There is no way he's ever going to fall for a girl like me, out of the many girls in this whole campus. Maybe, I should get help from Rasha, she seems to make guy friends pretty easily. I'm pretty sure she'll help me.

" Good morning, students! " there was a moment of silence as the teacher walked in and placed her stuff on the desk. She doesn't look like the angry teacher from yesterday. Many students started to whisper and look at eachother. The teacher noticed that.

" And I'm your substitu- " before that, everyone started cheering.

The teacher smiled and yelled, " Ok, Ok, enough with your victory. I'm Ms. Allison, your substitute teacher. I'll be taking classes for this semester as Ms. Bella tragically fell down the stairs and broke her back. Now she is admitted in a hospital and would not be able to come to teach. " Well, now atleast we don't have to deal with that teacher for now.

" Since I'm new here, I would like you to introduce yourselves. "

Pari's POV

" So what are we gonna do about Sarah's issue? " I whispered to Rasha and Khushi.

" I guess we gotta find something to blackmail her so that she confesses. " Khushi whispered back.

" Pari. Khushi. Shut the f@$& up. We are in class, pay attention. " Rasha glared at us and then went on scribbling notes in her book. The teacher was babbling  something and was writing on the whiteboard. My mind wandered around, all over the place and then suddenly I started to stare at my pen. It was a cute pen which I bought from India, it had different colours of feathers on the end. I decided to brush the feathers of my pen against Khushi's face.

Khushi : hehehe..heh..heh- stop i- hehe-

Rasha : Pari. Stop, for heaven's sake

Pari : Just one more ti-

Rasha : No. You know what, I'll sit between you too, or else u guys will keep annoying me.

Rasha quietly grabbed her things shoved it onto my space and grabbed my things and put it on her side.

" Now slowly stand up a little and I'll slide to your place. " she whispered. I quietly stood up and we quickly swapped seats.

Rasha : now keep quiet and copy from me.

Khushi : What do you think is Kateyln doing to avoid people?

Rasha : This will be the last question I'm going to answer... I don't know, probably sitting the bank bench.. away from everyone.

Khushi opens her textbook and opens the the zib of her pouch and looks around in for few seconds.

Khushi : can you pass me your highlighter?

Rasha : Hmm.. take it

Pari : which page is it?

Khushi : Yea, which page is it?

Khushi : Rasha.. Rasha

Pari : Rasha

Rasha : * Sighs * It's fiftys-

Teacher : What is going on over there?

*Rasha, Khushi and Pari freezes*

Teacher : The new students.. what are you doing over there?

* everyone stares at their direction *

Khushi : Miss.. er.. I was asking her to pass a pen.. hehe

Teacher : The three of you better be paying attention * turns away *

* moment of silence *

Rasha : See, I told you to pay attention. The page number is fifty six

Travis POV ( timeskip after introduction of students )

" Is there anyone who hasn't introduced themselves? " teacher asked.

" looks like we fini- " Miss Allison was interupted by some giggling and laughing. She looked at the two girls, Angela and Teresa behind me whispering and talking to eachother.

" Girls.. you had been doing this from the time I started class, it's better if one of you have to sit somewhere else " both of the girls frowned and whined

" But Ms Alli- "

" No I don't want to hear anything.. the girl in the 3rd row, please take this girl's seat " Miss pointed at Gungun. Gungun looked around and then pointed to herself and asked, " Me? ".

" Yes dear, you have been very quiet and lonely over there, please exchange seats with this young lady. ". Gungun carries all her things and comes down slowly. The teacher saw her struggling and asked Chris to help her. Angela looked pretty disappointed as she got up from her place and went to the back bench.

" Ok now, I'll be giving you some papers, make sure to pass them. " Miss handed each of the row with bunch of papers. I took a paper, and gave one to Chris and passed to the back. For some reason, no one took it. I turned around  and saw Gungun drinking water while Teresa was turned to the other side to talk with her friends. I decided to give her a sheet instead. When I reached to keep her paper, her hand came down with force and clashed with my hand. The water spilled all over me.

" What have you done?!? You could've spilled water on the papers!! " I whispered in anger.

" Oh no, I'm very sorry.. it was by acci- "

" Now I have sit here, all wet. Only because of you!! "

" I'm apologising to you right? "

She snatched the bunch of paper and passed it to Teresa. Miss took all the extras and stacked them onto her desk.

" Well, this will be your first ever pair project. To avoid confusion, I will be pairing everyone. " The teacher walked across the room to the other row.

" Jessica with Ryan, Mia with Lily, Adam with Levi, Chris with Teresa, Travis with Gungun.... "

Gungun's POV

Great, now I have to do a project with the person who fought with me.. twice.

" Remember, you have to do it togather and this also counts in your next semester too. You can refer to the books in the library for more information.  This will be your only assignment for this week. "

The bell rang.

" Looks like we ran out of time. I'll see you next class. Remember the deadline is after 3 weeks so take your time " Miss said as she opened the door and left.

" So when will you be free this week to do the assignment? " Travis asked me without making eye-contact.

" Maybe.. Thursday will be fine. "

" Ok then, meet in the library around 4pm on Thursday, okay? "

" Okay "

Rasha's POV

We three walked out of class. I wanted to use toilet pretty urgent.

Rasha : Hey can you wait for me, I'm going to the washroom.

Khushi : Ok

Pari : We'll wait for you just outside the washroom.

Rasha : Hold these for me

Khushi : Okay, come fast

I dumped all my things on khushi and ran to the toilet. I opened the door to see Luna and Stacie fixing their makeup. Luna saw me slamming and locking the door. After I was done, I opened the to no person in the washroom. Huh, that's strange. I would've heard the door opening.. Oh well, I don't ca-

SMASH! I got pushed against the door.

" Oh, I didn't see you there " It was Luna. She slowly reaches out her hand, expecting me to take it.

" Hi, you can go get checked by doctor, if you simply can't see a person trying to get out of this washroom. " I shook her hand and got up to leave before I was pushed to side again.

Luna : That's a nice phone yo-

I knew what she was going to do and grabbed my phone quickly.

Rasha : Don't touch me

Stacie : Oh we were just having fun

I noticed that they had those same bruises still there, now i could see them closer. It didn't seem like it was done forcefully, but more like by accident done by someone else. This is not a coincedence. 

Rasha : You guys are not worth my time.

THUD!  " What is going on here? " Khushi yelled, keeping the door open.

" People wasting my time, that's what's happening. " I pushed away both of them and walked outside with them. " Here you go " Pari passed me my things.

Khushi : Dude, What were they actually doing?

Rasha : Harassing me, I think

Pari : For what? We both heard a lot of crashing sounds in there

Rasha : They pushed me around.

Khushi : And you didn't do anything!?!

Rasha : They just pushed

Pari : Well, yea, but then why didn't you stand up yourself!?

Rasha : I was not in the mood to fight back. Besides I can protect myself

Khushi : She's right.. if it was Gungun, then probably she would've started crying.

Rasha : Khushi, do you remember saying we could blackmail Luna right?

Khushi : yea?

Rasha : Well I've got a great plan!

Pari : Then tell us!

Rasha : Eh not now

Pari : Tell us a little atleast??

Rasha : I'll tell you after class ends. Bye!!!!

And then I speed run to my class, leaving Khushi and Pari puzzled. Luna, your gonna pay for what you did to Sarah.