
Taking down the Royal Prince

rita_peace · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 3

They entered the palace , zona could not stop looking at the palace. she have seen the palace everyday,whenever she wants to go to the market but entering it was something else

"Stay here don't. come in "He said but zona who was distracted with the beauty of the palace didn't hear him speak so, when he left with the help of a guard, she followed. when they reach the courtroom Ray lied to his parents ,he got the accident while returning from the studio. They almost believe him until they saw zona who was watching their little family drama with her hands crossed over her chest.

"who is she"His mom asked

"Who? he turn to see zona, and gave a frustrated groan

" She is the lady that helped me"He said glaring at zona. Just then a beautiful blonde entered the room she quickly rush towards Ray and give him a hug and kiss him on his cheeks . she must be his sister .she thought

"so you allowed a commonal here? His mom said eyeing zona from head to toe." Young lady can't you dress well before appearing in the front of the royals? Maria said giving zona who have had enough a disgust look.

" you know what your highness I shouldn't have help your fucking son who was shot yesterday night in the forest or even come to this godforsaken place" she said glaring at everyone. she turn towards Ray who was red with anger for not only revealing the truth but also insulting him in the front of His parents.

" Give me my money " she said but Ray who is ill-tempered by nature slapped her hard across the cheek.

" How dare you? she said and slap him twice across his cheek " Don't dare me or I will tell your parent about the "black magic" she said stressing the last word. Ray was shocked. how did she know he had never told anyone he was possessed by a black magic which is the reason for his anger.

"what is she talking about son" His fathers inquired

He diverted his attention from zona to his father

"I have no idea dad . she is looking for money and she can say anything just to get it"

"um miss can you get out of this place? Lucia said arrogantly

"but not without my money" She said looking at Maria who was busy glaring at her .

"if you don't want to get beaten get out young lady" Maria said but luky interrupted by calling the guard and whispering something into his ears. the guard nodded and left and return with huge amount of money.

" Take it . It's yours" He said calmly . zona took it but when she found the cloth which the money was wrap in is heavier than she thought she peeped into it to find a lot of coins

" your highness I appreciate your generosity but I can't take more than my service" she counted the money and took seventy shekels of it and return the rest to the guard and she turn to go but not before giving Ray a dreadful glare.

"Now son can you tell me what happened" His father asked after she has left

"nothing happened father , I took a wrong route then I ended up in the forest and about being shot a mad man did it"

"Oh my Godyou should have gone with the guard Ray" Lucia said worried

"Don't worry Lucia I am okay"

". so she helped you and what you did is to slap her in return. you are being ungrateful son" His father said sternly.

" she deserves that if not for something I would have make sure she is beaten and taken to the dungeon" Maria said angrily

"That not the way Maria. you just being mean" he said glaring at his wife.

"I need to rest father" he said as he limp towards his room with the help of Lucia .


Zona went inside the house and find her grandmother making pancakes .she kissed her and took one egg roll and begin to munch it

"you're back"

"yeah and look at what brought" she said showing her grandma the huge amount but instead of being happy her grandma frown

"Tell me miss Cantrell where did you get that huge amount of money" Her grandma askef glaring at her

"chill grandma the prince gave me" she said trying to take another egg roll but her grandma slapped her hand away

"ouch grandma"

"The prince ? are you secretly dating him"

"ew. grandma that's the last thing I want to do . well I save him yesterday so for a reward he gave me this" She said flaunting the huge amount of money to her grandma but her grandma's attention was diverted to her bleeding nose

"Oh zona you're bleeding " her grandma cried


"from the nose"

It must be the slap that motherfucker gave her. she thought silently.

"Am okay grandma now let's eat am starving"

But her grandma hesitate and gave her a curious look She know somehow that her granddaughter must have gotten into a fight

"Did you get into a fight?

Zona shrugged sheepishly "sort of "

"you see why you find it difficult to get married because you are always going around bullying everyone . No one wants to marry a rude and disobedient wife"

"it not my fault grandma , I can't just stand there and allow some motherfucker take my right or bully me"

"Language child . language" lily said as she took their dinner and set it on the wooden table. They sat down and pray before digging in. And after the sumptuous meal she took some herbs and gave it to her granddaughter in other to stop the bleeding.