
Take No Prisoners

Alley_Fallen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Running Away

Chapter 3

Opening my eyes from a dreamless sleep was odd. I was in my room, in my bed, and Cam was in the floor still passed out. He must have moved us while I was asleep, even though he should have just left us alone. He needed the sleep more than I did. I shuffled out of the sheets and padded softly to the door. Before opening it, I padded back over and grabbed my sheet and covered him. Today wasn't going to be an easy day for him, as the second day following a rejection was the hardest. He would need to soon accept the rejection and let her go, but for now their mates pull still lingered. He could still feel her and she feel him.

I opened the door softly and escaped as quietly as I could. I needed food and to get out of the pack for a day. Maybe Papa will let me borrow his car and I can do some much needed shopping or just get a coffee and hit the library. Entering the kitchen it was quiet, this wasn't usual. Papa was always the first to rise, following myself, then the three morning grumps. I looked around and saw Papa's car gone and the twins room empty. I guess with last night, it couldn't be helped. The recent Rogue attacks were getting more frequent as well.

Making my way to the fridge I grabbed the orange juice and poured me a glass. This would have to do for now. I needed to think of how to get out of the pack territory without Daniel finding me first. Graduation couldn't get here soon enough. In a way, I wasn't safe outside the house anymore. Since Daniel was future Alpha, he was allowed everywhere. Usually he slept in, having a girl or two on his arm to keep him company, while I watched and mimicked the warriors as they worked out and trained. I couldn't take on a werewolf, but I could hold my own against an attacker on the street.

I padded again to my room, grabbed my workout clothes along with socks and tennis shoes, and snuck into the hall bathroom. First, shower, which was needed after my swim last night. I turned the knob and felt the cold water pierce my skin. My body wasn't ready for the cold, but soon the water turned and steam filled the room. I peeled off my sweat smelling clothes and lost myself into the hot cascading streams of life that licked across my skin.

I needed this desperately to untighten the soar muscles in my back and release the tension in my neck and shoulders. I moved quickly to lather and rinse the strawberry shampoo and conditioner that was in the corner of the shower. I usually used vanilla oatmeal, but Cam said otherwise. He wanted to try this one, but couldn't bring himself to buy it. I gave him grief and joked, but ended up buying it to see him smile. The little things I could do always seemed to be so much more to him.

I grabbed my razor and shaved as fast as I could as the water was starting to get cold again. I must have been under steady stream of heat for over an hour. I felt better, clean, and more like me. I grabbed the towel I had hung up and dried off. Mu mind processing the events of last night.

Why would Daniel do that? What was so special about me that made him put my life at risk? Would he listen if I told him that his father would kill me if he didn't stop? I don't see his stubborn ass listening to me.

I hear movement coming from the kitchen and get dressed. Breakfast will come after I do my morning ritual. Hopefully Cam isn't to broken this morning. I open door and smack into him, apologizing and rubbing my nose.

"Jesus, you damn oak tree! Are you trying to break my nose?" I raise an eyebrow and smirk. He looks, happy? What is going on?

"Alice! I feel great! Are you off to watch the warriors this morning?" He asks with a genuine smile. He doesn't look upset or anything. This isn't how rejected mates look like.

I want to answer but I can't stop myself from staring. His eyes look brighter, his hair is just as shiny, and he looks like a playful pup. The fuck?

"Cam are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on his forehead, he still runs hotter than I do but this isn't normal.

"I feel great! I slept like a log. I felt bad that you stayed up taking care of me, so when I woke up I moved us to your room. I'm okay though. I can't explain it, but my heart doesn't hurt. I don't feel broken or anything." Cam smiled and pulled me into a hug. This isn't right. This doesn't happen.

I pull from his hug and eye him suspiciously. "Do you promise?" For some reason I can't accept what he's telling me. I've seen rejected mates around me for a few years now and they always look as if a piece of them has died even after accepting the rejection. None of them get over the pain this quick, it usually takes weeks.. For Papa, losing his mate still breaks him.

"Alice, I promise I feel great. I can't explain it. Something you did must have helped, having you with me and me accepting the pain and loss must have done it. I honestly don't know, but hey let's go watch the warriors. We can spare some, I'll help you with your right hook." I didn't realize I was holding my breath till he grabbed my hand and we bolted out the front door. This was worrisome. Is he lying to make me feel better?

The warriors were stretching and conversing about the evening prior and how the future Alpha was never going to find a decent Luna. Cam and I listened and spoke amongst ourselves as we stretched and watched. He could join them, obviously he did most mornings, but rare occasions he would help me out and practice so one day if needed I could defend myself. It was rare if we saw Daniel, but of course life wanted to make sure to fuck me hard. He was running to the pack and watching as Cam and I were stretching.

Everyone bowed as they saw him running up, myself included to keep the respect of the role he had, not of him as a person. He was just as dangerous as anyone and after last night, I'm sure he wasn't to pleased with me.

"Everyone, please, continue. Robert will be with us soon. Cam, you will join us today. Alice, my father has asked you go home." Daniel's look made a shiver run down my spine. He was jealous, and mad.

"No, she stays. She needs to learn to defend herself. If she goes, so do I." Cam what are you doing? I look from him to Daniel. Oh no.

"FINE! She trains with me today though. I AM the future Alpha, what I SAYS goes. Understand?" The amount of power made even me back up. I wanted to run home now. I wanted to hide under my bed. Something snapped in him, something happened.

"Yes sir. Go easy on her please, she just needs to know the basics." Cam didn't meet his eyes, Daniel was begging for the challenge and Cam knew his place. I wanted to leave.

A few of the warriors stepped aside so I could cross to Daniel, one of them patted my back and smiled. The kindness in his eyes made me smile, which made Daniel's eye twitch. The jealousy and territorial behavior was to much. Last night was no different from any other full moon, what happened?

I made my way as fast as my shaky legs could take me to Daniel's side. Thinking about it made me feel disgusting on the inside. This wasn't my place, and this wasn't where I wanted to be. My brain flashed the green eyes that my heart sang for. Yes, he was the one I desperately wanted. That my body craved. The man my heart fell for.

"LINE UP!" Robert boomed over the warriors. I took a step back but kept my posture and my head high. I always wanted to train with the warriors, now I get my chance. My last chance before I leave forever.

"I want warriors to do 10 miles! GO! Cam, Daniel, girl, you stay. Alpha Dan has asked you 2 spar together. Girl, whoever you are, you are to stay out of their way. We have real threats to deal with. This isn't a 'make a wish foundation'. Stay if you want, but leave them to train." With that Robert trailed off behind the warriors, leaving us behind. I wanted to be hurt, to cry, but I also needed a reason to leave. Alpha Dan must want me gone.

"Alice," Daniel grabbed my arm and made me flinch, "please, stay. I'm sorry about everything. I've just.. had a lot on my mind." The look in his eyes were true to sorrow. Before I could reply, Cam pulled me back.

"Look, just let her go home. Your dad is pissed and your unhealthy obsession is going to get her killed. She can't be with you, not with any of us. Doesn't matter who is Alpha, she knows like I do.. she isn't safe here." Cam's face, his words, spoke truth. He wanted us both to leave but Papa needed him here. His pack needed him.

I looked at Cam and kissed his cheek. He knew that with that gesture, I was making the decision. I would pack up tonight and would leave soon as I could. Alpha Dan was no longer letting me stay, and Daniel was trying to play the Alpha card.

"NO!" Daniel boomed, and the both of us stepped back. He was shaking with rage.

"No, I'll challenge him. I'll change the laws. Alice, please, I love you. I've loved you since I met you. Give me a chance, one chance, I won't let you down." The need and pain in his voice, it killed me. I couldn't do this. I couldn't stay and let him change things when this wasn't were I belonged.

"Cam, could you leave us alone for a few minutes? I need to tell Daniel something." It was if he knew what I was about to do and nodded. He squeezed my shoulder and started walking to the house. I drew in a breath and steadied myself. I knew this was the moment he would either let me go, or kill me.

I took Daniel's hands in mine and looked him straight in the eyes. He knew I meant what I was about to say, because I staring in an Alpha's eyes or even one of his stature was a call for death.

"Daniel, I'm sorry but the love you have for me.. it can't make me stay. You need a real Luna, someone that can fight. You deserve peace. I'm not right for you," I could feel his hands shaking and him wanting to interrupt. I put my finger on his lips and shook my head.

"Please. My heart belongs to someone else. My life belongs out in the world, free. I need to be free. Once graduation is done, I'm leaving. Your pack has been so good to me, and you should know you will be such a great Alpha. I don't want you throwing it away on someone as useless as me. I'm just a human, Cam loves me as a sister. His family took me in when I needed it most and gave me a family. It's time you find your mate and make your family. Goodbye Daniel." I cupped his face and smiled a small soft smile. The tears in his eyes made me know, he understood what I had said but I wasn't prepared for what he said next.

"No, I love you. I can take care of you. If you leave I'll find you. I'll order them to bring you back. I won't let another man have you! Your my chosen mate and I won't lose you to another fucking man!" His hands were closing tighter on mine, make the pain excruciating. I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't budge. Thankfully a few warriors grabbed him before he could shift. With every ounce of strength I looked him in the eyes again and said all I could say, "goodbye Daniel. I'm sorry."

With that I ran to the house as fast as my legs would run. Tears stained my eyes, and a sob threatened to break free. I wasn't upset that I broke his heart, but that I could be a captive. There was stories of Alpha's using their power to do things that were against all laws but I couldn't think like that. I climbed the stairs and plowed the door open. Papa was talking with Cam and the twins were holding onto him.

All silver eyes fell on me, the look on their faces was all it took for me to know I needed to leave. They feared for my safety now. "Baby girl, I want Cam to go with you. Alpha Dan and I are old friends and I know he won't touch my twins but I fear for your safety." Cam looked broken to pieces, he was leaving home like he wanted but at a cost.

"It's okay. He needs to be here, you need him. I'll be okay Papa, I don't want you to lose us both." I shut the door and ran into his arms. He already knew so much loss, I didn't want him to lose more. I didn't want to be the reason he was losing more.

I could feel his hands softly rubbing my head and bushing my cries. I was losing another home, this one felt different. I wanted to leave my parents and their views. They had no true love or kindness but Flick, he cared. His love for me was genuine. He was terrified of what his Alpha would do, or worse his son.

"Papa I promise to write, please, when we are settled and safe, come to us. Get away from here. We will take care of you." I cried and cried, I didn't want this to be it. The twins held on tight and cried harder. Cam had already packed a bag and stood watch by the door. Once I cried as much as I could cry, I kissed papa one last time.

"I love you so much, you are more of a father to me then my own. I'll let you know where we go." I hugged him once more, feeling his sorrow and pain roll of into me. I thought of all the love and happiness he had given me over the years and tried my best to pass it to him. He held me tighter and then finally let go.

In my room I grabbed anything deemed necessary. I grabbed all my makeup, jeans, shirts, some shoes, a couple small dresses, and an extra bag. I got all the money I had and my phone charger and bolted out the door to Cam's car. I threw my four bags into the back and hopped in.

"Can you believe its only noon? Man, what a way to start the day." Cam smiled as he grabbed my hand. I smiled back and squeezed his hand.

"Drive, we need to get into the city. I have a friend we can crash with." I told him, as I got my phone from one of the bags.

- Hey fuck face you up?

- Ouch! Morning to you as well beautiful. Dreaming of me again?

- Yeah right, look Cam and I are in trouble. We need a place to lay low. You owe me, we will be at your place in an hour and a half.

- Got it baby, daddy will take care of you.

- Ew never say that again. Anyways don't say anything to anyone. See you soon.

- Be careful doll, miss those sexy legs!

I roll my eyes and toss my phone to the side, I was putting all my trust into Gabe keeping his mouth shut. After the cheating fiasco, he owed me.

"Sooooo we going to see your boyfriend?" Cam asked while trying to find a music station he enjoyed. I punched his arm and laughed.

"Not boyfriend remember? He owes me a favor and he has connections. We could use a place far enough away and where we can both find a decent apartment and jobs." I stare out the window, the rain clouds growing darker by the minute. My heart was breaking and I wanted to world to burn. I lost my family because of a stupid man that couldn't take a hint.

Not long into the ride, the clouds opened up in buckets, dumping on us as my heart bled and drowned in the pain I was filling myself in. Thunder boomed and lightening glistened in between the black and deep gray clouds.

"Funny how when you are upset, the weather is upset. Maybe we need to take you to the dessert. See if you can solve that issue." Cam joked as he squeezed my leg. It was hard to see with the amount of rain dumping from the clouds but he had a point.

"I wonder if there's something wrong with me, or if Oregon is just as depressed?" I smiled and sat my head on the glass. I was ready to be in Portland and be as far from Daniel and the Silverton pack as I could. Goodbye Papa, I'm sorry…