
Take No Prisoners

Alley_Fallen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New World


My body was on fire and I felt as if I could barely breathe. The overwhelming sensation of lust and desire were taking over and there was nothing I could do to extinguish the burning touch of the wicked flames of lust and love. His eyes were all over me, his touch caressing me, his voice enveloping my senses. I wanted him, needed him, begging for the release I needed deep inside.

"Please, I'll do anything." I whispered, my back falling deeper into the soft mattress. My body was still, except for my deep pants escaping from my dry mouth.

He just kept gazing at me, his fingers deep in my raven black hair, pulling gently for me to meet his pink lips. "Oh? Does my presences really bother you to the core?" His question now haunting me. What can I do?

"M-master, please. I give you my body and soul. Please, I am yours." I lean up softly kissing the lips of true torture. The taste of sweetness and pain. Shock holds his eyes for a second before pushing me back into his mattress.

"You belong to me. No one else. My brothers have no hold on you, just me. I will give you everything tonight." With that last sentence dancing in my ears, his lips crashed into mine. Tasting me, devouring me, filling the whole in my heart that only he could fill.

The night trickled with passion, heat, and the best sex a girl could ask for. Had I known that death was just as close, watching me, I would have begged to be hidden away.

Chapter 1

"Miss Fall are you going to join the conversation at any moment?" My gloomy and lackluster professor was fixing to throw his book at me, again, for day dreaming. The sky had opened up and rain was dumping on us with true disdain, as if Mother nature was hoping to drown us all and take back her dying but beautiful world.

I turned to him, showing little interest in whatever they were arguing about as debate and politics are just boring in itself. I needed the class to finish up my Bachelors degree. The world had grown so much when the mythical and mystical came known.

Six years prior vampires, were-folk, the fae community, demons, angels, everything and everyone showed light and made their presence known. My best friend Cam was part of that magical world.

"MISS FALL! All you need to do is just add something to the debate. Anything!" I rolled my eyes and looked over my notes of what we were debating and held my stare at Professor Greene.

"Look, honestly the mythical community has every right to vote in the election as they do with working, marriage, and paying taxes. They are people with an identity and with that the time should be up. I have nothing more to add nor does anyone else with half a brain." The time showing four sharp lit the room with whistles and freedom. My last day of this class. Finally free of the worst financial decision of my life.

Gathering my things I felt a hand my back and a soft chuckle. Ah the voice of an angel, literally. With a smile that could battle his I grabbed the hand of my on and off again boyfriend. The jerk knew that his aura was to hard to stay away from. A moth to a candle, burning my wings every time I get closer. I was hoping the last breakup would stick but it was hard to rival an angel, especially one of his charm.

"I believe you are finally done with university! Shall we celebrate at Realm?" His lips moving closer to my neck, using the charm to control my senses.

"Fine. Cam is coming though, we broke up remember? Don't you use your angel charm on me. Michelle and Mike are still waiting for you. For an angel, you sure go against everything that is pure." I flash my smile and remove myself from his hold. The furrow of his brow gave me the win I desperately needed.

Gabe was an angel that was wanting to see what life would be like as a human. He gave his wings for a time on Earth, a time to test the waters on mortality. His angelic looks though brought him many fortunate circumstances as he never truly had to work for anything. Angels were blessed with the gifts that gave them power, power mortals as myself could only begin to understand.

Walking off and to the general area to meet up with friends, I saw a pair of deeply green eyes staring back at me. Eyes that held power, pain, and mystery. Eyes that I had never seen before. With those eyes came the softest lips, and looks the devil himself would grow jealous over. What a MEAL of a man. The smirk on his divine face turned to a smile as another man placed a hand on his shoulder and added with conversation. I shook my head and kept walking. I needed my best friend.

Circling the area and all the faces conversing and overjoyed with the year behind them I saw the silver eyes I was looking for. Cam was a little over 6 feet, his hair was rugged but loose around his shoulders and were a silver that you would see in the moon. His eyes matched and the deepness of his voice would bring fear to anyone that didn't know better. He was a big teddy bear though. His strong jaw and nose gave way to his broad chest, fit stomach and toned arms. He was the one person on the football field you didn't want to be against. He carried the team for two years before we ended up getting some real talent. Every game though I was there in the stands, cheering him on with his two younger brothers and father. They all looked the same. Cookie cutter copies of him, the only difference was his father showed age with wrinkles and the twins just 12 year old minis. All with the same eyes and hair though.

"Finally! I thought Gabe had snuck off with you. Was the breakup final? Did you, you know, have one last kiss?" His lips rounded together to make the kiss face and fluttered his eyelashes. Asshole.

I shook my head and punched him in the chest. "No he wants to celebrate with us at Realm tonight. No kisses involved. Still pissed with his cheating ass but hey what can you do." I shrugged and smiled at him as he pulled me in for a side hug. Being Cam's best friend was the easiest thing to do. His werewolf side was hoping to find his true mate after college. His father's pack was against the 'human college experience' but with so many mythicals coming out his father thought he might be able to find who he was truly meant to be with.

I looked up at his goofy smile as he had his arm around my shoulder and talked with one of his football friends. No matter what, he always tried to protect me from the world. Taking me on as a little sister, his family letting me live with them when my own kicked me out for my 'progressive views'. It was probably the best thing they could have done for me.

My parents were part of the HAMC, Humanity Against Mythical Community. I was against their views from day one when suspicion turned to truth of our vampire neighbors. I was 15 and completely shocked. I always knew Mr. and Mrs. Loveline were different but they cared. They always came to my birthday parties, my games, anything they could and was later in the evening. My parents thought of them as good friends until one night Mrs. Loveline was murdered by a hunter in her front lawn. I saw her turn to bloody ash as the hunter grabbed me and brought me inside my parents house. Mr. Loveline vanished, in deep sorrow over his lost wife and fear over losing his safety within what was a hidden community.

The hunter explained that the world was not what they thought it was and gave them a card of a group that wanted to take back the world that belonged to humanity. I told my parents that the Lovelines were good and never tried to harm them or me. They watched me when my parents were out of town. Treated me as their own. They loved me as their own daughter. From that day my parents wouldn't let me out of their site. I told them if that the Lovelines had a son I would have married him in spite of their choices. I was thrown out of their house, never allowed to return. I lived on the streets or with friends till my freshman year of college when I met Cam and his family.

"Yo, you listening to me?" Cam was gently shaking me, attempting to bring me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah yeah, Stephen and the gang can come too. Just remind them to behave." I smiled and patted Cam's face before trailing off towards home. I was ready to see Papa and my mischievous duo. Cam followed behind, joking with his friends about how they were all real adults now and how the world will forever change. Cam was taking over as Beta to the Silverton Pack, ascending his father when the time was right. Daniel, their soon to be alpha, would be challenging his father soon but wanted to find his mate first.

At 18 years of age, the mythics body would go through a change. Much as we think of puberty, they go through a second faze, were their soul cries for the other half of them. Some find what they call are "true mates" others make a choice. Living with Cam and his family taught me a lot. The species true mates where within their own but it wasn't unheard of for two different species to fall in love. It was that freedom of choice that they were granted. Not all thought this was, especially the Silverton Pack. You stayed within your own species. Papa hid me when he could before Alpha Dan found out. I was put to their rules, but was not allowed to any ceremonies or pack affiliations. I was an outsider that was allowed to live.

Daniel, on the other hand, begged for me. I was against it from day one, when Alpha Dan said if I so much as looked at his son he would rip me apart and feed me to the pack. Daniel would ask Cam about me, ask his brothers, ask anyone that he could use his authority over. It wasn't that he was bad looking, I just enjoyed breathing more than being a notch in his belt of virgins.

The wind blew with a force as rain threatened to drop in buckets again. Oregon was a very wet state, but she was beautiful. I didn't mind the rain, it was a constant in my life that gave me joy. It could be rain or snow, I didn't care. It still made me smile. I guess in my heart the weather knew that I was just as alone, mother nature using itself to hug me with despair and sorrow through the water and the clouds. It wasn't that I was suicidal or anything, just sad from life and everything it constantly bestowed upon me.

Smiling I looked back to Cam as he laughed and smacked Stephen on the back. It was nice seeing him smile. Once graduation was over he would be pulled into the world of business and his pack. I felt for the guy. He wanted to travel the world, explore everything there was around us. He wanted to climb mountains, kayak the Amazon, fish the oceans, eat the rarest foods. His whole life shattered into a life of servitude due to his father's declining health and status to the pack. Cam wanted us to find who we were, find his mate, be who he truly wanted to be.

Before I knew it he looked over to me and winked. Always a smile, always the bigger person putting everyone first. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled, taking off to the house before he could reach me. In long strides, I was caught before I could put my hand on the door knob. I knew better than to challenge him to a foot race but I needed the distraction. Laughing as he tickled me, I was soon thrown over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs to the front door. Stephen and his friends laughing at the site and telling me I was a fool for thinking I would win.

Entering the house was always the same, it smelled of cedar and grass. Papa was at the counter with Alpha Dan laughing about something but quickly sobered with the site of us. My smile fell as Cam set me down and slightly bowed, showing sign of respect.

"Cam, Stephen, Ray, Michael good to see you boys. Alice.. pleasure." The cold stare made my blood freeze. If he was here Daniel wasn't far, he followed his dad around like a lost puppy when he wasn't banging any and every girl he could find.

"Alpha Dan, nice to see you. Papa, I'll be in my room." I nod to Alpha Dan and smile at Papa. Flick Silver was a good man and told me from day one I could call him anything but Mr. Silver, he hated the formality of it. He always wanted a daughter but lost his late wife when she gave birth to the twins. Knowing the Alpha was here they were probably out far from the house. Alpha Dan was truly terrifying. His voice hid nothing when he spoke, if he hated you, well you knew it. He stood tall, taller than Cam but age had progressed with wrinkles around his black eyes and on his still strong hands. His hair was almost as dark as mine, sign of the Alpha. He had a scar across his face, from his left brow across his nose and right cheek. Rogues were common and he defended his territory even into his age. He reminded me of the boogeyman.

"Okay baby girl, it won't be long." I nodded again and bowed showing my respect. Even for a human I was expected to follow the rules regardless. "Also, we will be going to Realm tonight to celebrate graduation. I hope you don't mind that I asked Cam to accompany me." The statement was for Papa, but in reality it was towards Alpha Dan.

"Sounds good, you all have fun and keep an eye out for her. I only have one daughter and I'd like for her to be safe." Papa smiled and winked at me, erasing the tension in the air and allowing me to escape to my room. Cam and the boys talked with Alpha Dan and Papa some more while I put on some soft piano to help ease my mind. Once graduation was over I was hoping to find an apartment in town and officially be done with the pack. It's not like everyone wasn't nice, they truly were but as a human they didn't want any of the bloodlines tainted as they had been within their own kind for centuries. I understood though. Cam and I would always be family and I know I will always have a place with them. It was time for me to take my leave and start on my own path. The world was anew and had opened up possibilities for me. I was beyond excited to find my forever place and someone.

I tore through my closet, looking through all my clothes. I wanted to wear something beautiful but dangerous. I wanted to free myself tonight. Make Gabe jealous at what he lost, maybe have a stranger buy me a drink. Steal a kiss or two, break some rules. I wanted a night of true freedom. Who knows, maybe lose my virginity finally. I wasn't all prude or 'one of them girls', I just never found someone that I wanted to give it to. Lately though, I didn't care if it was a quicky in a bathroom.

Settling on some black leather pants and a deep dived black shirt that shimmered like stars I settled on a smoky eye look that made my blue eyes pop. I pulled my hair up in a half bun with some of my bangs falling around my face, framing it, giving me the edginess I was looking for. My black hair was my curtain to hide behind but tonight I wanted it to flow in the moonlight.

Giving myself a once over I smiled in the mirror as my deep red lip stain gave way to the alluring smile I would flaunt. Boys eat your heart out. I was ready to slay the world and lay fire to the land with a snap of the fingers.

I pounded on Cam's door hoping he would hear me over the music. Between that and howls of laughter I knew it was no use. I got my phone and shot him a quick text.

10 minutes or I leave without you.

I smiled and saw that papa and Alpha Dan were in the dining room with papers all around. I knocked on the wall as I saw that Daniel was with them asking about expenses and what they would be doing with the newest expansion to the pack house. I knocked again, little louder, not wanting to be rude as they were all in deep conversation. Papa's eyes lit up as he saw me and smiled. Daniel's lust filled gaze made me uneasy. Alpha Dan paid me no mind as he tried to gain his son's attention again.

"Baby girl! Wow! You look like you are ready to take on the world!" Papa pulled me in for a hug and smiled turning me around and whistling. I couldn't help the smile on my lips.

"Look like a whore to me," Alpha Dan always right there to bring you back down to Earth. Papa shook his head and smiled at me while squeezing my arms. Showing me its okay and to pay no mind.

"Wow.. you look incredible!" Cam pulled me into a hug from behind and laughed as he spun me. I giggled as Stephen threw me a wink and Ray a whistle. These guys knew how to make me feel better. Daniel, however, gave Cam the look of death. Jealousy really didn't look good on him.. I gave Papa a kiss on the cheek and let him know we would be out late. Daniel insisted on coming along, his father seething with pure anger looked as if he would rip us to shreds, giving us cue to leave the house quickly. I complained but my words ignored as Daniel came with and joked with the guys. We all piled into Cams beat up 1951 Bellaire. He just had to have this car. Begged for two years till Papa gave in but told him he had to come up with half of the money. That was when we started working at the pack house. I was a maid and cook, he looked over expense reports and helped with accounting.

I ended up in the front, thanks to Cam, as the boys scrunched into the back. We all laughed and talked about what life would be like, who would be at Realm, about the pack, and what not. Laura, Ray's sister, found her true mate and was over the moon. I smiled and looked out the window as the storm clouds rolled out showing a waxing moon. Two more days to the full moon and when the big party would be for the bachelors and Bachelorettes of the Silverton Pack. This year 2 other packs were coming to expand and see if their true mates might be there as well.

I hope Cam finds his true mate this year, last year was a bit of a bust and he was depressed for days as so many others went off with their mates and finalized the mating call. Cam was desperate as ever this year. He said he could feel something different this time, he wasn't sleeping much and was truly anxious. I honestly didn't know if it was the impending ceremony or if his inner wolf was finally getting to find his female.

While gazing at the moon we pulled into the parking lot of Realm and quickly hopped out of the car to stretch and make our way inside. Cam grabbed my hip and did his usual 'are you okay' look. I smiled and nodded my head. Tonight I wanted to drink, dance, and let my life unfold. Cam nodded back and smiled. Always the big brother, always thinking of everyone else. We made our way across the parking lot to the front doors, Daniel keeping his hand on my lower back and saying if I needed him to act as my date he could. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the club.

The familiar rose and jasmine hit me as the music bellowed out of the club to the street. Ah yes, Realm. The Mythics come here for dancing, drinking, and hooking up with others. Hardly any humans knew of this place which is what the Mythics wanted. Upon entering I saw Gabe grinding on a blonde girl while kissing another. He will never change. I smiled and made my way to the bar. I would need a drink after that scene. There was Fae dancers in cages dancing in the strobe lights. The DJ tonight was Count Manfred, he was by far the best because his music literally hypnotized you and made you think you were dancing somewhere completely different. One time, for Halloween, he made us feel as if we were dancing in a cemetery with zombies. I got so sick from tequila Cam had to carry me out as I fainted at the bar.

Making my way over I saw the familiar figure I had seen at school a few hours ago. He was with 4 other guys and they were laughing and drinking at a booth. No girls around just them. The aura they gave off was dark, almost dangerous. They all had some of the same features. Crisp cheek bones and the same olive toned skin. Their tattoos were intricate, but all of them told a story. They were brothers, or close cousins, and they all had the same smoldering black hair with red/blue/green/purple tinting it. Demons. Dangerous. Demons didn't necessarily hurt anyone, most of the time, but they were good at causing trouble. Human feared them because of the sheer power they usually used on them. Even some of the other Mythics kept their distance.

While walking to the bar, Mr. Green eyes spotted me and smiled. My heart did a flip as a soft blush lined my face. His smile grew as his eyes never left mine. He was more than a meal, he was a damn God. He would give Cam a run for his money on muscle but he had more of a soft toned look. He oozed power and confidence. I shook my head as Cam asked me what I would like to drink.

"Whiskey sour, please. Hey, do you know who they are?" I pointed to the guys that were laughing as two of them arm wrestled.

Cam's face went stern as he ordered our drinks. He placed my drink in my hands and yelled, "yeah that's the Morningstar brothers. They are dangerous, wealthy, and have no heart. They don't care about anyone. All they want is more power, more money, and women. Disgusting." Cam turned away from them and me as he growled. I was right, Demons. They were probably the most feared, or respected, of them all being the sons of the Devil himself.

Daniel ended up pulling me from my chair and begging me to dance. I smiled, downed my drink, and followed him to the dance floor. If Mr. Morningstar wanted to eye me, I would put on a show. Twirling into Daniel's arms the look of lust and want was in his eyes. I needed to tow an even line tonight. I didn't need Alpha Dan pissed off or Daniel stealing my virginity. The night went on as the music filled the air. Alcohol and sexual tension was a buzz and everyone was feeling its effects. When Daniel walked off towards the bathroom I kept my tempo to the music, losing myself in the beat.

Before I knew it, an unfamiliar pair of hands snaked around my waist and closing around my stomach. I moved back into a wall of heat and the scent of the best cologne I have ever smelled. My senses picked up as my stomach flipped. My breathing escalated into a pant as my head fell back onto a muscular shoulder. Dear fuck is this what pure carnal sexual desire was? If so, take me now.

"Mmm.. You smell divine my little raven. Your ass was beckoning for me, I just needed that mutt to leave." The warm air hit my ear as his voice sent chills up and down my spine, right to my core. My legs started to feel a little light but I smiled and held my head tall. I threw my left arm over and gently raked my hands through my mysterious partners hair.

"That mutt is the soon to be Alpha of the Silverton Pack but I take it you don't care about formalities." Slowly turning in his hold Mr. Green Eyes was devouring me with his gaze. I was getting wet and my arousal must have been noticeable.

I closed my arms around his neck as he pulled me in, bringing his juicy lips to my ear, "I honestly don't give a fuck about wolves, you though, you I want to steal away. My little raven, you have bewitched me." My mind slowly fogging over with need, as his hands cupped my ass. I yelp softly and his smile deepens and turns sinister. I'm putty in his hands at this point, and I don't care what happens. I grab his collar and meet his lips with mine, softly at first than deepening the kiss. Searching him, tasting him as he eats me up. If I'm going to hell, I want to at least enjoy the ride.

Lost in my own sexual arousal I'm abruptly pulled away to a pissed off Cam and Daniel. Great I did it now. "Keep your hands off my sister. She's innocent and doesn't need to be tainted by your kind," Cam pokes my Casanova's chest and the anger is building. He won't be able to hold on anymore. Daniel is holding my arm and I can feel him shaking with jealousy, I know a bruise will be there tomorrow.

"Gentlemen, I do believe she is an ADULT who can make her own choices. Also she looks human to me," he smiles at me and looks back to a territorial Cam. "You are a wolf that has no say" and he points a long delectable finger at Daniel, "and you are what? An Alpha's son? I think my little raven was having fun but I have an early day tomorrow so my brothers and I will take our leave first. Call me little raven, I put my number in your pocket." With a wink and a smile he walked off at his gawking, pissed-off brothers and said something. They nodded and got up, not before smiling at me and the boys. Damn what have I done. I danced with the devil's son and completely lost myself in his hold.

"Alice we are leaving, let's go." Cam gets the others as Daniel stares at the door, waiting for a fight. He wasn't wrong, I was my own woman and had no holds. Why did I fall so fast. Was it his pretty face or his dangerous aura? Could a demon manipulate your mind?

"Daniel, please let go.." I winced as his fingers finally let go of my arm. The bruise already forming from his fingers.

"Little raven? What a joke.. Listen I don't care what my dad says.. I want you. I want you to be our Luna. You are so strong and when I challenge my father I want you by my side. I won't let you leave, or let you go. I won't let HIM take away what I want." Daniel's voice was soft but there was something else. Fear. There was also something in me that wanted to tell him I couldn't stay or entertain the idea of being with him. Alpha Dan never made the threat against me public, but everyone knew.

I shook my head, tears threatening my eyes as I walked towards the car. The clouds had completely blanketed the sky, darkness following everywhere as the soft drops of rain cover my now tear stained face. my perfect makeup now running like black rivers tainting everything they touched. Papa and Cam knew that I would be leaving and they begged me to stay too. I just couldn't. Tradition was strong and after tonight I knew that there was a pair of eyes that completely captivated me.

"Alice.. I love you and I will keep you safe. Always." Cam pulled me in for a hug and I cried into his chest. In the distance I could feel eyes on me though, waiting to steal me away from all the pain. I deserved to find and have someone that wanted me, yet why did it feel so horrible for me to want it?