
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 12


"Let me go Joonie. My baby needs me." Jin tried to push Namjoon who was clutching his hands. It's been 1 week since Tae has not return. Both Namjin are worried for him. They even went to file a missing case but they don't know from he went missing. South Korea is a big nation. And they don't know if Tae even reached Seoul.

"Jinnie please calm down. Listen to me once." Namjoon tried to console him but Seokjin was not having any of it.

"No Joonie leave me. My baby might have lost the way. I will bring him back. Let me go to him. He needs me Joonie. Please let me go." Jin cried loudly. Namjoon was also on the verge to break down.But he needs to be strong for Jin.

"Seokjin-ah Please understand me. We have to wait for him. He don't have a phone. We don't even know if he reached Seoul. Where will you search for him."He said hugging his husband.

"But Joonie, he promised me, he would be back in 3 days. He never breaks promises. He needs me Joonie. My baby needs me." He sobbed hard, hiding his face on the crook of his husband.

"Let's pray he will be okay and return home soon Jin." He said rubbing his back smoothly.

"I need my baby bear Joonie. Please bring him back. I want my baby."

"Please calm down babe. I only got you. I need your support yeah! I can't survive if you lose hope babe. Please understand me." Namjoon said cupping his face with teary eyes.

"He will be back for us. I know he will come back."


2 week.

It's been 2 week since Taehyung is staying with Jungkook. He wakes up early to make breakfast for Jungkook. He cleans the house , do the laundry and dishes. He prepares dinner for Jungkook and sleeps after him. Just as he was told. He didn't want to give Jungkook any excuse to scold him.

Ever since that night, Jungkook had turned more cold towards Taehyung. He didn't talk to him. Every morning he has his breakfast and dinner quietly. He didn't tried to touch him though. But Taehyung could sense the frustration and anger in his master's behavior.

On the other hand, Jungkook is annoyed AF. First the student in the University are irritating him. They gave him gift , cards and flowers. He is tired of rejecting them. No matter how coldly he rejects them, they keep coming back.

And second he can't have what he wants. He is annoyed by the boy staying with him in his house. He can't believe what he asked for just to touch him. And more annoys him is that he didn't oppose it. He could have said no. He could have scold him or forced him but he didn't even said a word.

It's getting hard to stay with him under the same roof when all he wants is to devour the beauty in his house. He pulled his hair and sighed loudly.

"Had a hard day?" Yoongi asked from his desk. He was observing him from quiet a while. "wanna go to the club today?" he asked and Jungkook just nodded. He really needs a break.


Both boys went to the same gay club. They sat on the counter and drank there stress away. They were talking and sipping their drinks when Jungkook felt someone sitting beside him. He turned to see a handsome boy around his age eye fucking him with lust.

"Hi handsome." he said leaning towards Jungkook.

"Wanna have some fun tonight." he said seductively. Jungkook took his drink looking at him. The boy bit his lips seductively winking his eyes.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi. Both gave each other a knowing look and Yoongi left them to be. Jungkook took him to the private room of the club he booked for the night.

The moment they entered the room, the boy didn't wait a second to crash their lips together. He pulled Jungkook with him on the bed hovering over him. He kissed him hungrily and Jungkook responded equally. The boy moaned in pleasured. He undress himself quickly, grinding his hard on him.

But today Jungkook was not liking his touch. He doesn't felt pleasured. He was starving to have sex from weeks but now when he has someone to complete his needs, he don't want to do anything. He doesn't feel good under his touch.

Jungkook tried to feel pleasured, want to fulfill his desire but the boy above him was not giving him what he wants. He tried again. He turned the boy and hovered over him. He bit his neck and the boy moaned shamelessly.

"Master...." Just a word and Jungkook lost his mind. He remembered the innocent face that he wants desperately. He wants V under him not just any other boy. The boy roam his hands on his chest and opened his buttons.

"Master... please fuck me hard.. Make me your slut master." he said seductively. But Jungkook lost his last stroke. He pushed the boy away and got up the bed frustratingly.

"What happened Master?" he asked.

"Fuck!" he cursed pulling his hair. He took his wallet and phone and left the room leaving a dumbfounded boy behind.


I'm still writing.