
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 11

Jungkook was working on some papers but mind was not helping much today. A certain brunette was coming back and forth to his mind. His doe eyes, his cute nose with a mole on top and the soft lips he wants to devour.

His mind was totally devastated. He just wants to go home and devour the beauty waiting for him. He bit his lips in the thought of having the pretty boy under me tonight. How he will make him beg for more. How beautiful he will look moaning his name.

Fuck !

He cursed looking at the growing tent in his pants and went to the washroom to solve the problem in hand.


Back to the house, Taehyung has completed all the work given by his master. He got to learn many things from the book his master gave him. He tried to operate " The Vacuum Machine " too but may be he should learn it later from his master himself. He prepared the food for dinner and waited for Jungkook.

After waiting the whole day the door opened revealing a raven haired man with his bag and coat in his hand. Taehyung went to greet him.

" G-good Evening J-Jungkook-shi." Jungkook didn't say anything and just nodded. He kept his bag and coat on the couch. He sat down the couch and rested his head. Taehyung brought him some water. Jungkook was tired from his work. He drank the water and rested his head on the couch.

" S-should I heat the dinner Jungkook-shi." Tae asked. Jungkook nodded and went to his room to freshen up.

Taehyung heated the dinner and set the table for his master. He was arranging the table when he felt a pair of hands wrapped around his waist.

He flinched at the touch and looked back. It was his master.

"Jung..... Jung..ko..ok-shi" He tried to say something but he couldn't form any word.

"That's not what you call me V." he whispered in his ears. Taehyung was shaking by now.

" M-mas..ter.." He shuttered terribly. Jungkook pressed his lips softly on his nape.

" That's it V. Call me that again." Jungkook trailed his hands around his body and tried to unbutton his shirt. Taehyung felt burning wherever he felt his touch.

" M-master... P-please..." He said with shaking voice. Jungkook opened his 2 buttons. Taehyung was trembling. He bit his lips not knowing what to do. His master wants him to pleasure him. It took Taehyung all of his strength to push Jungkook and stumbled on his own feet.

"No..P-please.. " Taehyung was about to fall but Jungkook hold him by his waist.

" P-please M-master... Don't t-touch m-me.." Jungkook was annoyed now.

" What the hell V.. I told you before... You have to pleasure me whenever I want. " He shouted. Jungkook was fuming in rage. Tears started flowing through his (tae) eyes.

" I-I'm sorry M-master... " Taehyung said wiping his tears still looking down at his feet. " I-I never thought. I w-would do this... this without m-marriage. " Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance. " I n-never imagined... I-I promised myself..... to d-do this.... w-with m-my h-husband. " He took a deep breathe. But what Taehyung said next took his breathe away.

" Marry me master!" Jungkook widen his eyes. Did he heard right?

" What?" That was the only word Jungkook could form.

" M-marry m-me master..... I- I promise master..... I'm y-yours.... "

"I told you before V. You are just a servent for me. Don't expect any kind of feeling from me."

"I-I'm sorry m-master. I p-promise to s-serve you my w-whole life. B-but I can't d-do this."

Jungkook pulled his hair frustratingly and went to his room without uttering another word. Taehyung stayed there sobbing in silence. He sat on the floor. Wrapping his hands on his knees. He leaned his head on his knees. Don't know where his life is taking him. What should he do? What will the future holds for him?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🐯🐰

I'm not happy with my writing now.

It doesn't show half of the emotion that the original one does.

Shall I stop writing?