

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

Asagi Igawa looked at Mizuki, her expression serious yet determined. "Mizuki, this is not a game. We are dealing with a potential threat to our city and our fellow Taimanin. Our priority is to gather information and neutralize the danger, not to indulge in personal desires."

Mizuki's mischievous smile faded slightly, but her eyes still held a glimmer of excitement. "Awww~ c'mon Asagi, I just want to play with them~ you know like torture them or something~."

Asagi couldn't help but get annoyed at Mizuki's mischievous antics. "Mizuki, let's stay focused on the task at hand, shall we? We need to approach this investigation with utmost professionalism."

Mizuki pouted playfully, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, come on, Asagi! Where's your sense of adventure? Can't we have a little fun while saving the world?"

Asagi raised an eyebrow, not finding anything funny. "Fun, Mizuki? We're talking about potential danger and a new threat here. This is serious business."

Mizuki leaned forward, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I know, Asagi. Serious business is my middle name. Mizuki 'Serious Business' Shiranui, at your service."

Asagi couldn't help but sigh, "Forget lets just go."

Mizuki clicked her teeth, "Ugh you never fun Asagi~, so where are we investigating?"

Asagi looked through the reports again, "The forest close to Maesaki City. There's been a lot of demon activity there recently."

N.O.M.A.D headquarters~

Nomad is a multinational corporation, one of the most powerful in the Human World, having enough resources to change policies and making money from many different legal and illegal means.

In public, Nomad presents itself as a normal cooperation, concerned with humanitarian and egalitarian goals. However, behind the curtain they use technology of the demon realm itself, to create chaos and corruption. Nomad makes money with illegal fighting arenas and weapon sales, and their CEO Edwin Black is in fact the Vampire King of the Demon Realm.

Officially, as they hide their criminal activity, they can not be attacked directly by the Taimanin. Some factions inside the UFS support or fight against Nomad as well, as the group has strong connections to America.

In a dark but decorative office sat a gorgeous woman with eye catching purple hair, is a ex-Taimanin called Oboro. Oboro is the arch enemy of Asagi, leader of the ONT, subordinates to Edwin Black, executive of Nomad and master of the first Chaos Arena. "Oboro" is the revived body of the Taimanin, Koukawa Oboro that had been demonized and is missing the original soul.

Oboro is a criminal psychopath, lacking empathy and gets sadistic joy humiliating others. She gains extreme satisfaction and pleasure for causing other people humiliation and pain, making her act like a sadistic dominatrix.

She is arrogant, vindictive and gets unhinged violent if things don't go her way. Furthermore, she seeks power but does so underhanded, not to become a clear target. She is like her "original" has a mocking tone and smile on her lips all the time, and tries to remain cool and controlled, while breaking others but as mentioned if confronted by an unmoving object to her torture turns aggressive.

Oboro sat in her office, her purple hair cascading down her shoulders as she meticulously cleaned her forearm claws. She had just returned from a thrilling time in the Chaos Arena, where she had indulged in her sadistic desires. As she was lost in her thoughts, a demon burst into her office, interrupting her moment of solitude.

Startled, Oboro quickly composed herself and looked at the demon expectantly. The demon handed her a report, his eyes filled with excitement. Oboro's curiosity piqued as she scanned the report. It detailed a significant number of rogue demons being killed in a short span of time. A wicked smile spread across her face as she realized the implications of this information.

"Interesting," Oboro murmured to herself. "Someone is making quite a statement. I must find out who is behind these killings."

Without wasting another moment, Oboro stood up and made her way to Edwin Black's throne room. As the executive of Nomad and the Vampire King of the Demon Realm, Edwin Black held immense power and influence. Oboro knew that he needed to be informed of this development immediately.

Entering the throne room, Oboro approached Edwin Black, and scowled when she saw Ingrid standing besides him, while he sat regally on his throne. She bowed respectfully before speaking, her voice filled with excitement.

"Master Black, I bring news," Oboro began. "A large number of rogue demons have been eliminated. It seems someone is making their presence known in the demon realm."

Edwin Black's eyes gleamed with interest as he leaned forward, his voice dripping with intrigue. "Tell me more, Oboro. Who could be behind this? And what are their intentions?"

Oboro's smile widened as she relished in the opportunity to share her findings with Edwin Black. "I do not have all the details yet, but it appears to be the work of a powerful individual. Their motives remain unknown, but their actions speak volumes. They seem to hate demons."

Edwin Black nodded, his expression a mix of curiosity and excitement. "Very well, Oboro. I want you to gather more information on this matter. Find out who is responsible and report back to me immediately. This could be a valuable asset to our operations."

Oboro bowed once again, her loyalty to Edwin Black unwavering. "As you wish, Master Black. I will not disappoint you. I will uncover the truth behind these killings and bring the perpetrator to justice."

Oboro returned to her office, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew she needed to gather more information about the recent killings of rogue demons in the nearby forest from Maesaki City. With a sly grin on her face, she picked up her communicator and dialed Ruri's number.

"Ruri, I have a task for you," Oboro said, her voice dripping with authority. "I need you to investigate the recent killings of rogue demons in the forest near Maesaki City. Find out who is responsible and report back to me immediately."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Ruri responded, his voice filled with unwillingness and laziness. "Yeah yeah, Oboro. I'll leave right away and gather as much information as I can~."

Oboro felt annoyed with Ruri's response. "Good. Remember, I want every detail. I want to know how this individual managed to eliminate so many rogue demons in one night. And find out their motives, Ruri. I want to know what drives them."

Ruri's voice came through the communicator, filled with sarcasm. "I won't let you down, Oboro. I'll get to the bottom of this and bring you the answers you seek.....right after I finish this paragraph."

"Damn it Ruri now!!" Oboro shouted, her tone icy. "And remember, failure is not an option."

With that, Oboro ended the call and leaned back in her chair, a wicked smile playing on her lips. She knew that with Ruri on the case, she would soon have the information she needed. And once she had it, she would make sure to use it to her advantage. After all, power was everything to Oboro, and she would stop at nothing to obtain it.