
Tadano-kun has changed

[An Average Dimensional Group Chat Remake] Reincarnating into a fictional world is usually dangerous, but if it’s just a slice of life anime then no harm right? [System merging with host] Well guess this won’t be as normal as I would have hoped. [Multiverse Fanfic]

OGVipex · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 5


Komi and I had walked to school together, we gathered the attention and stares of many people in the school. I noted the annoyed and even furious glares being thrown my way by being so close to the 'Goddess' Komi-san, honestly I did not understand it all and the only explanation I had was anime logic, even some of the girls were giving glares at me.

As an anime world everyone actually looked good, everyone I had seen in this world looked amazing, the lowest score I would have given someone would have been a 7/10, that's how beautiful people looked in an anime world.

Making it to the class, I had been given the worst of the glares then those in the halls all thanks to one person in particular, Yamai. Has Tadano been kidnapped yet? I didn't actually get any memories of his life, I just knew what I did from seeing the show myself, even if it was only two episodes.

I just sat in my desk, Komi sitting in her seat next to me as she looked at me, giving me a small smile that made me feel nice before the class started. I tried paying attention but ultimately just got bored and instead just played on my phone... before getting bored of that as well.

You know that cliche of being reincarnated into the world and it has no entertainment? Well that's a fact right now cause there was nothing, no interesting games to play or even videos, no good manga, light novels, everything was just awful. Oh god I can feel the copyright coming for me with the ideas I just had.

Make entertainment, a stray thought that came only because of the lack of good entertainment, and it would stay a stray thought since I have no skill in anything to be able to make entertainment. I will just have to stay bored sadly.

"Tadano." The teacher suddenly stated my name a bit louder, making some snicker at my lack of attention before she continued. "Can you solve this problem?" On the board was a math equation that bothered me since I absolutely hated math, but I could solve. Getting up, I took the chalk and quickly wrote the answer, making the teacher seem to swallow her words before I sat back down, going back to my phone and hearing the familiar robotic voice in my head.

[OGC System has finished updating. Thank you for your patience.]

It finished updating, I quickly clicked on the group chat but noted that nothing really changed, everything looked a bit smoother for the group chat in a way but there wasn't anything new.

[Administrator T: Do either of you two notice anything new other than the quality?]

[Gluttonous Hunter: Nothing looks new.]

[Friendly Slime: Not seeing anything new here.]

I frowned a bit at that, the system updated but nothing was new? That seemed off, why did it update then? What was the purpose? Those thoughts ran through my mind before it dinged once again.

[Inventory is functional]

Oh inventory? Thinking about that, the holographic screen appeared in front of me as I looked at it, a seemingly endless space that held one thing, the book Rimuru had given me as a gift.

I was kinda hoping for more but I can't be too greedy or anything, I didn't have an inventory before and this makes things easier for me.

Neither Rimuru or Jinhyeok noticed anything different but when I think about it… they both had an inventory already.

Jinhyeok had a legitimate inventory while Rim had his stomach, an inventory wouldn't have to be given to them since they already had it.

That thought was simple and easy to understand before the familiar ding happened once more.

[Administrator Mission]


Oh that's new.

[Kamino Incident]

[The ultimate battle of good vs evil, Japan's number one All Might vs it's ultimate evil All For One. A final battle between a hero and his greatest villain is going to go down in the Kamino Ward]


[Kill All For One: 0/1]


[Quirk: All For One]

[Hidden Reward: ???]

[Participant: 0/1; Administrator Only]

[Time Limit: 1 Week]

This is new.. A time limit was added, which means either it would take until the end for me to be able to get the chance to kill the guy, or I get additional time which if the reward is given on immediate completion then I can really do something to screw everyone over.

[Administrator Mission] Is also new, it's a mission that only I can participate in, is the system trying to make the gap lessen between me and the others? It's the most logical reason when I think about it.

{Choice 2}

[Curse Hunter]

[Curses are born from the negative emotions of humans. Typically staying in places of intense negativity, Jujutsu Sorcerers are the ones who exorcize the curses using 'Cursed Energy']


[Kill Curses: 0/10]


[Cursed Energy Manipulation]

[Hidden Reward: ???}

[Participant: 0/1; Administrator Only]

[Time Limit: 1 Week]

Looking at the two choices, I weighed my options while the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

'If I do the [Curse Hunt] I would have to find the curses myself, killing them with [Moon Breathing] is the only possibility since the system wouldn't send me on a mission that I couldn't actually complete. But... I just need to time it right and All For One is as good as dead, All Might would also be weakened making it easier to be able to escape.'

'A sneak attack at the best moment would be the most efficient way to make this work, and if the reward is given immediately then...' A small grin made it's way on my face as I clicked on my choice, there were too many possible reward options that went through my head that made my choice clear.

[Kamino Incident]

[Countdown Start]

A countdown started as I realized my mistake, in my eagerness I clicked to start the mission while still in the classroom, there were still a few people here so I quickly got up and left, Komi seemed to want to say something but I didn't think about it and made it to the stairs where no one was coming up or down yet.

[5... 4... 3...]

[2... 1...]

My body began to glow once again before I was transported, disappearing from the stairs with a small smirk on my face.