
T Virus System

My name is Aleck Yin. I have a system. with this system i have the power to grow nonstop. the system that i have is extremely amazing. i have the ability to infect living thing with a virus

BellaEstrellaLiNa · Others
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 the might Of the T-virus


= the horned rabbit have been infected by the T-virus. For infecting something for the first time without using the T-virus you have been awarded 1 T-virus point. =

WOW, this is freaking amazing I can still infect thing with the T-virus. This included after the main target has died. I wonder would I be able to infect many things this way. This is really impressive in my opinion.

I begin to walk again around the forest since I already somewhat understand what the T-Virus is can do. There is a beautiful river roughly 100 meters from me. I decide to approach this river so I can drink water from it. As I approach the river I can see how crystal clear the water in the river is. I get down on my knee and put my hand together, and I take some water with my hand. I put hand closer to my mouth and I drink from the beautiful looking water.


= The horned rabbit have killed 10 big rabbits. You have obtained 100 experience point. The way that the horned rabbit is with its strong horn. It stabs the other rabbit through the heart killing them in a second. The amount of experience needed to level up is 4,895=


= The host has infected a wolf. The reason for this is because the wolf ate the medium size rabbit. The T-virus has fully infected the wolf. The wolf will begin to attack another type of animal. If a pack of a wolf is infected, they can attack humans causing them to die on the spot. =

Wow, this seems to be the real might of the t-virus this is extremely impressive. Now I have to animals that will bring me experience points what more can I ask for. With this, I can level up nonstop. I will become unstoppable. I will become the ultimate genius of my time,


= the wolf has killed 20 wolves. The wolf used its claws and fang to kill its targets. The host has obtained 2,000 experience. The remaining experience needed to level up is 2,895. =


= the horned rabbit have died due to natural causes. The host has learned 20 experience points. The amount needs to level up to the next level is 2,875. =

Wow, the target can still die of natural cause even after being infected with the T- Virus. This is something new, but it does not matter I learn something new today.