
System HP (Lily Evans/Male OC)

Hadrian found himself waking up in an unfamiliar orphanage, only to discover he is in the world of Harry Potter. Watch as he uses his gifts given by Death, to live his life, with a beautiful redhead by his side.

Kaidyn_Puntarich · Movies
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7 Chs

Letters & Vaults

Gringotts, Deepest cavern, Founders Vaults

A goblin took me on a mine cart ride, that lasted 5 minutes. I was enjoying the twists and turns, just like a roller-coaster. When the ride ended, I was led to A large Cavern, with 6 vaults. The first was a dragon, this must be Merlins. Then came the Le Fay vault, with the crest of two ravens interlocked to shape a heart. The rest of the vaults with a Snake, Eagle, Lion, and Badger respectively. I chose to head to the Le Fay vault first.

I placed my right hand on the Le Fay crest, when I did this I felt words come to the forefront of my mind.

Hadrian: "I Lord Hadrian of Le Fay, demand entry to my heritage"

After I spoke, the vault glowed, and I was apparated into the vault. The first thing I saw was a library with hundreds of books, shelved higher as me. I looked over these books and saw that they were all written by Morgana. They were all separated into categories such as household spells, Dark Arts, Rituals, Potions, ect...

I placed all of the books into my inventory. Past the library was a literal mountain of gold, I couldn't tell where it stopped, if it stopped. Gold galleons were piled high and far. I placed 3 million galleons into my Inventory, and 7 million converted into SP (shop points). I looked around until I found a pedestal in the light. On it was an average sized leather book, that looked to have scales on the binding. It was blood red, and had the Le Fay crest on top. I placed it in my inventory and left the vault.

I continued with the Peverell vault and took all the books, I left the money as there was no need for it right now, after collecting the Family Grimoire, I continued on to the Slytherin vault. There was a lot of books that I took, all in parselscript, took the grimoire then went to the Ravenclaw vault. 

I was nervous to read the letter from my parents. I was also very curious to find out how I came to be in this time period. I entered the vault and was awestrikken by the amount of books. I continued to where I saw the grimoire and two letters sitting neatly on top. I took a deep breath and read the first one.

'Hello Hadrian, I know you must have a lot of questions. Let me start by saying that I love you, so very much'

A tear escaped my eye as I continued reading

'If you are reading this then you know your heritage. All I can say in this letter is that you were born during dangerous times, my daughter, your sister Helena had ran away, and was murdered shortly before your birth. Me and your father were doing everything in our power to protect the magical world of Britain from our muggle counterparts. It was not enough , Hogwarts was even attacked many atimes. When you were born the witch hunts were at their peak, we feared for your safety, so we called on mother magik, to take you a millenium into the future, where we hoped that the muggle world, would have long forgotten about magic. Me and your father are long gone by now, but we prepared everything we could for you. We named you our only Heir, and left you as the true owner of Hogwarts. When you discover our paintings you will know more, but for now, become great, train, and apply yourself, and you will rise above all others.

your loving mother,


I let out a deep sigh. It turns out, the beginning of Hogwarts was not as magical as everyone thought. I was happy that they left portraits for me, and I remember that Helena is the ghost of Ravenclaw, so I can get to know my sister. I picked up the second letter with was written in parselscript.

'~My son, I know you can understand this as our family is endowed from serpents. You too will have the gift. I am sure your mother wrote all about the circumstances at the time, so lets get right down to business. I left you as my only heir, and the owner of hogwarts, since the castle was originally my fathers. There is a Secret chamber in the school, that only a parselmouth can enter. there are many entrances that can be used to enter, the wards will lead you. Rowena also left a place of haven for you, that will take the shape of whatever you require. You must become strong, there will be many who will seek our family knowledge and wealth. Do not not let them use you, fight back, and destroy them. Make sure to collect our most sacred treasure, my locket, and your mothers diadem. 

take care my son,


After I finished reading I made a vow to myself and to my parents to become the strongest and most knowledgeable wizard there ever was. I collected all my mothers books and grimoire, and headed out to start my journey.