
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #77

AN: I have finished Lady of The Lake, thus the main story. Unfortunately I don't have much time to write and I would rather use the time I have to plan out the plot.


In the next morning Zeno changed Renia's bandages under the gaze of the young Vila before going out to hunt for food for Renia and her daughter.

The young Vila protested, saying she can gather it herself but Zeno shushed her with a finger before going out.

'It has been a while since I looked after someone sick and wounded. It still feels like shit as I remembered.' Zeno's smile dropped once he was far away.

His father needed weekly dressings after he survived cancer, and looking after Renia roused Ouryuu's memories of Kaya making him uncomfortable.

{Just looking at them melting like candles while you can do nothing is the worst. I hope you'll never go through such things.} Ouryuu said.

Zeno could feel a phantom hand supporting his shoulder, suppressing the memories threatening to spill out.

'Thanks.' Zeno thanked Ouryuu.

{Don't I don't want you to go through those memories either. If I had you couldn't stop it...} Ouryuu sighed. {I am going to seclude myself in your mental plane to save my strength and stop the spillover, so I won't be here all the time. Is that okay?} Ouryuu continued.

'...Yeah, just drop by from time to time.' Zeno agreed.

Ouryuu was doing this for him so he couldn't disagree even if he wanted to. Ouryuu has always been a moral compass of sorts and he didn't want him to go away but he didn't have a choice.

{Of course.} Ouryuu grinned before he went back.


Back inside the mental plain, he quickly made his own cave and cut the connection to Zeno.

His existence was an accident that wasn't supposed to exist. In the past he and Zeno were of the same opinion and didn't reject each other which allowed his continued existence.

But now that they both reject each other the situation has turned dire. If an analogy were to be used Ouryuu is a parasite latched on to Zeno and Zeno's immune system is constantly wearing Ouryuu down.

Now that he had cut the connection himself, Ouryuu can save the energy he was spending while saving up for the future.

{With the way things are I wouldn't last five decades, but now I can last a century if nothing happens. I need to persevere if I want to see her again... Ciri.} Ouryuu thought while the image of an ashen haired girl with emerald-green eyes popped into his mind.

{We didn't get to know each other well, but I must properly thank her... After all, it was thanks to her that I was able to die.} Ouryuu sighed remembering his death but didn't let himself get lost in them.

He pulled out a book out of his robes before sitting down to continue where he left off. The title read Lady of the Lake.

{Ha! This Galahad guy is amusing.}


Zeno sighed again after Ouryuu's presence had disappeared completely. In truth Ouryuu was being covered by the System, preventing Zeno from rejecting him even if it is an unconscious act.

Deciding not to dwell on it Zeno kept moving while ignoring the presence following behind him.

'Man, her stealth sucks!' Zeno thought as the young Vila stepped on another dry branch making lots of noise.

[Well, she never had to tail someone but what bugs me is that how can she leave her mother unattended when we can do chores for her?] System wondered.

'We will be asking her later, for now let's collect some of those berries, they should be safe to eat for her.' Zeno said while he collected some berries.

The entire morning passed like this, Zeno collecting various fruits and vegetables while the little Vila tailed him.

Though her stealth got better as time passed, still it wasn't good enough to evade Zeno.

Zeno on the other hand was discussing Runes with System. It appears that the Signs do count as Runes and System claims he can make a language out of it whole discovering more Signs in the process with the resources they have.

[Once we have this, I can make magic software and other types of fanfic bullshit. It will be a massive help.] System persuaded.

'But how long will you be gone? I am already missing Ouryuu.' Zeno said.

[It is for the future! Also, you can use the time to manhandle your instincts now that you two will be alone.] System said.

Zeno couldn't find any fault in his reasoning. He could only sigh and agree.

[I will be gone for a century or two. But the time can be shortened as you gather more magical knowledge. See you later!] System said.

Zeno heard a noise similar to an old TV shutting off before System's presence was gone as well, surprisingly once System was gone, he still couldn't feel Ouryuu.

'It seems that the two planned this ahead and System's absence is to help Ouryuu more than magical research.' Zeno thought, quickly piecing evidence together.

"What's wrong?" Zeno heard a female voice ask him.

Zeno froze for a second before relaxing. It seems he was absent minded enough that she managed to sneak towards him.

He looked at her, her ruby eyes seemed like they could see through his raging emotions. He gathered himself up by instinct.

'I wonder what is her special ability? Every High Vampire has one.' Zeno wondered, she probably had something related to emotions but Zeno couldn't be sure whether it was a perceptive ability or manipulative.

"Just some bad memories. Don't worry about it." Zeno patted her head to assure her. "Well, since you have been following me since the morning, I hope you can tell me why you left your mother on her own?"

"She won't wake up, she's been like this for years..." Her head dropped, Zeno reluctantly kept petting her.

'She is going to be a daughter type character right?' Zeno doubted life at this point.(AN: She is a harem member, just give her time to grow and opportunity to interact with others.)

<Noooo!> Cue Dragon's Darth Vader impression.


After the little Vila calmed down, she and Zeno started going back to the cave. On the way she was clinging to his robes.

"Zeno?" The little Vila asked.

"Yes?" Zeno answered.

"I changed my mind. Give me a name please." She said Zeno noticed a healthy blush on her face.

'Ah, I know this one. Her mother probably said her future mate will give her a name but she naturally didn't tell me that.' Zeno gave himself a mental applause for being smart.

"Well, let me think about it. Names aren't cabbages." Zeno said while patting her head.

"I know names are not cabbages!" The little Vila protested.

"Hahahaha! You need some social interaction." Zeno giggled, still patting her head despite her pout.

"I still want a name!" Little Vila attempted to bite his hand only to bite air.

Zeno flicked her forehead before he gazed into the sky, this world was truly strange or it might be because they were at a mountain that Zeno was able to see the moon even if it was vague.

"Let's go with Yue. I feel like it will suit you." Zeno said as Yue glared at him.

"What does it mean?" Yue asked.

"It means moon in a foreign language." Zeno smiled as Yue froze.

'Yeah, she knows what she is. It is good to know.' Zeno thought. He had a theory about her mother's injury but he'd rather hear it from Yue.

"Thank you." Yue said timidly before moving ahead of him.


Like Yue said, Renia didn't wake up by the time they arrived back at the cave.

Zeno was curious about how Yue looked after her mother since he didn't notice any muscle atrophy from not using them for a long time.

He soon learned, Yue swifty mashed some of the fruits, mixed them with bread and added some water to make it more easy to swallow.

She then fed it to her mother, making sure she swallowed it properly without choking.

It was obvious she had much experience when it came to looking after her.

'It seems she already had given her food when we arrived last night.' Zeno thought.

Seeing Yue lift her mother to work her muscles, Zeno decided to help her by keeping Renia on her feet.

Yue didn't object and kept moving her mother's arms and legs. Zeno was familiar with the process and was able to help her.

He had experience since his grandfather was left in a vegetative state after a surgery went bad. Though he never did it before he had seen his mother, aunts and uncles do similar moves to him.