
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #71

The next morning Zeno left Tissaia's room, his face reeking of manly satisfaction as he scratched his belly.

Yennefer opened her door at the same time, her violet eyes were now bloodshot and had bags under it, still she smiled once she saw Zeno, until she saw which room he was leaving and connected the dots.

"Yo!" Zeno waved at her.

"..." Yennefer.

She had never met someone so infuriating as Zeno. She had long forgotten about her goal to sleep with him since she succeeded at the sign and had to live through her crow's memories but now Zeno managed to get on her 'shit list without death'.

"Well, Zeno I made some considerable progress with that sign of yours, I managed to dial down the intensity. Why don't you come in so I can show you?" Yennefer invited him.

Not sensing danger Zeno agreed and entered the room, it was messed up as the furniture was thrown around.

Also the crows looked lifeless, they cowered from Yennefer as she passed like she tormented them.

Yennefer gave a parchment to him while explaining what he had done wrong with the sign and corrected it.

"Well, why don't you give it a try?" Yennefer said as she ordered one of the crows to come to her.

Zeno had already noticed some slight differences between the one he had and the Yennefer's but this also allowed him to see the trap in the sign she made.

'I guess she suffered greatly last night. Too bad I won't embarrass myself to comfort her.' Zeno thought and fixed the trap laid out for him.

'Yo! It seems she made you all suffer last night.' Zeno used the sign and said to the crow.

'It wasn't her tortures, we're used to it but her thoughts and memories... Those scares us.' Crow replied while shivering.

Yennefer blanked out for a second, she expected Zeno to follow her instructions and suffer as she had but he completely avoided her trap.

A vein popped on her forehead..."I am still craving worms and remember the feeling of laying an egg while you slept with my master, at least have the decency to pay for it!" Yennefer yelled while weaving spells.

Zeno still not feeling danger beamed at her."Ahaha! I tried warning you but you seemed like you were possessed and didn't listen to my warnings."

"I bred these crows myself! Do you know what that means?!" Yennefer yelled again.

"Thankfully I don't." Zeno said.

"Then turn into a crow and experience it yourself!" Yennefer said, casting her spell.

The spell hit Zeno, his Karmic Virtue dispelled it without effort. Seeing this Zeno grinned.

"Why? Did Tissaia give you an amulet?" Yennefer was shocked but she didn't relent and kept casting spells on him.

'I was hoping to leave here without offending her but it seems, it was impossible.' Zeno sighed and allowed one of the mind reading spells in his head.

He was about to teach this noob why you don't mess with someone that can bed your master.

One moment Yennefer was raining spells on the Witcher while cursing in all the languages she knew the next thing she was in a battlefield getting slashed and cut all over her body.

She got stabbed, burned, impaled and got her head chopped off but the pain never stopped. By the time it all ended the only thing that remained in her memories was the sight of Zeno in the middle of a battlefield.

"You should really be careful when reading someone's mind, I figured the incident with the crow would have taught you something." Was the last thing Yennefer heard before she lost consciousness.


Zeno left the room and his eyes met Tissaia's, she sighed. "She had it coming, don't worry. Though I am saddened that you didn't tell me about your little magic study."

"It's a party trick after all." Zeno smiled before saying goodbye to Tissaia.

Once he left their abode, he found Jean grazing on grass waiting for him, seeing him come out she came before him before lowering herself for him to mount.

"What's up with the sudden change?" Zeno asked.

"Well, it is natural that I carry you. You're my Witcher." Jean grunted before she started to move.

Zeno blinked in complete befuddlement, he suddenly felt like he missed a great deal in Jean's character development while he was enjoying Tissaia and her ripened beauty.

"We're going to Mahakam right?" Jean asked.

"Yeah... I'll leave it to you then." Zeno said before smiling and caressing Jean's neck, she didn't object but her mood was noticeably better.

"Sorry for giving you a joke name." Zeno apologized.

"..." Jean.

"Also we need to stop somewhere else first." Zeno said.

"..." Jean.


Since he had fulfilled his promise to Old Harkon, Zeno decided to check out the Vila community living in Mahakam Mountains at the request of the Ruskala's he slept back when he was at Kaer Morhen

Before that however Zeno wanted to follow the river down to the nearest town in hopes of finding some job for himself as he was getting bored of endless travels.

'I am taking the untraveled roads in hopes of running into a monster. Why is my luck so bad when it comes to Witcher jobs?' Zeno groaned.

Though it seems the word untraveled road got stuck in his mind and he started to sing the song with the same name from Thousand Foot Krutch.

Soon they arrived at Eisenlaan. It was a town situated at the south of Vengerberg and enjoyed the proximity of being close to the capital.

Zeno found the notice board at the town center as usual and gave it a quick look before finding a job to clear out Drowner nests near the river.

'Well, easy enough and there's a Vivaldi branch here as well. I can just drop the goods I forgot to drop back in Vengerberg.' Zeno thought and went to look for the alderman.

The alderman was all too happy to give him the job and didn't even bother when Zeno upped the price for the contract showing they were doing good.

If Zeno had dropped by the tavern he would have seen a group of young men looking at him with disdain for they recognized him as a witcher.

This group of young men have always heard stories of Witchers to the point of being sick of them and weren't impressed by Zeno thinking he was weak.

They were also mocking him when he returned about half an hour later, thinking he chickened out and stopped looking at him.

The Witcher decided to stay the night at the inn, and only during evening did the group of young men learn that Zeno actually completed the contract.

It only infuriated them as the girls in the village talked about him, blushes on their faces making it obvious what they were thinking.

Being hot blooded youths, they didn't believe in the rumours and waited until Zeno left the inn to take a piss and followed after him.

"Man, your relationship must be really close if you all piss at the same time." They heard him laugh.

"That's enough freak! We're here to show you who's the boss around here!" One of them yelled.

The Witcher sighed and turned around to catch the punch thrown at him before turning the young man's hand into a bloody pulp.

The sight of such gore was enough to make them puke and some even passed out.

When they woke up in the morning they found themselves sore but okay, even the guy who had his hand crushed was fine.

However they were tied to a post at the town center, naked as the day they were born and reeked alcohol. The only thing on them was a piece of paper stuck on their bellies.

The papers had arrows pointing to their manhood and the words were actually the names of several legendary swords that could be found in stories.