
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #65

AN: I need someone to hit me with a bat, preferably on the head.


Following the river down south Zeno eventually reached another town called Daevon. Here Zeno decided to stop by and see whether there was any work for him.

He avoided staying in Ard Carraigh for too long since it was right under the king's watch but now that the capital is behind him he can hunt for work.

Naturally his first destination was the town center where a notice board can be found. He dismounted Jean and walked up to the board.

"Let's see, someone is looking for extra hands for their farm... There are some booty calls that I doubt gathered much attention... What's this?" After reading most of the posts Zeno finally came across a post that might be a Witcher work.

[Professionals are required... See the alderman's office (house) The price is negotiable...] Zeno skimmed over the contents, just the fact that this was posted by the alderman was enough to look into.

"Hey, can you point me towards the alderman's home?" Zeno tossed a silver coin towards one of the kids and asked.

"Sure thing sir!" The kid caught the coin and beamed a wonderful smile and pointed to the biggest house in the town.

"Well, I should have guessed." Zeno mumbled and took Jean by her reins.

The alderman's house was noticeably better compared to the rest of the town. To be honest Zeno thought the house belonged to some rich man since it was nearly on the outskirts of the town.

'I guess he isn't liked much, aldermans need to be easily reachable by the residents after all.' Zeno thought about why this wasn't the case for this town.

However he didn't put much thought into it and knocked on the door after telling Jean to behave when he is inside.

The door was opened by a middle aged man, he was around 30 years old if Zeno hadn't guessed wrong.

"I am looking for the alderman." Zeno said with a smile.

"You're speaking with him. My name is Ikarus. How may I help?" The alderman asked.(AN: I don't know why I gave him a name. We won't be seeing him again...)

"I am here about the contract on the notice board. I am a Witcher as you can see." Zeno flashed his medallion.

"Ah, I see. Come on in master Witcher. The subject is a bit sensitive." Ikarus looked at the medallion before gazing into Zeno's slit pupils before he quickly pulled him inside the house.

In the house Zeno picked up two different scents, the second one was that of a female but curiously younger than the alderman.

'So he is a single dad living with his daughter huh…' Zeno summarized.

He immediately sat down at the table as the alderman brought him a cup of beer.

"Well, I am suspecting a vampire is dwelling amongst the people of this town." Ikarus boldly said.

"Hmm, there must be something that made you suspicious, tell me everything." Zeno said while drinking the beer.

"There have been noises at night, especially during the full moon. Whenever that happens by the next day some people are too weak to work and have to rest for the day, like they have their life sucked. Though I never found bite marks myself. My daughter is amongst them please!" Alderman wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

Even describing the events that had taken place brought him immense fear. He feared for his life and the life of his daughter.

"Hmm, there must be something here indeed but why hasn't the residents posted anything about it? It seems only you are worried about this vampire." Zeno asked.

"They're working with that cursed thing, inviting it to their houses, offering their blood for carnal pleasures!" Alderman roared with fury as he banged his fist on the table.

"It seems you don't get along with them?" Zeno fished for more information.

"No, unfortunately neither they like me nor do I fancy them. I was assigned here by orders, I am not even from this blasted town." Ikarus cursed.

"Let me have a look around the town before I give you my answer." Zeno said after finishing his beer, he got up and left the house.

Once outside Zeno walked back to the center of the town, here he opened up all of his senses. His nose in particular.

'If there was a vampire I should be able to smell some lingering blood or some other scent.' Zeno thought and took a big whiff.

"This...!" Zeno was shocked by the results.


By evening the town folk had heard about the Witcher and how he had seen the alderman about the contract. They also saw him leaving the town by sunset, seemingly not caring about the ramblings of the alderman.

Some people amongst the group watching the Witcher's departure exchanged glances between themselves before nodding to each other.

That night there was a full moon and some of the folk were not asleep like the rest of the town, instead they were dressed in weird gowns that covered their bodies, moving around the town in silence.

"We shall visit Mary tonight. It is time we inducted her husband to our group." The woman said firmly, amongst the group only she had a mask.

"Yes, high priestess but are you sure? That Witcher seemed suspicious." One of the followers asked with worry.

"We all saw him leave the town, he certainly didn't buy the alderman's bullshit. Let's get on with our sacred duty." One of the more fervent followers said.

"Silence, let us not ruin our mood. It is a full moon, we ought to enjoy it." The high priestess said sharply as they arrived at Mary's house.

The front door was opened by Mary herself, she was naked as the day she was born and had a pious expression on her face.

"Welcome my lady, I have already given the drug to my husband during supper, he is ready." Mary invited them in.

Once inside the group dropped their gowns down revealing they were all naked underneath.

Some of the people in the group were handsome, beautiful and the rest were hideous as they came. Although it was strange that there wasn't a single ugly male amongst the group.

They all entered the bedroom where Mary's husband Jackson was bound and gagged, he too was naked and he was hard as a rock.

"I offer my husband to you, my lady." Mary bowed as Jackson screamed through his gags.

"It is adequate, ladies you may enjoy him as you see fit." The priestess nodded and some of the ugly women went towards Jackson.

"*Incoherent Screaming*" Jackson let out a scream, he would never have thought his own wife would sell him like this.

"Be calm husband, you're a new recruit. Soon you'll even be able to sleep with our lady herself. Just lose yourself in the pleasure." Mary said in between moans as the group of handsome men started to pleasure her.

In the meantime the high priestess made herself comfortable on a chair and started masturbating at the sight of the orgy.

"Ahh, this is it! More, with more passion!" She screamed as she came.

"Bloody hell!" Zeno said as he sipped on his tea.

He had pretended to leave the town by sending Ouryuu together with Jean while he hid amongst people by shape shifting.

The result of his 'investigation' had revealed the scent of the aphrodisiac drugs they were using, seeing that it wasn't a monster Zeno just decided to watch them but...

"So they're a sex cult, looking at the members I'd say it isn't all that old. Although the identity of the high priestess surprised me, I can't say I am all that surprised that the town folks dislike the alderman." Zeno commented while watching the orgy going on.

[You're just going to watch?] System asked.

'While the use of drugs is concerning, they end up dead tired due to having sex 'till morning. There is no monsters, it is no Witcher work.' Zeno sighed while taking some pictures, especially after the High Priestess got involved in the orgy and took off her mask.


"... And that's all I have, it was no vampire. Just some depraved sex cult being led by your daughter." Zeno said while drinking tea from a cup he made.

On the table stood the pictures taken from the orgy, clearly showing the alderman's daughter taking on five guys including Jackson at once while being cheered by the rest of the ladies.

He decided that he cannot trust any tableware in this town, especially after he saw what they did with those jars and cups.

'That was some creepypasta level shit!' Zeno shuddered as he locked up those memories.

"I... I see. Thank you master Witcher… You really shed light to this mystery, but I would like to have some time alone." Ikarus said while stuttering.

'He is probably regretting scolding his daughter. His relationship with the town folk deteriorated the more he scolded her.' Zeno sighed as he left the house, his body changing shape to someone else in the meanwhile.

He was juggling a coin purse in his hand and whistling Hallelujah from John Cale.

[He is probably thinking about killing her. What regret?!] System yelled.

'Nah, he got hard at the sight of the pictures. I bet the cult is about to get themselves a Pope.' Zeno laughed.

Again, he nailed the purse on the notice board with his chosen nickname and watched destiny guide a witcher in need towards the town with a golden thread.

'It is truly a curious thing, this Destiny...' He thought to himself before shaking his head.

"Ah I can't call Jean and Ouryuu back to the town, I have to sneak out of the town, otherwise people will get suspicious." Zeno cursed as he walked towards Jean's location.