
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #64

Zeno and Sabrina roamed the capital city, tasting the street food and taking in the sights.

Zeno had expected Sabrina to guide him to some good places but she seemed to be having more fun trying things he points out.

As a simple man with a simple mind Zeno didn't care much about the city nor the food he was eating, instead he focused on Sabrina and making sure she was enjoying herself.

It was a fun day and by evening Sabrina finally took the reins of their date by bringing him to a restaurant of sorts.

Before entering she gave another look at Zeno's attire and nodded her head in approval, then she casted a spell on herself to change her clothes to something better.

"Well, your clothes are good enough, I had to sacrifice most of the basilisk leather to arrange this, so you better be grateful!" Sabrina mock pouted as she dragged him inside.

The restaurant was high class indeed judging by the marble flooring and the various decorations made out of gold.

The people inside had stood out as well by their clothing and the haughty looks on their faces.

Not knowing the decorum Zeno quickly glanced at the people inside before he quickly grasped the social rules.

Their entrance had garnered attention as most people recognized Sabrina and wondered about her latest boyfriend.

"You should have told me beforehand, you could guess Witchers are not the most educated in bullshit." Zeno smiled warmly as he pulled the chair for Sabrina to sit.

Sabrina was shocked, she totally forgot she was bringing a witcher and forgot to tell him the rules.

The onlookers turned back to their own food as they couldn't find anything to pick on about Zeno's etiquette.

'Damn vultures.' Zeno sighed as the number of stares lessened.

"Sorry about that but you seemed to be doing alright." Sabrina said as she took a seat.

"Well, I am a great observer. Quick tell me the menu before I embarrass myself." Zeno said as he sat down himself.

"You'll be fine as long as you know how to read." Sabrina waved his worries away.

Soon they were given menus, it was weird to have such things in medieval times but Zeno didn't mind as he prefered this way.

Though his opinion quickly took a negative turn as he read the menu, he didn't have any problems understanding it nor was he concerned about the prices but...

'Who the fuck eats these! And this is coming from someone who ate with literal billionaires back in Crysis.' In the end Zeno settled for a medium rare steak and some wine he knew he wouldn't enjoy.

"See, you're doing fine." Sabrina said while drinking some wine they were given beforehand.

"I expected to find food here, not witcher elixirs..." Zeno muttered.

"Sorry but not everyone can cook like you. I really wanted you to cook for me but that wouldn't be a good date." Sabrina said with some regret.

Being a high class institution, their food arrived quickly and they began their dinner while chatting about random stuff about the northern kingdoms.

Like which country is more likely to start a war. Normal stuff...


(AN:Sorry only harem members get lemons.)

It was already midnight by the time they went back to his room at the inn. Zeno cleverly hadn't allowed Sabrina to get drunk because he was aiming to have some revenge for the dinner.

He pushed her to the bed with a slight push.

"Ah, is the big bad witcher finally going to eat this poor little girl?!" Sabrina asked with mock fear.

"You have been enjoying teasing me ever since we met. You're going to learn today..." Zeno growled and took her lips.

<You're going to learn what a long dick looks like today!> Dragon roared.

[Ahh, Kevin Hart is such a classic.] System sighed.

{Guys, hadn't we promised to stay in the cave instead of watching?} Ouryuu whispered.

'... Scram!' Zeno forcefully pushed them back in their little cave before going back to Sabrina.

"Zeno?" Sabrina asked, seeing he had stopped.

"Nothing, just remembered something annoying." Zeno said before going back to the kiss.


The next morning, one could see Zeno feeding Jean with some carrots, while Sabrina was watching him from a distance.

Jean was like him and didn't need food to survive, so Zeno just gave her whatever she liked.

After checking his empty bags on the saddle Zeno made his way back to Sabrina while he pulled Jean from her reins.

"So, you're leaving..." Sabrina muttered.

"Well, the path awaits and I need to earn some coins for my brothers at the keep." Zeno said.

"Ahh, that's why you're putting most of your coins in the bank." Sabrina had a look of realization.

Her master had said that Zeno was the only Witcher that set out on the path according to her prophetic calculations.(AN: Her master is someone I made up and doesn't exist in canon so I can bullshit however I want LOL.)

'He is clearly in dire need. Too bad I can't keep him here even with coins as my master wouldn't allow it.' Sabrina sighed to herself.

The last day was memorable to her in more than one way. Though it was obvious that Zeno wasn't the type to settle down as he had people to take care of.

"Well, I have a friend in Vengerberg. She'll treat you nicely if you give her this." Sabrina passed a package to Zeno.

Zeno had talked about his destination during the dinner since he knew Sabrina was friends with Yennefer.

From the smell alone Zeno could guess whatever inside was made with the Basilisk he had killed.

"Well, that depends on the circumstances. Vengerberg is big and I am going to a small village outside of it." Zeno said while taking the package.

Zeno gave her a small kiss before mounting Jean and riding off to the south gate.

"Well, I hope to see you again, Witcher. You're the first one to defeat me in bed, I won't let that slide." Sabrina yelled from behind.

'I should brag about this to Yennefer. She'll try to one up me and get fucked silly like I have. I wish I could be there to watch it.' Sabrina giggled like a little girl before she opened a portal back to her master's side.

Zeno cursed as every man in the vicinity gave him proud looks and thumbs ups.


Zeno stopped Jean once they were out of the city and put some distance between them.

Here he pulled a map he got from Sabrina. The map was old but it was more comprehensive than the one at the keep, adding the maps from the games he knew Zeno made a mental map of the world.

The map:(I am not sure whether this map is after the books or not but that doesn't matter as I will just be using it to plan out Zeno's path. The borders don't matter much to Zeno anyway.)

"Hmm the wind's howling." Zeno commented as he placed the map on his HUD.

"..." Jean.

"Well, it seems we will be just fine as long as we go south alongside the river Lixela Jean. Come on, let's go." Zeno ordered.

'Maybe I will just run to Geralt once we're back at the keep. Being a Roach doesn't sound bad right about now.' Jean sighed knowing it was just a dream. But that's fine, horses were allowed to dream right?