
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #4

Opening the doors of the warehouse, the first thing Zeno did was to duck before lunging forward.

That was because he felt danger from behind. Turning his head back he saw Pantasilea looking at him with cold eyes.

"Why?!" Was all he could say before dodging another hit from behind.

This time it was Bartolomeo that came out of the shadows.

"You move pretty well for someone without any training Zeno." He snarled while holding a glowing object in his hand while his other hand held a sword.

Zeno was too preoccupied with his system prompts to care about his words.

[Bleeding Effect: ???'s power has caused a bleeding effect due to resonating with Isu DNA.]

'I don't have time for this.' Zeno thought as he parried a strike.

It appears he picked up a sword from somewhere while he was absent minded.

"See Pantasilea, he keeps getting better as we waste time, we have to use the artifact!" Bartolomeo's words reminded Zeno of something.

[Future calculating mathematicians?]


"What did they say about me?" Zeno finally spoke, there was no doubt that Juno or someone else plotted his death after his arrival.

"We were told by Lady Juno that you will stop the arrival of the prophet! We cannot allow it." Bartolomeo answered, his eyes blazing with righteousness.

Zeno sighed and decided to quit. He can't bother with this bullshit, not when he has memory problems.

It's not like he can survive two Assassin's, yet there's probably a barrack full of mercenaries outside.

Zeno might heal faster than others but he doesn't want to test it.

'Somewhere easy my ass, System reincarnate me.'

[Right away.] Following the System's voice Zeno blacked out while making a promise to come back and bitch slap Juno.

He didn't blame the Assassin's for this since they were all ignorant people who didn't know any better.

'I will just turn them into cuckolds...' A weird thought wormed into Zeno's mind as he arrived at the river.

(AN: I have been wanting to write an AC fanfic for a long time but it just doesn't flow... Sigh.)


Back at the river, Zeno found himself rowing a boat through treacherous waves.

'There is no way to search for worlds that I want to visit, especially with the river trying to kill me' He thought as he rowed.

The bleeding effect slowly gave him skills of a life he didn't remember, it included how to use a boat as well.

[The closest world is on our left, just keep rowing while I gather more data!] System guided him through the waves by highlighting his path.

"Easy for you to say!" Zeno grumbled as he rowed and soon fell into another world.


While he was going through another reincarnation, Zeno's mental injuries recovered completely.

He could remember all his life starting from the age of six to his death, alongside all the embarrassing shit he has ever done.

Unknown to him the memories would be saved by his system just in case of amnesia.

On another note, he also remembered who he was or rather he thinks he is right.

'The body I am using belongs to Zeno from Akatsuki no Yona. Since Merlin didn't say anything about this and with all the reincarnation bullshit, I can only assume I was Zeno in a previous life.' He came to a conclusion as he read through the system update.

[Zeno(Ouryuu)'s Determination: For some unknown reason (Blame Merlin) one of your previous lives has awakened inside you, due to a reason that can be shortened into bullshit,

The System cannot tell why he is here but you now possess his Dragon Warrior Powers.

Reincarnation Tab is not affected by Ouryuu's immortality.

Thanks to my own Deus Ex Machina you have no problems growing old until you reach 30. Aren't I awesome.]

'Zeno in the manga still got hungry, he just couldn't die from starvation. Why is it different for me?' Zeno thought but he didn't have any answers.

'Maybe his powers changed due to our unique condition.' Zeno reasoned.

[Bleeding Effect: Over 2000 Years worth of memories and skills are slowly seeping into your mind, you will go through Zeno(Ouryuu)'s memories and obtain his skills.

Your past life could decide if he wants to show his memories or could just pass on the skills. This skill may take over your instincts under danger.

Due to Zeno(Ouryuu) being a past life, there won't be any adverse effects caused by Bleeding Effect.]

[Dragon Sense: This is an evolution of the Eagle Vision caused by Ouryuu's powers. I am unable to calculate the changes, just assume it's Deus Ex Machina.]

Zeno was mostly correct, the part he got wrong was that Zeno(Ouryuu) was not supposed to awaken hence the abnormalities.

'Was he not immortal? How did he die?' He thought to himself before tossing that question out of the window.

As far as he knew, Zeno always wanted to die to reunite with his loved ones. Sure he had Yona and the others during the manga but they too will pass on.

The fact that he managed to find a way to die should be a good thing. The fact that he is that same person is not.

Zeno knows he isn't anything like the character he used to read, he is also doubtful that Zeno has been lending his powers willingly.

Either way, compared to his old name, Zeno sounded more chuuni which matched his current life.

So he will be keeping the name, he may have to fight him in a mental plane or something but Zeno decided to deal with that later.

'One thing at a time.'


Opening his eyes once more Zeno was pleasantly surprised to find himself in normal condition.

First of all he was human as far as he can tell, second of all he was at an orphanage judging by the children surrounding him and looking at him in wonder.

"Look, his eyes are so pretty!" One of the girls exclaimed.

"Is he Asian?" One of the older kids asked the matrons who answered them.

Zeno looked at the people's faces before being sure there won't be anyone suddenly coming to kill him before finally relaxing.

'Let us hope I can live longer than a week.' Zeno thought before sleeping from exhaustion.

[Fingers crossed boss.]


As days went on Zeno was able to let go of his paranoia and truly look around to see where he was.

From the looks of it he is in the United States, he isn't sure which state he is in but that hardly matters to Zeno.

What truly mattered was which world he was in. Zeno spent his months straining his ears and eyes to catch glimpses of newspapers or television.

It was only after he grew old enough to crawl on his own that he got the chance.

'Note to self, find a way to reincarnate as a kid instead of a baby. Merlin did it, why can't I?'

[Merlin is literally the creator of omniverse we live in but I might be able to start you as 4 year old next time]

'Thank God!'

[Your welcome]


The first thing he saw on the TV was a news report about CryNet Systems refreshing their defence contract with the US Army.

'Well, it's god-damned Crysis of all worlds. Let's hope there's enough time until 2020.' Zeno thought to himself before moving on since the kids switched to a cartoon channel.

He doubts that he can learn the current date by watching cartoons of a country he never lived in before.

Zeno's next destination was the entrance of the orphanage where he can find the old man Tony.

From what he understands Tony never had children as his wife died early and he never got remarried.

So he spent his life looking over this orphanage, it is because of him that this place is getting extra money.

Finally arriving at the old man, Zeno gurgled in baby language until the old man noticed him.

"Oh little Zeno, did you come to accompany this old man? Come here." Tony smiled at the little blonde before picking him up and placing him on his lap.

Zeno had quickly become the favorite of many adults in the orphanage due to his good behavior. 

He made sure to cause some havoc to seem normal but he was easier to take care of compared to others in here.

Zeno giggled at the old man and tried to reach for the newspaper on the table before Tony stopped him.

"Oh you want to look at the pictures. Stay still, I will show you." Tony then opened the newspaper, allowing Zeno to read the date.

'25.05.1984 It's been six months since I have been here. Huh? My birthday remains the same...'

[I think there are better things to consider than our birthday.]

'Sure, what do I do exactly? Join the army in hopes of getting into a team with Nanosuit? Or should I just move into a country that won't be affected by early ceph invasion.' Zeno thought before deciding to give up, he has years ahead of him before he can come up with a plan.

[Nah, you need to get in CryNet. Otherwise you can't get your hands on the N2 Suit, after all there was only one of them that got made. We need to get the blueprints at the very least.]

'I hate the fact that you're smarter than me.' Zeno mentally groaned.

[Well, we're basically the same, just separated by a small wall. That is why I don't consider myself a separate entity. Just think of me as a sub-consciousness.]

Zeno mentally nodded and took a note to find a way to inspect his soul to see the mess in there before planning his way into CryNet.

[Maybe you can become a scientist...]

'Hahahahaha! Good one...'

[Hahahaha got you good didn't I?]