
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #16

While life was moving at its usual pace, Zeno decided to go to the trash yard one day. Once there Zeno used his Dragon Sense to look for treasures.

Treasures include half broken electronics he can use and several wallets full of money. Zeno didn't know why there was several wallets full of money without IDs but he didn't question it.

Zeno put them in a bag before sneaking out. The security would take his bag away if they see the contents of it after all.

Once Zeno arrived back home, he went to the garage. This place was left from his dead grandfather, it had enough tools for Zeno's goals.

[What are you trying to do anyway?] The system asked.

'Insurance.' Zeno's reply was curt.

Soon under his small hands all these electronics turned into a lethal subdermal shock device.(AN: It's fanfic bullshit)


'I am going to use this on the Boy Toy and get him into the wonderful world of gambling in my stead.'


'He ain't like Tony whom I could trust. I need insurance.' Zeno explained.

Once the preparations were done Zeno prepared himself for mental traumas before sneaking into his grandmother's room.

The room looked clean and tidy but even without using his Dragon Sense Zeno could pick up information he wished he never knew.

Thankfully for his mental health, his grandmother was properly covered, she actually looked like a rotten burrito, while the Mr. Boy Toy slept without a blanket.

From what Zeno could gather he wrapped her up like this so he wouldn't accidentally see her naked form whenever he wakes up.

Zeno pitied the guy one more time, first he got with his grandmother to provide for his sisters, now he is about to become Zeno's cash cow.

Zeno first made sure the man wouldn't wake up by giving him chloroform through the nose before he set the shocker on the man's neck.

'Step one: complete. Now I need to approach him on the passing and mention my gambling streak.' Zeno left the room with a grin.


The Boy Toy who is now named Tyrone woke up thirsty and with an ache on his neck.

Looking towards his side he saw his employer, he had become used to her sight over the years.

Normally Tyrone was about to quit but horny bitch got loaded about two years ago, after that Tyrone decided to stick around.

Getting out of the bed he went to the kitchen to drink some water. Downstairs he found Zeno scratching some cards with a serious expression.

Tyrone pitied the kid, he even thought about calling the child protective services since he knew about his treatment but decided against it.

'It would suck for me if my source of cash goes to prison for child abuse.'

"What's all these kiddo?" Tyrone asked Zeno after drinking a glass of water.

"I got into this scratch & win game. I blew all my money on it..." Seeing his downtrodden expression Tyrone approached the kid.

'He must've got some consolation prizes.' The local market wouldn't mind giving out the small prizes to kids.

"Got no luck?" Tyrone chuckled.

"No, I keep winning big numbers I can't claim." Zeno said, shocking the poor man.

Tyrone looked at the tickets, the smallest reward was fifty grand. He looked at the kid once again.

'I can just take them, no one would believe the kid.' He thought until he felt like someone was staring at him.

Looking down he realized it was Zeno but his expression changed completely, Tyrone could swear that the kid's pupils turned vertical for a second.

"Will you help me claim them uncle Tyrone. Grandmother doesn't need to know." Tyrone gulped.

His logical thinking was telling him there's nothing to be scared of but his instincts telling him to be a decent human being for once.

Naturally he has chosen wrong.

"Give them to me, I'll share the money with you." He smiled while his hands reached the tickets.

'Hehe stupid kid...'

Unfortunately for Tyrone, he passed out even before his hands reached the tickets.

"Fucking idiot." Zeno spat on him before leaving with the tickets.

Fifteen minutes later he heard his grandmother shout about his white chocolate being ill, Tyrone barely stopped her before she called an ambulance.


Days later Tyrone approached Zeno once more, this time Zeno held a remote in his hand and was playing with the voltage from time to time.

This naturally caused Tyrone to spasm based on the voltage while glaring at Zeno.

"Well, you failed my test." Zeno dropped the small child act.

"How? When? Are you even human or are you a demon or something?" Tyrone asked with a scared expression, he even started to wear a cross.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is though we're going to get rich behind that bitches back.

I was going to split the money equally but you proved unreliable. So the money will be released thirty to seventy. I believe I don't need to say who gets the smaller cut."

"What makes you think I won't just go to the cops and the church?"

"I already have you by the neck. Go ahead, I don't mind getting killed. You on the other hand..." Zeno chuckled.

Tyrone was not a smart man, he didn't have any solutions other than cops or the church.

Since his life was in the hands of a demon he figured he'll live it to the fullest.

"I'm in..." Tyrone was unwilling but this demon in the kid's appearance had him good.

'I must find a way to get rid of him.' He still had hope to get his freedom.


Several months later Tyrone totally forgot about his life being in the hands of a demon and was enjoying his life.

He even dumped that old bag of bones ever since he made big money.

He quickly bought houses in the neighborhood for each of his sisters then bought some more and put them out for rent.

Tyrone was satisfied with his life, he no longer needed to sleep with old women, no other work, he just had to listen to his boss and it would be okay.

Talking about the boss...

Zeno was enjoying life, especially after he left his body to his system. He would just sleep and relive his previous life.

The kids left him alone after he defended Dana. Dana herself was able to take care of herself, the other girls were nothing compared to her when it came to vicious bullying.

The system had it the worst, he was forced to sit through boring classes while trapped in flesh.

It took the poor thing an entire week to calm his nausea when he took over.

['I used to watch anime through Zeno's memories whenever I got bored. Now I can't even do that!']

So the days passed until one of the counter bullied girls brought reinforcements in the form of her older brother around Alex's age.

The boy cornered Dana to a corner, judging from his expression Zeno knew he wouldn't mind hitting a six-seven year old.

Not seeing Alex anywhere Zeno sighed before planning his move.


Dana was scared, she followed her brother's instructions, things were okay. The other girls had stopped pickin on her.

Except this one girl who was especially vicious, even putting stones in the paper balls she throws.

Dana had dealt with her but it appears she wasn't very through with the counter attack.

Today she finally called her brother...

"I hear your mother was sucking people off the streets for money. What gives you the right to bully my sister!"

"She bullied me first!" Dana didn't back down but the spectators could see her trembling.

"Doesn't matter, I will teach you some respect, maybe your brother would learn something from it." The high schooler raised his fist.

He heard some screams behind him but he didn't care, people easily get scared from violence after all.

Before he could actually punch Dana, he felt pain from the back of his head before he found himself on the ground.

Scariest part of it all was that he couldn't feel his body...

'Wha... What happened?' He wondered until he heard a childish voice whispering to him rather seriously.

"You'll get up in an hour, useless piece of shit picking up on children. Next time I'll put you to bed for the rest of your life." The kid didn't know why but he believed every word the voice said and nodded to the best of his ability.


"Let's go Dana." Zeno removed the needle from the boy's neck before addressing Dana.

Dana who has been scared like never before nodded but she couldn't move.

Zeno sighed once more but this time he waited for her to reboot. Once she came to herself Zeno started moving, Dana following him like a chick going after her mother.

[Man, this shit is too serious for six year olds...] System was dumbfounded.

'Tell me about it. Why wasn't school like this in the Crysis world?' Zeno also wondered what was wrong with this world but he had no answers.