
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter #12

AN: I will most likely finish the second game in the next chapter since there's not much left due to army and CELL working together coupled with Zeno pulling Deus Ex Machina with the language translator.

Sure, Alpha Ceph should have woken by the nuke but who cares.


"I want you to focus on Nanosuit 2.0 Zeno. Army can handle their own." Hargreave said as he took a sip from his tea.

Zeno had already returned to Roosevelt Island, he didn't even bother to learn what happened to the Raptor Team.

He knew they had the plot armor, although Nomad's situation was a bit questionable Zeno had trust in the upgrades he made to their suits.

So, he quickly made his way back to New York to work on the fresh data got from the Ceph. The adaptive evolution based technology was just too tempting for him.

Alas, the whole country wanted to get their hands on the scientist that translated the Ceph language, especially after the best linguistics experts deemed it impossible.

"Well, I have no desire to leave the headquarters. I am quite excited to go through the data." Zeno had stars in his eyes.

This was why he bothered to stay in this world even though he was already over twenty five years old.

"I am glad to see you're enthusiastic about it." Hargreave nodded with a smile before he frowned. "It would be a shame if you pulled another Lingshan on us."

Zeno just chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh by the way, the Raptor team sent their thanks through Prophet. The upgrades you provided them apparently saved their lives and the life of Helena Rosenthal." Hargreave said as he passed Major Barnes' report on what happened on the island.

Zeno furrowed his eyebrows as he read the report.

The ambush by the CIA was in his expectations but time travel. What the hell?

'Was that something happened in the extra materials. I remember there was a comic book about the island.' Zeno tried to make sense of the information he received.

[Meh, since there was no time travel and what not. It must've been a scrapped plot.] The system reasoned.

'Yeah, even then not knowing the details is bugging me. There was a novel too right.'

[Yeah, apparently it told the story of how Prophet and the remaining Nanosuit users cleared out the Ceph and subdued Alpha Ceph before C.E.L.L. fucked it up.] System dug through the memories once more.

'That was probably between the end of the second game and the beginning of the third game. It doesn't concern us.' Zeno concluded as he put the report back on the desk.

"Prophet was liberal with the whole truth it seems." Zeno said after putting the report back.

"Yes, he didn't take it well that I used his team as a benchmark but he seemed calmer than expected." Hargreave said with a chuckle.

"Well, I may have broken the truth to them before I realized Prophet was working for CryNet." Zeno said awkwardly.

"Ah, don't worry about it. Government was on my back for years, now that they actually need my technology they became more forgiving on certain matters." Hargreave waved his hand like he was shooing a dog.

Zeno knew about Hargreave's dislike for government but he thought it was kind of redundant when there's a extinction level threat looming over their heads.

"Well, I'd still be careful of Prophet. He might just steal the Nanosuit 2.0." Zeno said.

Hargreave just started laughing, Zeno didn't understand why he was laughing so boisterously until his system cleared things up.

[He is old as hell, he is naturally racist.]

'Oh shit!'

"Well, I will add some extra security measures if it will ease your worries." Hargreaves answered, a grin still etched on his face.

"Right, by the way. What happened to that CIA agent I rescued from the island? I never saw her after we separated on the USS Constitution." Zeno suddenly remembered the woman he slept with due to a bet.

While they were parting he felt weird due to some inexplicable reason.

"Oh, CIA retired her after she claimed some outrageous things about you being able to mind control people you have sex with." Hargreave pulled another report and gave it to Zeno.

Zeno had a weird expression on his face befuddlement mixed with pride?

His expression changed as he read the report though, in the end Sarah was retired early and she ended up moving back to her hometown.

'Was I that good? or did I really do something?'

[Your dragon instincts probably dominated her mind. According to information I got from the river, some dragons use it to NTR people by forcefully taking their wives.]

'My what did what?! Also what kind of Dragon am I?'

[Seriously? Okay, think about it like this. Your existence is supported by several key points. Let's imagine it is a vehicle.

You're one wheel, I am the other wheel. Your past life Ouryuu is the third wheel since he just awkwardly observes us, but don't forget that we're not driving a tricycle.]

'Do you enjoy sounding smart when you're not?'

[Yes... Anyway, my influence is neutralized by Ouryuu but you are still a dragon and you are not the same as your previous life who just had the blood you're turning into a complete dragon, considering Sarah didn't love you it is normal for you to subconsciously dominate her.]

'I can't have sex until I learn to control this. That's what you're getting at right?'

[If the girl has feelings for you it won't happen. Then again would you even bother to have a meaningful relationship?]

'What does my Free Will trait do if I am being influenced by my instincts?'

[Trait: Free Will have been removed.]


"Well, then, sir. If that's all I should go back to work." Deciding he had enough Zeno got up.

"Yeah, don't make me keep you Zeno."

Zeno left the room and headed to his laboratory while thinking about what he should order for dinner.


Zeno worked on Nanosuit 2.0 in the upcoming three years, surprisingly he actually had enough time to work on his personal projects.

Those personal projects too were incorporated into the latest version of the suit.

These projects ranges from new and improved Recovery Agent that matched his own regenerative abilities to synthetic organs. It was all thanks to Ceph Technology that Zeno was capable of doing this.

The newly added Recovery Mode, allows the user of the suit to regenerate entire organs and fix any damage they sustain.

Nanosuit no longer has to patch up the body of its user when there's an option of fixing it.

Still, the ability only works when there's enough resources for it and those resources include biomass that can be extracted from humans or Ceph.

After Zeno made this breakthrough Hargreave got himself a complete overhaul and got back to being slightly younger.

This was his body's limit since his DNA was too damaged for him to get back to his prime.

Zeno tactfully ignored the news about missing corpses of death row inmates and went back to work on something else.

This time Zeno isolated the Isu DNA he possessed. The mutated Dragon Sense was caused by his dragon blood that is not present in his physical body, thus he could focus on Isu DNA.

Zeno researched the sixth sense of knowledge, he didn't want to improve his existing ability since he knew the possibility of going insane if his body exceeded the limit.

What Zeno was trying to do was to harness the power of the sixth sense of knowledge and incorporate it into Nano Vision of the Nanosuit 2.0.

Unfortunately his efforts didn't pay off as he was unable to make it work.

The other test subjects just got immense headaches while the supercomputer of the suit got overloaded with data.

Zeno eventually gave up on that project since the three years was up and the suit had to be finished.

Zeno was there during the whole process but he was still lacking on the full list of parts and components.

[Uhh, Zeno?]


[Remember the time you watched a half an hour documentary about the N2 Suit. There was a complete list of components...]

Zeno just sighed as System brought the associated video from his memories.

He really needed to go over his memories once, he had been delaying it since the system had recorded them.

After going over the list he has, Zeno was sure that he got the full list and the know-how of making a Nanosuit.

'Now I just need to get my hands on Tunguska iteration and I can bail out.' Zeno thought.

This time there was no reaction from his past life. It appears his past life too had gotten bored of this world.

Just as Zeno got out of his laboratory he got called by Hargreave. It appears a Ceph Virus was spreading around New York.

'Time for the second game.'