
Chapter 9


It was late when you and Lucifer finished working with LAPD for the day. You, Lucifer, Chloe, Dan, and Ella looked through all the files that Eddie was able to send your way. There was photographs, notes and reports all emailed to your group, and you all spent hours reviewing everything that pertained to this case.

You stretched your arms with a yawn as Lucifer and you walked back to his car. You could tell Venom was restless for a snack, and you'd hope the left overs back at the apartment would suffice for now.

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?" Lucifer asked as you approached his car.

"I will probably unpack a few things and have some left overs-"

"Why don't you join me for dinner?" Lucifer asked while cutting you off. "It can be back in my pent house, take out if you want, and it can be an opportunity for you to meet Mazikeen as well."

"The woman that chased me on a building dressed in leather spandex?"

"Yes, she is a demon. One of hells best tortures too might I add." You noticed a flicker of proudness in his dark eyes when he mentioned that last bit. "The food will be on me too of course."

"" Venom asked. You could tell the alien felt all giddy at the mention of food.

You chuckle, "I don't know about that, Venom." You look to Lucifer. "If we say yes that would you be able to pick up a few raw steaks for Venom?"

"Of course, I cannot forget about the Symbiote." Lucifer offered a charming smile, which made not only you feel a little bit giddy, but Venom feel giddy as well.

"Well lets go then!"


You and Lucifer arrived to his penthouse at the top of the building. Your eyes wandered at every little detail of his home: another lavish piano, expensive furniture, a bar with a suspicious knife sticking out of it, fancy bottles of liquor, and a book case with an impressive collection. It is a penthouse you expected Lucifer to have and seeing in from your point of view now, rather from a building across the way made it seem much more grand than ever.

"How much does it cost to rent here?" You asked.

"I worked out a few deals here and there to have this penthouse and Lux. Just a few donations here and there." Lucifer smirked. He sat himself down on his couches with the food he was carrying placed before him on the coffee table. You join him, sitting across from where he stood while setting down what you were holding.

"" Venom snarled, revealing himself from your shoulder.

"Come out and eat you parasite." The second that left your your mouth Venom came out, already snatching up the three, large raw steaks. Venom opened his jaw and let the meat drop in his slobbery mouth, not even bothering to properly chew or savor it.

"" Venom chuckled before his form melted back into your body. You were thankful that you didn't fully taste the raw meat that the Symbiote just consumed.

"So why exactly are you, Lucifer, running a nightclub here, and not running your own night club in Hell?"

"Moving to where all you silly little mortals play was a vacation at first, but then I realized leaving hell was a big proverbial middle finger to my dear old dad. He has to have another angel look after Hell until I get back. Which will be never." He looked smug almost."My Father has a knack for having a plan for me and all the other angels, and I do not want to deal with it any longer; I make my own plans."

"Daddy issues huh? Understandable, given the lore we have on you. Although I did imagine Lucifer to have horns, a tail and for some reason blonde hair."

"The horns and tail is something the humans came up with in their version, and I don't know where everyone is getting this blonde hair thing from." Lucifer looked annoyed and took large bite from his food. It looked almost comical and a bit adorable. "Now what about you? How did you end up with an alien using your body? How does that even work with your human body?"

"It's a long story." A story you didn't like talk much about, even to Eddie who was with you through it all. You grimace at the memories that popped up: the sweaty sick feeling after Venom made himself home in your body, eating that lobster from the tank, dealing with the hunger, dealing with Venom eating humans, fighting Carlton Drake and Riot, and both you and Venom almost dying...

"I don't know if you know, but I am immortal and I can wait a long time."

You sighed, glancing over to his liquor collection. "Can I have a drink at least? Its a bit of a dark story."

"Of course, my entrusted bodyguard." The devil sauntered to his bar and picked a random bottle from a random shelf before pouring the liquor into two glasses. "I do want to preface with you, darling, that you do not have to go into too much detail. I am merely interested in how your current situation came to be." He made his way back, handing you the glass, before sitting back down.

You took a sip, wincing as the liquor made its way down. "Well I got Venom through and investigation I did with Eddie Brock. He was supposed to do an interview with Carlton Drake while I got information for the article part. Eddie pushed it with Carlton, asked questions about Drakes dirty dealings when he was told not to and got fired. I continued working while Eddie lost pretty much everything." You sighed after you finished the first part of your backstory. You took notice that Lucifer had also brought over the bottle of alcohol with him too. You also took note of how intense he looked while listening to you.

"Carlton had done a lot of bad things behind the scenes. There were several rocky crashes and non-ethical drug testing lawsuits against him. We found that out through his fiance, she was a lawyer representing Drake and his company." You paused to take another sip. "A bit later, a scientist that worked for Drake came to Eddie and told him about human experiments on those who couldn't understand the waiver with aliens. She explained it to Eddie, and then he came to me."

"Fast forwards to us being snuck in by the scientist we found out Carlton was having the symbiotes merge with the homeless." You visibly cringed, remembering how frightened Maria was when she transferred Venom over to you. "Maria, she was a friend of Eddies and I, she was one of the many picked for the trials. She was the one who transferred Venom to me via touch. That's how Venom and I became one."

"To add, from what we have gathered, is your body has to be a match to have a Symbiote. Like when you get a blood transfusion or an organ transplant. Eddie and I have the perfect body to home Venom. If you don't have a match or the symbiote is not wanting to stay in your body, it will kill you." You finish off your drink, and Lucifer almost immediately refilled for you. You took another sip and a warm sensation went through your body.

"So what about this Carlton Drake?" Lucifer asked. "You became one with Venom, what did he do?"

"He was mad and sent of people after me, and ultimately I had to fight him and the symbiote that was in him. I had to fight him from bringing more Symbiotes to earth that aren't like Venom and to save mine and Venoms life. It was something else... something I don't want to speak about just yet." You ran your hand down your face and let a loud sigh escape your mouth. Surprisingly, Venom was silent through this whole story. Even he wasn't that comfortable retelling it. Images of being stabbed through the chest, all blood pooling around you...

You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Lucifer was right by your side after you snapped out of being spaced out.

"Are you alright, dear?" Lucifer asked, his voice is soft and oddly calming.

"I will be. The physical stuff has healed hut the mental pain is still present. Its cheesy to say that but it is what describes Venom and I right now." You gulped down the second drink and cringed and shook as it went down. "Another drink?"

"I think you've had enough. The stuff we drank is some extremely high quality, and perhaps illegal in the U.S." You felt his hand rub your back. "You knocked back those drinks a bit too fast so hopefully you can hold your liquor."

"I can typically, but Venom-" A sense of wooziness hit you like a brick. "Venom is a b-bit of a lightweight."

"" Venom popped out of your back, his voice sounding slurred and more distorted that normal.

"Yea you are and it affects me." Your head tilted back as your world felt like it was spinning... Or was everything doubled? You made an attempt to stand up but your legs felt wobbly like your vision. Luckily Lucifer was there to hold onto your body. "What the fuck was that d-drink?"

"A whiskey concoction with a mix of flavorless absinthe. And not the legal Absinthe. Let's get you both to bed shall we?"

"Y-yes pleaaase." You slurred as you clung to Lucifers toned body. He led you the best he could, with you stumbling and Venom trying to take control (which he was failing miserably at). You clung to the devil with all your might all the way to the bed.

"Now let go and sleep, (Y/N)." He spoke gently as he laid you back onto an extremely comfortable bed, it felt almost heavenly. Your hands still gripped on his suit jacket although you were pretty sure Venom was also gripping onto Lucifer.

"Mmm stay." You slurred.

"Now now-"


There was a moment of brief, heavy silence before a soft spoken answer was received: "Sure thing."