
Chapter 11

Trigger Warning: there will be graphic/bloody/gore content in this chapter!!----------


You and Lucifer sat at Chloe's desk back at the precinct while Chloe was speaking to the Chief. you rested your head against your propped up hand, staring intently at the photograph that was found at the crime scene. What was Gene's plan with this? Was this a threat or was this simply a way of trying to scare you away? This questions invaded your mind and scenarios kept playing out. How will this affect your job? How will this affect Venom and Lucifer? How-

"Darling you are going to burn holes into that photograph if you keep glaring at it." Lucifer's voice from your right broke your concentration. You look to face him, he was leaning back in his chair, watching you with a raised brow.

"I just want to know what Gene's goal is with this photograph." You sighed, tossing it on the desk. "Was this recent murder simply to give the picture to us or is he spiraling faster than we thought he was? His pattern is usually people he views as bad, regardless if it was a simple mistake or something gruesome. Until we know what the last victim did, we can't say for sure."

Lucifer was about to reply to you but yours and his attentions were captured by Chloe leaving the Chiefs office. She sat in front of you and suspired, "We are no longer on the Gene Shepp case."

"What?" Lucifer exclaimed standing up from his chair. You stayed in your spot, staring at Chloe with wide eyes. Venom was also pretty shocked and rather pissed that you both were removed from the case.

"The Chief said that it became too personal and too dangerous for the both of you. We can still help and (Y/N) can still give information, but we can't be active with this case."

"That is truly a stupid reason. Allow me to get us back on the-"

"Lucifer," You call his attention. "This is probably for the best, it keeps you safe and it may cause a cooling off period for Gene." He gave you a look but stiffly took his seat again. You took note of his hands gripping the arms of the chair, his knuckles turning white. You saw Chloe's face show surprise towards Lucifer's seemingly willingness to listen. "I can still gather information and help out as much as we are allowed, Chloe."

Venom, on the other hand, was not wanting to comply or listen. It took a lot of concentration and energy to keep him from accidentally coming out and causing a scene. He did not like that a tiny human named Gene threatened you and possibly Lucifer. You could feel sweat began to form on your forehead, the back of your neck, and on your back.

"Knock it off Venom." You said as quietly as possible through clenched teeth. Venom hasn't been this bad since you became his host. "I am gonna use the restroom real quick." You smiled and practically bolted from your chair and headed towards the bathroom.

You made sure there was no one in the restroom and locked the door behind yourself. You stumbled to the counter and looked into the mirror; your face covered in sweat. Your head twitch to the side as you felt Venom trying come out.

"Venom stop, don't cause a scene here." You panted, your hands clenching into a fist.

"." Venom managed to get himself outside of your body, but thankfully he didn't fully form. ""


"I understand but we have to . We have to play this smart." The symbiote stared at you with his milky white eyes. His teeth were dripping with his saliva, his goopy like skin moving ever-so slightly as he held his form. Venom slowly leaned forward, resting his forehead against yours. Venom isn't exactly great with expressing his emotions but this was a clear indication that he cared and worried about you.

You head snapped towards the bathroom door as you heard someone mess with the handle. Venom shot back inside you, making your body jerk backwards. The door opened and in came Lucifer, who promptly relocked to door.

"Am I missing an important meeting between you and your body buddy?" Lucifer smirked but it dropped when he saw how tired you appeared. "What's wrong?"

"Venom is... tiring. He is concerned about Gene and wants to find and punish him." You sigh, dragging your hand through your (h/c) hair. "I had to run in here because he wanted to set himself loose the moment he heard we were off the case."

"" Venom appeared out of your body like he did before, staring at the devil.

"As long as I am away from Decker I should be fine."

"." The Symbiote said with a slight growl and merged back inside you. The anger and hunger you felt from Venom was borderline unbearable. He must be fixing up some damage he may have caused on accident; your body felt slightly weaker. As much as you did not want to risk it, tonight Venoma and you would have to snack on some bad guys.

"Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yea just the side effects of having an alien living inside." You looked to the floor and then back to Lucifer. "Venom and I will have to go out tonight. Tater tots, bagels, and steak can only help so much."

"Don't worry, I can give you an alibi. You were with me." The corner of his lips twitched upwards. "Researching all we can about Gene of course. Just make sure to come back with me to the penthouse after this so technically you were there. Even if it was just a moment."

"Thanks, that would be appreciated." You offer an awkward smile. "We should probably get back to Chloe's desk."


Currently, you were on top of some random, tall building in some random part of L.A.. It was a pretty good view of many streets and alleyways. You and Venom were keeping an eye and ear out for any potential crime. You shivered from the wind, Venom formed over your skin which provided some warmth.

Your head was still somewhat preoccupied. You felt off. You weren't sure if it was from Venoms hunger or just homesickness. You definitely missed home, despite it being a few days, but the new people you've meet in a short period of time made it worth it. Besides, meeting the Devil? That was something you did not expect to find in Los Angeles.

"Help!" A scream pierced through the air, coming from an alleyway two buildings over.

"Venom?" You called for the Symbiote.

"" Venom snickered and the moment you took a step, Venom took control. He basically on all fours bounding towards the scream. It only took him a few seconds to get to this building. The symbiote peered over the ledge of the building to inspect what was the source of the scream. There was a man and woman, they were both backed up against a wall with four, tall figures surrounded the two. Venom could make out two of the assailants holding standard glocks, aiming them at the couple.

"Hand over all your belongings or we will have to kill you." One sneered, presumably the head of the group. The woman clung to the man while he kept a stern face but his body language gave away he was terrified.