

In the enchanting world of "Sword Immortal Mortal World," readers embark on a thrilling journey through a realm where ancient swords hold unimaginable power. At the heart of this tale is Yang chi, a young and unassuming martial artist living in a secluded village. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses a latent talent for wielding the legendary "Sword of Immortality," a weapon said to have the ability to reshape the fate of the mortal world. When a sinister force led by the enigmatic Warlord Zhuo threatens to plunge the mortal world into darkness, Yang chi is thrust into a destiny he never anticipated. Guided by a wise and reclusive sword master, he embarks on a perilous quest to unlock the true potential of the Sword of Immortality and protect the balance of the mortal realm. As Yang chi encounters powerful foes, ancient secrets, and unexpected allies, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with moral dilemmas and personal sacrifices. Along the way, he discovers the profound connection between the sword, his own identity, and the fate of the entire world. "Sword Immortal Mortal World" is a captivating blend of martial arts, magic, and self-discovery, weaving a rich tapestry of adventure, honor, and the enduring battle between light and darkness. This epic novel explores themes of destiny, heroism, and the transformative power of one's choices in a mesmerizing world where swords hold the key to immortality and the salvation of a mortal realm hanging in the balance.

longrunhen · Eastern
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12 Chs

"Resonance of Power: Yang Chi's Fourth Level Breakthrough"

The sun hung low on the horizon as Yang Chi made his way to the Silvermoon Sect's Mission Hall. The mission board was a place of both challenge and opportunity, where disciples could undertake tasks that ranged from retrieving valuable resources to defending the sect from threats.

Today, Yang Chi was on a mission of resource retrieval, but it was unlike any he had taken before. He had learned of a location deep within the nearby dense woodland where Qi refinement stage beasts were known to roam. The sect required resources from these beasts, such as their cores and fangs, for the creation of potent elixirs and materials for forging powerful weapons.

As he approached the Mission Hall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This mission was an opportunity not only to contribute to the sect's resources but also to test his abilities and further his mastery of the "Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship."

Inside the hall, disciples gathered, reviewing the available missions on the board. Yang Chi scanned the list, searching for the one that would lead him to the Qi refinement stage beasts. His eyes lit up when he found it—an assignment that required retrieving the core of a Level 4 Qi Refinement stage beast, known as the "Crimson Serpent."

The "Crimson Serpent" was a formidable creature, known for its speed and agility. Its red scales were said to be as hard as steel, and its venomous fangs contained a deadly poison. It was a challenge worthy of Yang Chi's abilities.

With a determined expression, Yang Chi approached the mission administrator and requested the assignment. The administrator, a middle-aged man with a stern demeanor, examined Yang Chi before nodding in approval. "Very well, young disciple. You have the look of someone capable. Take this mission and return with the Crimson Serpent's core. May the blessings of the Silvermoon Sect be with you."

Yang Chi accepted the mission scroll, feeling a sense of responsibility wash over him. He knew that the sect's reliance on his abilities came with great expectations. It was an opportunity to prove himself further and contribute to the sect's strength.

As he left the Mission Hall, he couldn't help but think of his companions—Ren, Li Mei, and Mei Ling. They had trained together, faced challenges, and grown as martial practitioners. He decided to seek their company before embarking on the mission, hoping to gather their advice and support.

He found them in the sect's courtyard, practicing their respective techniques. Ren's strikes were swift and precise, Li Mei maintained her unwavering defense, and Mei Ling exuded tranquility as she meditated.

Yang Chi approached them, mission scroll in hand, and explained the assignment. Ren's eyes lit up with excitement, Li Mei's expression remained calm and focused, and Mei Ling offered a reassuring smile.

"We believe in you, Yang Chi," Ren said. "You've come a long way since our training began, and this mission is a chance to prove your abilities."

Li Mei added, "Remember your training. Use your 'Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship' to its fullest. And don't forget, your defensive skills are top-notch."

Mei Ling's serene voice resonated, "Stay calm and focused. Your meditation techniques will help you center yourself in battle. We'll be here, waiting for your return."

Yang Chi nodded, feeling their unwavering support. With renewed determination, he set forth toward the dense woodland where the Crimson Serpent was said to dwell.


As Yang Chi ventured deeper into the woodland, the atmosphere grew dense with anticipation. He knew that the Crimson Serpent was a formidable opponent, but he was prepared to face it head-on.

Hours passed, and the forest grew eerily silent. The sense of foreboding weighed on him, and he knew he was nearing the serpent's territory. The sight of red scales glistening in the dappled sunlight confirmed his proximity to his quarry.

The Crimson Serpent, a creature of majestic and deadly beauty, coiled among the trees. Its scales reflected the colors of the forest, making it almost indistinguishable from the surroundings. Yang Chi knew that stealth and precision would be key in this battle.

With a deep breath, he activated his "Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship." His movements became fluid, his sword an extension of himself. He inched closer, each step deliberate and silent.

The serpent sensed his approach and slithered toward him with lightning speed. Yang Chi's reflexes kicked in as he dodged its venomous fangs by a hair's breadth. The battle had begun.

Yang Chi countered with a series of precise strikes, his sword dancing through the air like a serpent itself. The Crimson Serpent's scales proved resilient, and its strikes were lightning-fast. Yang Chi's defensive skills were put to the test as he parried and blocked the serpent's attacks.

Minutes turned into hours as the battle raged on. Yang Chi's determination remained unshaken, but he could feel the strain on his body. The serpent, too, showed signs of fatigue, its movements slowing.

In a final, decisive strike, Yang Chi executed a flawless maneuver, finding a chink in the serpent's scales and driving his sword deep into its core. The serpent let out a piercing cry before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

Breathing heavily, Yang Chi retrieved the Crimson Serpent's core, a gem-like object pulsating with energy. He had done it; the mission was a success.

As he made his way back to the Silvermoon Sect, he couldn't help but reflect on the battle. It had been a test of his abilities, a trial that had pushed him to his limits. But he had emerged victorious, and the experience had brought him one step closer to mastering his martial skills.

Upon returning to the sect, Yang Chi was met with applause and admiration from his fellow disciples. He presented the Crimson Serpent's core to the mission administrator, who nodded in approval. "Well done, young disciple. You have proven your strength and dedication to the Silvermoon Sect."

Yang Chi's companions, Ren, Li Mei, and Mei Ling, welcomed him back with smiles of pride. They could see the growth and determination in their friend, and they knew that his journey within the sect was far from over.

As he rested that evening, Yang Chi felt a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. The mission had been a pivotal moment in his martial journey, a testament to his growth and determination. He knew that there were more challenges and trials ahead, but he was ready to face them with unwavering resolve and the support of his companions in the Silvermoon Sect.

After the successful completion of his mission against the Crimson Serpent, Yang Chi returned to his quarters within the Silvermoon Sect with a sense of accomplishment. The mission had tested his skills, determination, and martial prowess, and he had emerged victorious.

As he settled into a quiet moment of meditation, his thoughts turned inward. He could feel the energy coursing through his body, the harmonious flow of Qi that had become second nature to him. Yang Chi knew that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough to the fourth level of the Qi Refinement stage, a milestone that would mark his progress as a cultivator.

With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and allowed his consciousness to enter a state of deep meditation. His focus turned inward, toward the center of his being, where the Qi resided. He could sense the energy, like a swirling vortex, waiting to be harnessed and refined.

Hours passed, and Yang Chi remained in a state of profound concentration. His body felt lighter, as though he were floating on a sea of Qi. He could sense the presence of his sword spirit, the enigmatic force that had chosen him as its vessel, resonating within him.

Then, it happened—a surge of energy unlike any he had felt before. It coursed through his meridians with an intensity that was both exhilarating and daunting. Yang Chi's body seemed to glow with an inner light as the breakthrough to the fourth level of Qi Refinement stage became a reality.

He could feel his senses sharpening, his perception expanding, and his control over Qi deepening. It was as though a door had opened within him, revealing a new realm of power and potential.

As Yang Chi slowly opened his eyes, he felt reborn. He had achieved the fourth level of Qi Refinement stage, a level that signified his growth as a cultivator. He couldn't help but smile, a sense of pride and gratitude washing over him.

Word of his breakthrough quickly spread throughout the Silvermoon Sect. Fellow disciples congratulated him on his achievement, recognizing the significance of reaching the fourth level of Qi Refinement. It was a testament to his dedication and unwavering spirit.

Ren, Li Mei, and Mei Ling, his companions in this martial journey, were among the first to offer their congratulations. They had witnessed his progress from the beginning and were overjoyed by his success.

Yang Chi's father, the clan leader, also took pride in his son's accomplishment. He visited Yang Chi, his eyes filled with a mixture of paternal pride and wisdom. "You have come a long way, my son," he said. "But remember, each level of cultivation brings new challenges and responsibilities. Stay true to your path and continue to grow."

With his newfound strength and the support of his fellow disciples, Yang Chi knew that he was ready for the challenges that lay ahead. The Silvermoon Sect was a place of growth, learning, and opportunity, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As he gazed at the emblem of the Silvermoon Sect on his robe, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him here—the encounters, trials, and victories that had shaped him into the cultivator he had become. And with each day, he looked forward to the adventures and discoveries that awaited him in the martial world.

The breakthrough to the fourth level of Qi Refinement was just the beginning of his ascent within the sect. Yang Chi's path was illuminated by the radiant moon, and he was determined to reach even greater heights in his pursuit of martial excellence within the Silvermoon Sect.