

In the enchanting world of "Sword Immortal Mortal World," readers embark on a thrilling journey through a realm where ancient swords hold unimaginable power. At the heart of this tale is Yang chi, a young and unassuming martial artist living in a secluded village. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses a latent talent for wielding the legendary "Sword of Immortality," a weapon said to have the ability to reshape the fate of the mortal world. When a sinister force led by the enigmatic Warlord Zhuo threatens to plunge the mortal world into darkness, Yang chi is thrust into a destiny he never anticipated. Guided by a wise and reclusive sword master, he embarks on a perilous quest to unlock the true potential of the Sword of Immortality and protect the balance of the mortal realm. As Yang chi encounters powerful foes, ancient secrets, and unexpected allies, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with moral dilemmas and personal sacrifices. Along the way, he discovers the profound connection between the sword, his own identity, and the fate of the entire world. "Sword Immortal Mortal World" is a captivating blend of martial arts, magic, and self-discovery, weaving a rich tapestry of adventure, honor, and the enduring battle between light and darkness. This epic novel explores themes of destiny, heroism, and the transformative power of one's choices in a mesmerizing world where swords hold the key to immortality and the salvation of a mortal realm hanging in the balance.

longrunhen · Eastern
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12 Chs

The Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall

As weeks turned into months, Yang Chi and his companions made remarkable progress in their training within the Silvermoon Sect. They had honed their skills, deepened their understanding of cultivation stages, and grown stronger as a team. But they knew that to achieve their full potential, they needed access to the martial skills and cultivation techniques that the sect had to offer.

One clear morning, under the guidance of Elder Bai, Yang Chi and his companions ventured towards the heart of the sect—the Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall. This place was a repository of ancient knowledge and techniques passed down through generations, each waiting to be unlocked by worthy disciples.

The hall was an architectural marvel, with ornate pillars and intricate engravings on its walls. It emanated an aura of reverence and power, and the disciples couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as they entered.

Elder Bai led them deeper into the hall, explaining, "This is where you will have the opportunity to choose martial skills and cultivation techniques that align with your strengths and aspirations. The hall is divided into two sections—martial skills and cultivation techniques."

Li Mei, her eyes shining with anticipation, asked, "Elder Bai, could you explain the difference between martial skills and cultivation techniques?"

Elder Bai nodded. "Of course. Martial skills are techniques that enhance your combat abilities. They include swordsmanship, fist techniques, defensive forms, and more. These skills are crucial in battles and will help you defend the sect and yourself."

He continued, "Cultivation techniques, on the other hand, are practices that aid in the refinement of your qi, the strengthening of your body, and the advancement of your cultivation stages. They include meditation techniques, breathing exercises, and methods to enhance your connection with your martial spirit."

Yang Chi, considering his path as a swordsman, asked, "Elder Bai, can I find swordsmanship techniques here that will complement my martial spirit?"

Elder Bai smiled. "Indeed, Yang Chi. The sect has an array of swordsmanship techniques, each with its unique style and strengths. You should explore them and find the one that resonates with you and your sword spirit."

The group continued to walk through the hall, passing rows of bookshelves and intricate scrolls. Each contained the essence of a different martial skill or cultivation technique, waiting for a disciple to unlock its potential.

Mei Ling, who had always been intrigued by defensive techniques, spoke up, "I'm interested in learning a defensive martial skill. Something that can protect me and my teammates on the battlefield."

Elder Bai nodded approvingly. "A wise choice, Mei Ling. Defensive skills are invaluable in ensuring your safety and that of your comrades. Explore the options here, and you'll find techniques that can create protective barriers, deflect attacks, and even heal wounds."

As they wandered deeper into the hall, Ren's curiosity got the better of him. "Elder Bai, are there techniques that are particularly rare or legendary?"

Elder Bai paused, his gaze falling on a set of scrolls displayed on an ornate pedestal. "Indeed, there are. Within this hall, there exist techniques that have been passed down for centuries, known as the 'Legacy Techniques.' These are exceptionally powerful, but their secrets are closely guarded."

The disciples exchanged intrigued glances, wondering if they would ever have the opportunity to unlock such prestigious techniques.

Finally, they reached a central chamber, a vast hall filled with pedestals, each holding a scroll or manual. This was the heart of the Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall.

Elder Bai spoke, "Now, each of you should take your time to explore the techniques available. Choose wisely, as the technique you select will become a part of your martial journey."

Yang Chi, Li Mei, Ren, Mei Ling, and the others dispersed throughout the chamber, examining scrolls and manuals that piqued their interest. They read through the descriptions, studied the intricate diagrams, and sought the techniques that resonated with their martial spirits and aspirations.

After much contemplation, Yang Chi found a scroll titled "Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship." The description spoke of a fluid and agile style of swordsmanship, perfect for those with a martial spirit connected to the elements.

Eagerly, he unrolled the scroll and began to read, feeling a connection with the techniques described. It was as if the sword spirit within him recognized the potential of this martial skill.

Li Mei chose a defensive technique called "Shield of the Iron Turtle." It promised to create a protective barrier that could withstand formidable attacks, a perfect choice for her role as a guardian of her comrades.

Ren, with his interest in versatility, selected a martial skill named "Eagle's Claw Fist." It emphasized both offense and defense, allowing him to adapt to various combat scenarios.

Mei Ling opted for a meditation technique called "Tranquil Lotus Breath," which promised to enhance her connection with her martial spirit and promote healing and rejuvenation.

With their choices made, the disciples returned to Elder Bai, scrolls and manuals in hand. He smiled, pleased with their selections.

Elder Bai congratulated them. "You have chosen well. These techniques will become valuable assets in your journey. Now, it's time to start your training with these newfound skills."

As they left the Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall, scrolls and manuals in hand, Yang Chi and his companions felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were ready to dedicate themselves to mastering these techniques, unlocking their potential, and continuing their ascent through the ranks of the Silvermoon Sect.

Their journey as martial practitioners had taken another significant step forward, and they were eager to see where these new skills would lead them in the pursuit of martial excellence.


Days turned into weeks as Yang Chi and his companions immersed themselves in the study and practice of their chosen martial skills and cultivation techniques. The scrolls and manuals they had acquired from the Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall became their constant companions.

Yang Chi found himself spending countless hours perfecting the "Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship." The techniques flowed like water, emphasizing grace and precision in every movement. He practiced in the secluded areas of the sect, the silver moonlight illuminating his form as he danced with his sword.

Li Mei diligently worked on mastering the "Shield of the Iron Turtle." She practiced forming protective barriers , testing their resilience against Ren's strikes, and ensuring they would shield her comrades in times of need. Her dedication to defense inspired confidence among her peers.

Ren, with his "Eagle's Claw Fist," delved into both offense and defense. The techniques allowed him to strike with precision and counter enemy attacks effectively. His adaptability on the battlefield increased, and he became a valuable asset in sparring sessions.

Mei Ling's "Tranquil Lotus Breath" meditation technique brought her a sense of inner calm and harmony. She connected with her martial spirit on a deeper level, feeling its energy flow through her like a tranquil river. Her newfound serenity extended to her comrades, as her healing abilities became more potent.

Their training sessions often brought them together in the sect's training grounds. They sparred, exchanged techniques, and pushed each other to new limits. The bonds among the group grew stronger with each passing day, and they could sense the progress they were making collectively.

One evening, as they sat together beneath a blossoming cherry blossom tree in the sect's courtyard, Yang Chi spoke up, breaking the tranquil silence. "I believe it's time we test our skills and see how much we've improved."

Ren nodded in agreement. "You're right, Yang Chi. We've spent weeks honing our techniques. It's time to see how they fare in real combat situations."

Li Mei added, "Perhaps we could challenge some of the other disciples in the sect to sparring matches. It would give us a chance to gauge our abilities."

Mei Ling chimed in, "And we can learn from our victories and defeats alike. It's all part of our growth as martial practitioners."

Yang Chi smiled, his determination shining in his eyes. "Then it's settled. Tomorrow, we'll seek out fellow disciples for sparring matches and put our skills to the test."

The following day, Yang Chi and his companions ventured to the sect's training grounds, where disciples gathered for practice and sparring. They observed the various groups, looking for potential opponents who would challenge their newfound abilities.

Their first challenge came in the form of a group of disciples known for their prowess in hand-to-hand combat. Ren stepped forward, eager to test his "Eagle's Claw Fist" against their skills. The sparring match was intense, with Ren demonstrating his newfound techniques. He proved to be a formidable opponent, and the spectators watched in awe as he executed precise strikes and swift counters.

Li Mei faced off against a disciple known for her agility and quick reflexes. Li Mei's "Shield of the Iron Turtle" allowed her to block and deflect attacks with ease. Her defensive prowess frustrated her opponent, who struggled to land a decisive blow. Li Mei's calm demeanor and unwavering defense earned her respect among her peers.

Mei Ling's healing abilities became evident when she sparred with a fellow disciple who specialized in offensive techniques. Despite taking hits, Mei Ling's "Tranquil Lotus Breath" allowed her to recover swiftly, leaving her opponent surprised and ultimately defeated. Mei Ling's serene presence on the battlefield left a lasting impression.

Yang Chi's challenge came from a swordsman renowned for his speed and precision. Their clash of blades was a mesmerizing dance, as Yang Chi employed the techniques of the "Serpent's Dance Swordsmanship." His movements flowed seamlessly, and he managed to disarm his opponent with a precise strike. The onlookers marveled at his skill and the elegance of his swordsmanship.

Word of their sparring matches spread throughout the sect, earning them recognition and respect among their fellow disciples. They continued to seek out challenges, pushing their limits and refining their techniques. Each victory and defeat served as a valuable lesson, and they grew as martial practitioners with every encounter.


Months passed, and Yang Chi and his companions had become known throughout the Silvermoon Sect for their dedication and skill. They had risen through the ranks of the outer sect, earning the respect of their peers and elders.

One day, as they gathered in the sect's courtyard after a particularly challenging sparring session, Elder Bai approached them with a smile. "I have been watching your progress, and I am pleased with what I have seen. Your dedication and unity have not gone unnoticed."

Yang Chi and his companions bowed respectfully to the elder. "Thank you, Elder Bai," Yang Chi said. "We are committed to upholding the values of the Silvermoon Sect and continuing our growth as martial practitioners."

Elder Bai nodded. "Your journey has only just begun, and there is much more for you to learn and experience within our sect. In time, you may have the opportunity to become inner sect disciples, where you will receive more advanced teachings and responsibilities."

Yang Chi and his companions exchanged excited glances. Becoming inner sect disciples was a significant milestone and a step closer to their ultimate goal of mastering their martial skills and cultivation techniques.

Elder Bai continued, "But before that, it is essential for you to understand the structure of our sect. We are divided into three main categories: outer sect disciples, inner sect disciples, and core sect disciples."

Yang Chi and the others listened intently as Elder Bai explained the distinctions between the categories.

"Outer sect disciples, like yourselves, are the foundation of the sect. You are the ones who perform various tasks and engage in training to develop your skills. You have access to the Martial Skill and Cultivation Techniques Hall and can participate in sect activities."

"Inner sect disciples are more advanced practitioners. They have access to higher-level martial skills and cultivation techniques. They also take on more significant responsibilities within the sect, such as assisting in training the outer sect disciples and participating in sect missions."

"Core sect disciples are the most accomplished members of our sect. They have mastered advanced techniques and are considered experts in their chosen paths. They often serve as mentors and leaders, guiding the inner and outer sect disciples. Core sect disciples are the closest to the sect master and hold significant influence within the sect."

Yang Chi and his companions absorbed this information , realizing the hierarchy that governed the Silvermoon Sect. They understood that their journey was a gradual ascent through these ranks, and they were determined to continue their progress.

Elder Bai concluded, "Your dedication and progress have already set you on a path toward becoming inner sect disciples. But remember, the road ahead is challenging. You will face trials, tests, and challenges that will test your strength and determination. Embrace each experience as an opportunity for growth, and one day, you may stand among the inner sect disciples of the Silvermoon Sect."

With a final nod of encouragement, Elder Bai departed, leaving Yang Chi and his companions with a renewed sense of purpose and aspiration. The path they had chosen was not an easy one, but they were determined to face every obstacle and seize every opportunity on their journey to martial excellence within the Silvermoon Sect.