
Second day and training

Awakening from his slumber, Cain decided to wash his face and eat something. After eating he started training according to the manual. With precise yet flexible movements he started pushing his body through various forms, most of them being similar to Tai Chi. Half through the second cycle he noticed some kind of warm current passing through his body, making him instantly refreshed. Feeling this Cain decided to do a few more cycles and end the morning training. Feeling the strain from the exercise Cain felt a bit excited since no one would be against having some sort of power.

After ending the exercise he again sat down and started meditating. Only this time he tried manipulating the energy to see how it works. After fiddling around for a bit he used his mind to command the energy stream to go through his hand. Opening his eyes he saw a faint cloak of white with faint black spots. Fascinated by this he stared for a while at it when suddenly a wave of exhaustion passed through him, almost robbing him of his consciousness.

Gritting his teeth he tried to stand up and eat something, having an extreme feeling of hunger. This energy depended on his body´s power. After eating some berries he stood up and went through another cycle of the external cultivation.

Deciding to end this bout of training, Cain started walking to a random direction. Walking for about 3 kilometres, he noticed some marks on the trees, made using claws. It looked like stumbled upon some beast´s territory. And it looked like it was pretty big.


Accompanied by a sharp sound a squirrel-like beast with four eyes attacked him from above. Being a bit startled he almost got hit but managed to dodge in the last second, squatting on the ground. Using his momentum he punched the beast with his fist, instinctually cloaking it with the weird energy. Upon being hit the beast roared and got thrown ten meters only stopping after hitting a tree. Panting slowly from the adrenaline burst, Cain approached the already dead beast and took it back with him.

After getting back to his camp he clumsily skinned it. In the process, a strange orb had fallen from its body. It had a translucent quality, making it look like a precious gem. He kept the gem in his shelter and started training his body for a bit.

Two months after fighting the squirrel-like beast Cain still hasn't left his makeshift home. Training intensively for that much honed his body so much, so now he can fight to bear like demon beasts with four arms and tall stature. After eating his first demon beast he noticed that the weird energy, soul power from what he found, have started to multiply so using the manual he refined it making it faster to train. After his discovery, he started hunting every day .The only problem with this method of strengthening was that after every powering up he needed to find stronger beasts, since his stomach couldn't be satisfied from weak demon beasts. Cain didn´t really have problems with it since the stronger his prey was the stronger his instincts and battle power grew. It also served as a compass for keeping his advancements in strength and not end stopping growing in strength. Strangely his training didn't give him big muscles like those bodybuilders, only he was a bit leaner than other youths of his age. After two months his hair grew to shoulder length and a big part of his baby fat faded from his face, making him cooler that cute.

The only problem of his was that the sword given in the beginning started chipping, making it much harder to use . Because of it, he resorted to relying on his fists to fight, which actually made him recall some martial arts he saw on earth. After using a move of Wing Chun a strange phenomenon happened when a Chinese symbol bathed in light appeared in front of him, flying straight onto his body. Getting bathed by this light made him at least two times stronger, but unfortunately, it occurred only once more, since Cain was unable to recall more moves from this martial art.

Having no choice to only train more he put his utmost effort in his external cultivation , making him reach the basic prerequisite for starting to train his five senses. With that thought, Cain laid on the bed and cultivated according to the instructions of the eye technique. After a few rounds of eye cultivation, his sight was greatly enhanced, making it easier to spot prey or see details. One more thing that he has seen is that Cain possessed a photographic memory , probably from being reincarnated.

After doing a few more rounds of his Muscle Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing Subsidiary External Cultivation Collection, Cain decided to fight the strongest beast in this part of the forest, a variant of the four-armed bear, the red-furred skiing bear , or that´s the name Cain gave to it after seeing the hear from afar.

Jumping from the tree from where he was tracking down the bear , Cain made his way to the strongest variant...

This is the second and last chapter for today. Hope it piqued your interest and made you look forward to future chapters. See ya tomorrow!

mishagtcreators' thoughts