
Foreign lands and a future path.

In a shady dense forest, a seemingly 15 years old youth was twitching in sleep. He was fairly good-looking, with sword-shaped eyebrows and fair skin having a star-shaped red birthmark under his right eye. Under the radiance of the sun, his silver like hair was shining as though the radiance of a finely made sword.

After a loud sound, the youth started emerging from his pleasant sleep. Like his hair, his eyes were of a beautiful silver, which contrasted finely with his face, and his immature face.

´´Where am I?´´.Of course, no one answered him. Looking around he saw a letter on the ground which seemed to come straight from medieval times. Figuring out that it was meant for him he read it through. After looking into it for a few seconds he exhaled tiredly and started thinking about his situation. From the letter, he found out that now he is inhabiting the demon forest of the Martial Arts continent. It is a place in which a plethora of terrifying beasts could be seen, making it deadly. At the same time, it has the most suitable environment for rising precious herbs. It is the definition of the phrase: no risk no reward.

Thinking a few seconds the boy decided to find the necessities. Looking around he found a normal-sized sword with a leather sheet. Picking it up he started twirling it around to get used to its weight. After straining his hearing a bit he started looking for a river, figuring that near water should be some edible herbs. Being careful he proceeds to go to the south direction, where a small stream of delightfully clear and bright water was flowing freely. Looking at his reflection he thought that he looked younger than he should be, making him frown in thought, but ultimately dropping the thought.

After drinking some water he relaxed for a bit. While walking he noticed that his senses were a bit higher, like the colours being a bit more vibrant or smelling the unique fragrance of some flowers from a distance. After thinking of the contents of the letter, he figured out that this might be a world with strange powers, qi being an example of cultivation world set stories. So deciding to do what most otherworldy protagonists would do, he started focusing on the breath, to attempt to fall in a meditative state. Staying quiet for a couple of minutes, he almost gave up when he felt something like a state of weightlessness. Deciding to bite the bullet he opened his eyes. The first thing that he noticed was that his body was nonexistent and in front of him, there was a book. It had an antique design, not unlike martial manuals from ancient China. On it with bold black letters was written: Muscle Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing Subsidiary External Cultivation Collection. He was a bit shocked since he knew what this manual was about. It is used for empowering the body and making it more suitable for martial arts. It improved the quality of qi in the body, making it easier to breakthrough through levels, and beating opponents much more advanced than the user.

'Muscle Tendon Changing and Marrow Cleansing Subsidiary External Cultivation Collection'. This collection section included external techniques like the mind, body, head, face, ears, eyes, mouth, tongue, teeth, hands, feet, shoulders, back, waist, stomach, kidneys, heart, spleen, liver, and lungs. It covered nearly all the methods of training every external and internal organ…

Siting speechless for a few minutes he frowned in thought for a few seconds. He decided to train for a bit in this forest as to not become a victim to a random beast. Putting the goal of being able to be able to kill some of the beasts described in the letter, he started going through the surroundings to make a makeshift house and to find some food. Taking a few berries which were being actively eaten by some birds while he was walking, he made a small camp and started falling asleep.

My last attempt to make a novel was a bit of a failure, so I decided to try my hand in another setting. Hope you liked it and comment about your ideas about it. See you!

mishagtcreators' thoughts