
The Prince And the Little Mermaid (Part 5)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Yu Chu was speechless…

If only it were some other reason. How could she pester him now?

An Moer's remark had an intentional hint of evil intent. As he watched the girl's conflicted expression, he grinned but deep down in his heart, he was nonchalant.

He had made an exception when he carried her. Since someone else could take over, it would be for the best.

Yu Chu could only nod in agreement in the end. "Oh, okay… You can leave me here…"

The little mermaid glanced at her with his beautiful blue eyes and was about to relinquish his grip. The girl suddenly raised her head and quietly hugged him tightly.

"Oh yeah, what's your name? I will come back here in a few days' time. What do you want as a reward?"

She really remembered that she had to repay him.

An Moer was amused deep down. When his icy blue eyes met her brown eyes, his expression froze for a moment. He bit his red lips and replied softly,

"I am… An Moer."

"An Moer." The girl repeated it once and the little mermaid's eyes darkened a little. An unfamiliar feeling fled from the bottom of his heart and it suddenly made him feel irritable.

Yu Chu hadn't had time to notice the young man's icy expression, when he withdrew his hands rudely. He then shoved her away from her.

The surging sea water instantly washed over her.

Yu Chu felt like crying. She sputtered as she choked on a few gulps of seawater. Her cheeks became flushed as she spat out the salty seawater. She then waved frantically at the ship.

"Hey! Help!"

The little mermaid stopped after swimming some distance away. He held onto a reef that was jutting out from the water and he furrowed his exquisite eyebrows. He turned his head to glance back.

The girl's scent was still lingering on him but her warmth was long gone.

The people on the ship soon discovered the prince. Servants worked together to haul the prince safely on board. They then covered him with a snowy white towel. A beautiful princess stepped out from the crowd as she took out her handkerchief. Concerned, she wiped away the beads of water on the prince's forehead.

The prince's brown eyes reflected the sunlight as his head of dazzling golden hair clung to his skin. He replied gently,

"My name is Lai En. Thank you, Princess, for saving me."

Princess Dai Linnuo curtsied to him as she held the hem of her dress.

"You don't have to thank me. It's an honor to meet you. So, you're Prince Lai En. When my ship sailed past the territorial waters, I heard them saying that you fell into the sea. I was quite worried. It's good that you're okay."

To others, Yu Chu was saved by the princess. She had to follow the royal etiquette and hence, she kissed the princess's hand politely.

"No, I have to thank you, Princess. Without you, I would have drowned."

Princess Dai Linnuo replied as she blushed,

"It's fine. It's nothing serious."

A distance away, the gorgeous young man watched impassively.

His long and fair fingers were pressed lightly against the reef. Half of his icy blue hair shone in the sunlight while the other half was submerged in water. He was an attractive sight.

However, his icy blue eyes were like shards of ice. He bent his head and pressed his lips, which were as thin as flower petals.

The existence of mermaids had to be kept a secret from humans. That was the right thing for her to do.