
The Prince And the Little Mermaid (Part 4)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

An emotion Yu Chu couldn't identify flashed across his face. However, it soon vanished.

He suddenly tilted his head slightly and dimples appeared on his fair cheeks. Softly, he asked,

"Will you repay me?"

Yu Chu immediately gave a kindly smile when she heard the child's innocent question. "Yes, yes!"

The young man deepened his smile.

His icy blue long hair cascaded down like moonlight and he blinked. Under his thick and long eyelashes, his light eyes reflected the bluish green waves. In a tender voice, he quipped,

"You can't lie to me."

Yu Chu fell into a momentary daze and before she could respond, the youth extended his hand to grasp her arm. Beneath the waters, his beautiful blue tail swayed gracefully.

He had never liked touching others but when he felt her warmth on his palm, he caught a whiff of the girl's scent. Surprisingly, he wasn't disgusted.

He couldn't help but narrow his icy blue eyes as thoughts raced through his mind. In the end, he curled his delicate, red lips and replied softly,

"Lai En, hold on to me tightly."

Yu Chu froze for a moment before hastily clinging onto him with her arms and legs.

She wound her arms around the young man's neck. The little mermaid put an arm around her waist and smiled to himself.

He had gorgeous features and his billowing eyes were more dazzling than the sun. When he felt the young girl hugging him, his eyelashes, which were as thick as feathers, dropped. He had no idea why, but light happiness streaked across his heart.

He used a hand to hold the girl while he used the other to lightly cut the surface of the water as he swam towards land.

More than twenty minutes later, the perilous situation finally came to an end. The dark clouds scattered slowly as the sun shone once more. The choppy waters became still again.

In no time, the two caught a glimpse of a ship.

The ship, which was entirely white, was cruising towards them. It produced long, deep lines in the water as it traveled. The white paint reflected the sunlight, making it glisten.

She saw many people dressed in medieval clothes, walking around on the ship. It seemed lively and crowded.

Yu Chu, who was aware of the original plot, knew that the prince had mistaken his benefactor to be a princess. In that case, wouldn't it…

There was a strange expression on Yu Chu's face.

In the original story, the proprietor's future wife was on that ship.

She was practically trembling as she gripped the young man's neck tightly. The proprietor's wish was to break free from the marriage in the original story. Even if the proprietor were willing, she herself had no wish to marry a girl.

The youth's pleasant and clear voice rang above her head.

"Lai En, you are in luck. Can I leave you here? They will save you."

An Moer glanced casually at the ship when suddenly he felt the girl tighten her grip on him.

He paused subtly, before lowering his head to reveal an innocent and adorable smile.

"What is wrong, Lai En?"

Yu Chu pondered for a moment before she whispered, "Sorry, but can you…"

"I can't. Lai En, you're very heavy. I can't carry you any longer."