
Sweet Torment

Tezznin Empusa, an ordinary girl finds herself associated with a creature of the night. He is trapped and cursed for his evil deeds, yearning desperately for salvation. She struggles to make meaning of the boy, his purpose and existence for he only comes to her at night. He is finally free but he continues along the same path for which he was trapped in the first place. However, his quest wavers this time at the existence of the girl he loves dearly, but darkness only consumes him more when he realizes that the girl he loved dearly now had no memory of him. We soon find that the boy was never the bridge of destruction but the bridge of peace amongst all the realms . It was evident that a prophecy foretold against his life was told the wrong way, but where was he to fulfill the promise foretold against his life, when for the only woman he loved, has met a tragic end?

khatniss_xl · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Creatures of the night

Six Nights after….

"Tezznin." The familiar deep voice of Heracles called from the left corner of her room. She turned from the window towards the sound of his voice and said nothing with arms folded.

"I hope we can talk now?" The man walked closer to her but something about her silence was very disturbing to him. "Is something the matter?" He inched closer and held her by her shoulders. A frown soon formed on his face when a tear trickled down the girl's eye. "Tezznin what happened? Why are you crying?"

Silence was all that filled the room while she stretched out her fist and released it, revealing something that drained the blood from the man's face. He staggered back a few inches in shock. The stone of the necklace she had cracked in two with it usual glow dimmed to black. Silence was all that echoed in the room for a long time as Heracles kept pacing back and forth in the room and murmuring in between. After what seemed like forever, he stopped and held the girl by the shoulders gently.

"Tell me what happened." He asked. Tezznin's lips parted and shook her head as though unsure what to say.

"I don't know. I woke up and it was like this. Does this mean we won't be able to bring Eliot back?" Worry shone bright on the girl's face. The sullen look on the man's face speaking silently of his doubts.

"The stone is the only thing that kept him somewhere between this realm and the spirit realm. Now that it's broken it means we will have to save him from the spirit realm itself, but I've never heard of this before. It's almost next to impossible."

"Oh no. So what are going to do now?" She neared the man. "If the stone kept Eliot here and that realm, them does that mean he's now fully a spirit? And if he's one now, doesn't that mean he's...he's..."

"He's not dead not." Heracles cut her off. "The spell was to only trap him in the stone and keep him there till the awaited day."

"The first time you came here, you said you knew a way to save him. How?"

"Lord Asmodeus had found an old dark fae who knew a dark spell to unlock the boy but we needed your blood and the stone to complete it."

"Wait a minute. How am I in possession of the necklace in the first place and how did you know Eliot revealed himself to me?"

Heracles sighed. "Tezznin." He began. "You see...the necklace was actually given to you on purpose. Lord Asmodeus as part of his abilities sometimes receives visions of the future. It is quite unfortunate he didn't receive one to save Eliot. The thing is after Eliot was trapped, Lord Asmodeus had an encounter with your mother and upon meeting her, he received a vision. He saw you free the boy. So Lord Asmodeus made sure I kept watch of your mother. The lord had assigned me to leave the necklace in your father's jewelry shop hoping he would gift it to you for your birthday. We knew he was in contact with you because Lord Asmodeus received another vision but it is one of which he refuses to tell me about. He asked that I contact you when he deemed the time to be right. That also explains why it took us two years to reach you." Heracles explained while walking to the window and starred at the full moon. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Tezznin starred at it as well and a smile graced her face. "I don't know why but the night always reminds me of him."

"That's because we're creatures of the night."