
Sweet Captive; The Monster Comes

Her tears were like poetry to him, and every inch of him loved it when she gaze up at him in fear. He held her captive but his delusions held him captive. He wanted her love so badly but he would be the last person she would ever fall for. Arette was just a normal college student until she stumbled upon Dominic Ferrari, a businessman known for his philanthropy but hiding a far darker side. Suddenly, Arette found herself a prisoner in Dominic's mansion, teetering on the edge of death due to his episodes of multiple personality disorder. Dominic grew obsessed with Arette because her voice resembled that of his deceased mother. Yet, the more he saw Arette, the more he became captivated by her for who she truly was, deepening his obsession. Arette vowed to escape the prison Dominic had meticulously created for her. However, as she uncovered hidden secrets that could profoundly alter her life, she began to question whether she should stay or leave.

Cratimy · Urban
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129 Chs

008 - Your life is meaningless without me, you are nothing without my love.

They were compelled into a black van and transported to a warehouse, the interior of which appeared at least a hundred times more luxurious than its exterior. Upon arrival, they were escorted to the second floor, where they encountered Dominic Ferrari. He was dressed in a tuxedo, seated with his legs crossed, waiting for them to join him.

Dami and Garette stood frozen with fear as Dominic greeted them, his voice all calm but scary. "Damilola Washington, Garette Choi," he addressed them, his voice commanding attention.

Then Matthew opened a suitcase full of shiny gold and put it on the table, showing off Dominic's power. Dominic didn't say a word, just told them to take the gold, making it clear they couldn't argue with him.

"You need to stop going to the police about Arette," Dominic's voice was firm, his eyes locked on theirs with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. "Arette is with me, safe and sound. But that will only remain true if you withdraw the report."

They knew they were being given an ultimatum – their silence in exchange for Arette's safety, and perhaps their own.

Fear gripped them as they grappled with the impossible choice before them. But as they looked into Dominic's steely gaze, they knew they were facing a foe who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

Dami's mind raced as she assessed the situation, drawing on her training from the police academy. Despite the fear gripping her, she remained composed, her voice steady as she addressed Dominic.

"Chairman Ferrari, we appreciate your offer," Dami began, her tone measured, "but keeping Arette captive is not right and we want her back."

Garette nodded in agreement, his expression determined despite the fear flickering in his eyes. "Give me my sister back and we will stop, if not, the whole world will know what happened."

Dominic's facade remained unchanged, his expression unreadable as he regarded them both. "You're both playing a dangerous game," he warned, his voice cold and calculating. "But if you insist on continuing down this path, don't say I didn't warn you."

Dami's words hung in the air, a declaration of their unwavering determination in the face of Dominic Ferrari's intimidation tactics. "We won't be intimidated, Chairman Ferrari. We don't want money or gold. We want Arette, and we'll do whatever it takes to bring her home."

Dominic's expression remained impassive, but there was a glimmer of respect in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgment. His men swiftly retrieved the suitcase of gold, the tangible symbol of his power and influence, and prepared to depart.

"I heard you, I'll send Arette's dead body back to you," But just as Dominic began to turn away, Garette's voice trembled with desperation as he stepped forward, his hands raised in a plea. "Please, Chairman Ferrari," he begged, his voice choked with emotion, "spare my sister. We'll do anything you ask, just don't hurt."

"That is what you should've said first," he replied coolly, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With that, Dominic and his men disappeared into the night, leaving Dami and Garette alone with their tumultuous thoughts and the haunting uncertainty of Arette's fate.

Dominic's footsteps echoed through the silent halls of his mansion as he made his way to Arette's room. It had been two days since he last saw her, since he had choked her to the brink of unconsciousness. Yet, despite the passage of time, his obsession with her had only grown stronger.

As he pushed open the door to her room, his breath caught in his throat at the sight before him. There she was, seated gracefully on her bed, her presence captivating him in a way that defied explanation.

Dominic couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his heart pounding with a mixture of desire and possessiveness. She was his, in body and in spirit, and he would stop at nothing to keep her by his side.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Dominic stepped closer to Arette, his obsession consuming him like a flame devouring dry tinder. She was his ultimate prize, his forbidden obsession, and he would do whatever it took to possess her completely.

As Arette's gaze met Dominic's, her expression shifted from calm to one of fear and apprehension. Dominic couldn't help but notice the sudden change in her demeanour, a pang of guilt tugging at his conscience.

Closing the distance between them, Dominic approached Arette with a measured pace, his hands raised in a gesture of reassurance. "I won't hurt you, Arette," he murmured softly, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity amidst the shadows of his intentions.

Arette's eyes darted nervously as she listened to his words, her body tense with apprehension. Dominic could sense her fear, her vulnerability stirring something within him that he struggled to suppress.

"I met with your best friend and brother," Dominic revealed, his tone betraying no hint of remorse. "They're worried about you, Arette. But there's no need for concern. You're safe here with me."

Despite his attempts to soothe her fears, Dominic couldn't shake the unsettling realization that Arette's presence in his mansion was not one of choice, but of coercion. And as he looked into her eyes, he couldn't help but wonder if she would ever truly be safe in his presence.

Dominic's words hung heavy in the air, casting a chilling pall over the room. "And I'm jealous that you have a family like that. They care about you deeply but if they don't stop involving the authorities, I might have to end their lives."

Arette's heart hammered in her chest at Dominic's ominous threat, her fear palpable as she pleaded with him to spare her loved ones. "Please, Chairman Ferrari," she begged, her voice trembling with desperation, "don't hurt Garette and Dami. They're innocent."

To her surprise, Dominic's expression softened slightly at her plea. "I have no intention of hurting them, Arette," he confessed, his tone surprisingly gentle. "I just wanted to scare them a bit, make them realize the consequences of meddling in our affairs."

Relief flooded through Arette as she processed Dominic's words, a weight lifting from her shoulders.

"And oh, I have an exciting news for you. I'll permit you to go to your performance at Evermore. I'll hire a vocal teacher for you here at home so you can sing to your heart's content," Dominic announced, his tone surprisingly gentle.

A smile tugged at Arette's lips as she processed his words, the prospect of being able to pursue her passion for singing filling her with joy. But beneath the surface, a nagging sense of unease lingered. She couldn't shake the feeling that Dominic's intentions were far from good.

"Thank you," she replied cautiously, her eyes searching for any hint of his true intentions. "But why? Why are you doing this to me? Why? You could've just let me go, WHY ARE YOU KEEPING ME HERE!" Arette's words cut through the air like a knife, her anger boiling over as she confronted Dominic about his motives.

Arette's outburst caught Dominic off guard, his demeanor shifting in an instant as his multiple personality disorder took hold. The softness that had briefly touched his expression vanished, replaced by a dangerous edge.

With a sudden burst of rage, Dominic grabbed Arette's hair, his grip tight and yanked her closer to him. "How dare you yell at me," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "You will never speak to me like that again, do you understand?"

Arette winced in pain, her fear palpable as she nodded frantically, tears stinging her eyes.

"Didn't I tell you, you were mine all along?" Dominic's voice thundered through the room, his anger boiling over. "I've just been letting you roam around, do you need me to spell it out for you again?"

Arette's heart sank as Dominic's words pierced through her like daggers. She begged for forgiveness, her tears flowing uncontrollably as she trembled before him.

But Dominic's rage showed no signs of abating as he towered over her, his voice laced with contempt. "Your life is meaningless without me," he spat, his words like poison. "You are nothing without my love."