
Sweet Captive; The Monster Comes

Her tears were like poetry to him, and every inch of him loved it when she gaze up at him in fear. He held her captive but his delusions held him captive. He wanted her love so badly but he would be the last person she would ever fall for. Arette was just a normal college student until she stumbled upon Dominic Ferrari, a businessman known for his philanthropy but hiding a far darker side. Suddenly, Arette found herself a prisoner in Dominic's mansion, teetering on the edge of death due to his episodes of multiple personality disorder. Dominic grew obsessed with Arette because her voice resembled that of his deceased mother. Yet, the more he saw Arette, the more he became captivated by her for who she truly was, deepening his obsession. Arette vowed to escape the prison Dominic had meticulously created for her. However, as she uncovered hidden secrets that could profoundly alter her life, she began to question whether she should stay or leave.

Cratimy · Urban
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125 Chs

007 - Nice boobs.

Arette gulped nervously, instinctively wrapping her arms around her chest to shield her exposed breast. "Remove your hands," Dominic ordered, leaving Arette no option but to comply.

Dominic's demeanor shifted drastically. Gone was the smile and concern; instead, he appeared visibly angry as he applied the patches to her back.

"Nice boobs," he remarked with a compliment before abruptly leaving.

Arette quickly retrieved her top, hastily putting it back on. She let out a sigh as she leaned against the bubblegum pink velvet headboard, staring into space. Thoughts raced through her mind about Dominic Ferrari's intentions, questioning whether he truly believed she was the love of his life and why he had nearly choked her to the brink of unconsciousness.

She pondered whether she would ever return to Evermore and resume her studies, and if she would ever be able to sing.

These thoughts brought tears to her eyes, and she made no effort to hold them back. Her family and her music were her reasons for needing to return home.

Imagining how her life might have unfolded if she hadn't been abducted, Arette imagined herself getting wildly drunk at the club and suffering from a hangover the next day.

She pictured Garette hurling insults at her while she yelled back at him for being too harsh for someone his age. Her parents would likely scold her for drinking too much.

As she daydreamed about happier moments, she drifted into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Dominic received an unexpected phone call from his sister, whom he hadn't heard from in over five years.

"Dominique," he chided, "Isn't it considered rude to call someone in the middle of the night?"

"I'm Dominique, I can call anyone whenever I please, including you," Dominique retorted confidently over the phone. She was the only person who didn't hold Dominic in high regard; he wasn't anything special to her.

Dominic sighed. "How have you been?" he inquired. Whether or not he was concerned about Dominique was unclear, but she was the only person he considered family.

"Forget about me, how have you been? And what's with these news I'm seeing about you and MY DRUGS? I thought you'd be more competent than this, Domi," Dominique remarked boldly, knowing Dominic couldn't touch her even if he wanted to.

"Are you out of your mind? How dare you call me incompetent! You could've run your drug business by yourself, but you dragged me into it because you knew I was competent," Dominic shot back.



The Ferrari siblings were eerily similar, perhaps because they were twins. However, there was a subtle distinction between them; while both exhibited some form of mental illness, Dominique was far more intimidating, unpredictable, and dangerous than Dominic.

"SHUT UP!" Dominique's yell echoed through the phone, followed by a brief silence before she spoke again, her tone somber. "Mother's death anniversary is approaching. You haven't forgotten, have you?" Dominique's voice softened as she mentioned their mother.

"Of course not. We'll meet at her grave as usual," Dominic muttered before ending the call.

Two days later.

Dami's heart pounded with anticipation when she and Garette received the call from the police regarding the missing person report they had filed for Arette. Hope swelled within them, desperately wishing that this would bring them closer to locating her.

Rushing to the police station, their steps quickened with anticipation, their minds racing with possibilities. Perhaps they had finally uncovered a lead, a clue to Arette's whereabouts.

"Thank you both for coming in. We have an update on Arette's case," they were greeted upon arrival. However, as they entered the station and were led into a small interrogation room, their hope began to falter.

"Please, tell us you've found something. Anything that could lead us to her," Dami pleaded, her heart sinking at the somber expressions on the officers' faces, signaling that this meeting wouldn't bring the resolution they desperately sought.

With a heavy heart, the officer began to speak, revealing the grim reality of Arette's disappearance. "We've made some connections regarding Arette's disappearance. It seems she may have been targeted by Dominic Ferrari."

"We found evidence linking him to the case. He was captured on CCTV leaving the club around the time Arette vanished. And the initials 'DF' from the stalker letters match his name," Their worst fears were confirmed as they learned that Dominic Ferrari, a prominent figure in their community, had been implicated in Arette's disappearance.

"Dominic Ferrari? That's impossible. Why would he go after my sister?" The realization that someone as influential as Dominic Ferrari could be implicated in Arette's disappearance sent shivers down their spines.

"Oh no... This can't be happening," Dami muttered in fear.

"We're continuing our investigation, but it's possible Ferrari ordered his men to abduct Arette," the officer explained, recounting the evidence linking Ferrari to the case – his presence at the club around the time Arette vanished, along with the ominous letters sent to her. Dami and Garette felt a sense of dread wash over them.

"What do we do now? How do we find her?" Garette asked, his voice trembling with worry.

"First, we need to know if you want to file a case against Dominic Ferrari. It won't be easy, but we can try," the officer queried, but Dami and Garette remained silent, exchanging uncertain glances.

Aware of the immense risks involved in challenging someone as powerful as Dominic Ferrari, they deliberated over their options. Were they truly prepared to pursue legal action against him?

Dami, her voice trembling with apprehension, turned to the police officer and responded, "Thank you for informing us. We need some time to consider our next steps. We'll get back to you with our decision."

As they left the police station, Dami and Garette felt a heavy weight on their hearts, filled with worry about Dominic Ferrari's potential retaliation. The thought of facing such a powerful and dangerous figure left them feeling uncertain about what to do next.

As they walked home, they couldn't shake off the seriousness of their situation. They knew that challenging Ferrari came with significant risks, but they couldn't bear the idea of leaving Arette's fate in his hands.

Their conversation was abruptly cut short when they turned a corner and came face to face with a group of men blocking their path. Dami's heart raced as she exchanged a panicked look with Garette. They realized they were outnumbered and trapped, with no clear way out.

They were compelled into a black van and transported to a warehouse, the interior of which appeared at least a hundred times more luxurious than its exterior. Upon arrival, they were escorted to the second floor, where they encountered Dominic Ferrari. He was dressed in a tuxedo, seated with his legs crossed, waiting for them to join him.