
Sweet Cafe

The Su Family is one of the affluent family in the country. Evan Su is the current head of Su Corporation and married to a genius and extraordinary woman Daniella Chen. Their love and trust for each other make everyone in their inner circle to feel jealous. Having tremendous wealth, admiration from their circle and, intelligent children. A lot of people wished to have their life. But their children's way of living is way too much to handle. Ethan, Leo, and Alexandria are triplets. Since they were kids, they were taught to love and protect each other. But, the triplets seem to have misunderstood their mother's words since they have done nothing but trouble. And the youngest member of Su, Louisa. A girl who doesn't want to speak and interact with people. She hides her face with her long bangs, plays with human's skeleton and has organs as her toy, Louisa is a weird kid. No one wants to be her friend, and she doesn't mind it. On the triplet's 16th birthday, a day which they supposed to celebrate with their family and friends was interrupted when Ethan gave his siblings explosives gift. Standing by the end of the stairs, Alexa and Leo stared at each other. Their hands slowly moved to open the gift Ethan gave. In the background, they could hear Ethan's voice shouting, 'Not Now idiots!' A loud explosion, blue smoke, guest screaming and panicking. The triplet's party has turned into a disaster. Their parents had no other option than to cancel the party. Hours after the explosion, their mother announced that they will be moving. Living on a budget, having to work in the coffee shop their parents started, transferring to a mid-class school. The triplets realized the weight of their action. "None of us will have access to your father's money until I say so. No one will ask for your uncle's help. We will live a simple life where you need to clean, and cook for yourself, which means there will be no maids." Everyone in the basement was shocked except Evan. The triplets looked at each other while Louisa started writing on her tablet. "Mom, what do you mean by no maid? Who will cook my bacon?" Alexa spoke in horror after hearing the news. The triplets, Louisa and their parents will move to a province and start a new simple life. But not only that, their cousin Selena Su, will also be living with them.

SarahAtici · General
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190 Chs

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

When Selena's feet entered the party room, her eyes saw how lavish the party was. There were only a few round tables with white cover around, despite how huge the room was. A soft melody was playing in the background, setting everyone in a romantic mood. Most of the people are paired, they were some kids sitting obediently at the table, while their parents are busy chattering with another couple.

Selena caught Alejandro with the same woman by his side earlier walking towards the table next to the small stage. When the two reached the table, a woman who looked so elegant in her white dress stood up and hugged Alejandro.

Selena tightened her grip on Killian's arm, she's somehow anxious to be on the ship.

Party was once part of her life. Every week, her family would receive an invitation, let it be for someone's anniversary, birthday or funeral.

Being surrounded by strangers was not a problem to her but, right now, she felt a strong hand gripping her throat, making her feel uncomfortable and suffocated.

Her body started to shiver; her skin crawls every time the cold breeze from the ocean touches her skin.

"Are you alright?" Killian's voice rang to her ears, she shook her head while her face paled.

"Do you have seasick?" he worriedly asked. One hand was caressing her back, soothing her.

To excuse herself, Selena nodded.

"Ok, let me bring you to my cabin. You can rest for a while. The ship has sailed so we can't leave," she still could hear the concern in his voice. She didn't bother to look at him, she just held his arm tightly as he escorted her out of the party room.

They stopped in front of the closed cabin door, Killian opened it with the help of the ship crew and handed the key to her.

Killian helped her to sit on the end of the bed. He sat next to her and, worriedly look at her face.

Killian sighed; he didn't know that Selena had this condition. If he only knew, he would have brought her to a normal restaurant.

He gently caressed her back, feeling guilty with her situation.

"I think there's a medicine in the bathroom. I will check it, why don't you lay down."

He was really concerned with her health but, Selena might have misinterpreted his concern.

The girl was glaring at him like she wanted to throw him out of the ship.

He lifted both of his hand in the air and laughed.

"Don't worry honey. I won't ask anything from you."

Then he walked towards the door where he believed to be the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Selena was relieved to know that Killian won't do anything to her but, just to be careful, she took the small sphere-shaped smoke bomb Ethan gave her earlier. Seems like Ethan was the only person in their house who was worried about her being around Killian.

She removed her shoes and lay on the bed. She covered her body with a blanket – up to her shoulder just to make sure Killian won't have any dirty thought about her body.

When Killian came back, he had a medicine box in his hand while the other was holding a bottle of water he got from the table.

He sat on the bed and opened the water, with one hand, he assisted Selena to raise her head. After Selena swallowed the medicine, she laid back on the bed and looked at him gratefully.

"Thanks, Killian,' she faintly said.

Killian gave her a genuine smile; one hand went to her face and removed a strand of hair covering her eyes.

"Do you hate ocean?" he asked in a soft tone, there was not a tease, unlike the tone he usually used.

"No, but I guess I am not really feeling well today."

"Is that so, I want to make sure that you are alright so I will get someone to check on you. Don't worry, this ship is full of doctors. I will be back."

Killian got up and, wrap the suit coat he removed earlier. Before walking away, he caressed her forehead to check if she has a fever.

Killian left the room, as he walked along the hallway, his mind was somewhere else.

Yesterday, before he delivered the dress to Selena's room. He found Daniella and her husband looking at the laptop. He secretly peeked on it and saw them watching a video of Selena and Alejandro in the kitchen. The two were acting so sweet with each other that anyone could tell that they were in a relationship.

He had finally reached the room where the party was being held when his mind decided to do something for Selena. It might be small but, he saw the pain shone in her eyes and heard the disappointment in her voice after knowing that Alejandro and Tiffany are still engaged.

He knows himself that his mother held this party to create connections as well as to cancel the engagement.

Since the room was full of doctors, Killian went to his most trusted doctor and asked to check on Selena.

After Killian left, Selena sat on the bed. She hid the smoke bomb under her pillow and removed the blanket on her body.

She sighed and looked at the window, there was just the ocean with the reflection of the sky. Now, being alone in the room has made her feel lonely, she bit her lower lips as she remembered her situation.

Her mother is dead, while her father is in France with his wife. She doesn't have siblings and not even a boyfriend. At times like this, she suddenly missed Barney. Whenever Barney is around, she never felt alone and a smile was always on her lips.

The door opening has made her look at its direction. Her eyes- which have been slightly wet from the tears she was holding, swelled.

"Alejandro" she whispered underneath her breath.

She gulped hard, uncertain by the sight. She was expecting Killian with a doctor but, instead, Alejandro came and he was alone.

Before she could ask him a question, Alejandro has sat down on the bed next to her and took her hands.

His face was full of concern, eyes were staring straight at her.

"Killian said you were feeling ill. What's wrong?" even though Alejandro spoke in the same tone Killian had earlier, Selena felt her heart pulverized by his deep concern voice.

Instead of answering his question, Selena pulled her hands from his grip and avoided his eyes.

"You need to leave Alejandro. I don't want to make a fuss if someone finds you here alone with me."

"What do you mean?"

Selena scoffed by his answer, she could still hear his voice from yesterday telling her that the engagement was canceled.

"Why did you tell me that your engagement was canceled when it's not? Why? What do you think of me?" her voice broke down when she said those words, she sniffed to fight her tears from running down.

She was looking at the painting on the wall, she didn't want to look at him, afraid that her tears might reveal her feeling towards him.

(So, I do like him) she laughed at herself in her mind. That was it, she had finally admitted to herself that she likes him and yet he just wants to play with her.

A firm arm suddenly wrapped around her waist, pulling her body closer at him. Before Selena could react, her nose has sniffed the manly scent on his clothes, her face was buried on his chest while his hands were wrapped around her waist – hugging her tightly.

She called out his name with confusion but, Alejandro didn't pull himself. He stayed hugging her while her arms were on her side, unsure whether to hug him or not.

Then, Alejandro gave her space, still close enough for her to feel his skin.

His hand went to her chin and slightly raised it; deep black eyes were seriously staring into her confused eyes.

"Selena I really want to confess yesterday but I can't, not until the engagement is canceled officially," his whimsical voice rang to her ears, she understands every word he had just said but, her brain could not process it.

"And now that it does, I want to tell you that I like you. I like you a lot. So, I hope you can give me a chance."

Alejandro waited for Selena to reply but the girl has turned into a statue with her lips slightly parted.

He gently caressed her chin, hoping for her reply but she stayed staring at him.

"Selena?" he called out her name.

"You – like me?" Selena said with surprise, those words barely came out of her mouth.

When Alejandro nodded, Selena lowered her eyes to her legs. Secretly, she bit on her lower lips, preventing herself from smiling.

"Ok," she casually said but deep inside, her heart raced abnormally.


Selena raised her head and look into Alejandro's eyes.

"Yes," she shyly said.

"So, what? are you like my girlfriend now?"

Selena's eyes swelled by his words. She placed a hand on his chest when he tried to hug her once again.

"Wait! Alejandro. Not so fast! I think we need to take it slow, right?" her voice was strained with panic as she tried to stop him from hugging her.

Alejandro nodded while his lips were slowly stretching in a smile. When she thought she had convinced him, Alejandro still continued and embraced her.

She sighed and hugged him back, with her face buried in his chest, her lips curve up a smile.

HI Everyone!

Thank you so much for waiting. The title of this chapter doesn't have any connection to the story. I am just following the title list of Taylor's album.

So, again, thank you so much for voting, and supporting this novel.

I hope you enjoy the mini release today!

Happy Monday.

Sarah A.

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